Hammer Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hammer" Showing 1-30 of 38
Abraham H. Maslow
“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”
Abraham Maslow, Toward a Psychology of Being

Nicholas Eames
“Clay pushed his body off him and mumbled another apology - because, enemy or not, when you hit a man in the nuts with a magic hammer the least you could say was sorry.”
Nicholas Eames, Kings of the Wyld

Ben Galley
“You can't hammer in a nail with words..."
"No, but you can start a war with them.”
Ben Galley, The Written

Sri Aurobindo
“Pain is the hammer of the Gods to break a dead resistance in the mortal's heart”
Sri Aurobindo, Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol

Kamand Kojouri
“He tried to measure his day
by tallying the hours on his wrist.
I wiped it off and called him a prisoner.
He placed the hours on a scale
with hours from former days to compare.
I took a hammer and broke it all.
He bent down and picked up the
shards of minutes first
then swept the seconds.
I told him he’d missed a spot;
there were some sparkling specks left.
'What are they?' he asked.
'Those are moments,' I said.
'What are they made of?' he asked.
They are times, I thought, when you win a race
or win a heart.
They are times when you give birth
or lay something, someone to rest.
When you wake up in the morning
with a smile because anything is possible.
When someone compliments the thing
you hate most about yourself.
Times when you are embarrassed.
Times when you are hurtful.
Times when you relish in a hearty meal.
Times when you service others and
are content with a well-spent day.
'What are they made of?' he asked again.
'They are made up of times when we are fully present.'
I picked up one of the specks with the tip
of my finger.
'Do you remember this?' I asked.
'Of course,' he said, 'I was whistling in the kitchen
that morning.'
'Why?' I asked.
'Because of the knowledge
that I was loved.”
Kamand Kojouri

Terry Pratchett
“Silence fell like a hammer made of feathers. It left holes in the shape of the sound of the sea.”
Terry Pratchett, Nation

Ryan Lilly
“A hammer made of deadlines is the surest tool for crushing writer's block.”
Ryan Lilly

Orson Scott Card
“To a man with only a hammer, a screw is a defective nail.”
Orson Scott Card, Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Twentieth Century

Christina Engela
“You are strong, tempered like steel in the fire and by the blows of the hammer of life. Nothing will break you again, only make you stronger and more whole. Perfection is the pride of those who have not lived, who know not these things in their arrogance. They remain the same - raw and without form. The hammer never touches them, and they lie on the shelf, gathering dust, slowly tarnishing and fading and crumbling. the blows of the hammer in the fire refine us into bright shining glory for the roles we play in life - until we are one with the anvil, becoming immune to the hammer's little knocks, and smile at it.”
Christina Engela, Demonspawn

Nicholas Eames
“He considered going for his hammer, which lay just out of reach, or maybe diving for Ganelon instead, since waking the warrior was probably his best hope of survival.”
Nicholas Eames, Kings of the Wyld

James S.A. Corey
“When you got a nail to drive, use the fucking hammer.”
James S.A. Corey, Babylon’s Ashes

Neil Gaiman
“He fumbled around with his eyes closed. He groped about, reaching for the comfortable and familiar shaft of his hammer.”
Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology
tags: hammer

Jodi Picoult
“Kiedy nie ma się nic oprócz młotka, wszystko wygląda jak gwóźdź.”
Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper

George R.R. Martin
“Drink won his sword, meet with my hammer. That's more than my demon can object.”
George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons

Merrie Haskell
“The magical force that had sundered everything in the castle had occasionally made some very odd choices in its destruction—Sand found a hammer that had been broken only at the wooden handle and not any of the metal parts, and another hammer whose handle was whole while the metal was broken.”
Merrie Haskell, The Castle Behind Thorns

Vera Caspary
“The skeleton in my closet carries a hammer and sickle.”
Vera Caspary

George R.R. Martin
“When the hammer shall fall upon the dragon, a new king shall arise, and none shall stand before him.”
George R.R. Martin

Adolf Hitler
“Whoever will not be a hammer in history, will be an anvil.”
Adolf Hitler

Enock Maregesi
“Ngumi ya Ambilikile ilitua barabara katika kichwa cha Brookshield na kuleta madhara makubwa. Sehemu moja ya kichwa, cha Brookshield, ilibonyea kabisa! Kimya kilichotawala kiliwasisimua mashabiki. Walipovamia ulingo, kushuhudia kisichoweza kufikirika, walitoka pale wakiwa na hakika ya asilimia 100; kwamba John alikuwa na nyundo (au chuma chochote) katika mfuko wake wa bukta – aliyoitoa (harakaharaka), wakidhani ni mtindo wa kipigo, na kumpondea mwenzake kichwani! Ile haikuwa nyundo. Wala haukuwa uchawi. Ilikuwa ngumi, imara, ya uzito wa kilo 90; uzito wote wa John Ambilikile.”
Enock Maregesi, Kolonia Santita

Emma Winters
“- 'I just... I was thinking of Achilles. It's our anniversarý tomorrow, and I'd really like to get him a present. Maybe I could sneak out tonight and be back in time for... for Patrick's visit tomorrow.'
- 'Ohh, what are you going to get him?'
Hell. This was torture in itself.
- 'A new hammer. One with my name engraved on the side.' - Sure. why not?
She sighed happily.
- 'That's a cute idea!”
Emma Winters, Equal Parts

Christina Engela
“The Hammer was a hard man, a smart man too, and he took pride in always having a plan ‘b’. For those troubling occasions when plan ‘b’ didn’t work, he would strive to also have a plan ‘c’ in place. In short, he was the kind of man who always had something up his sleeve besides his funny bone. The pilot, his trusted second man gave him a worried look.
“What do we do now?”
Christina Engela, Dead Beckoning

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
“Henry...your father was a brave man."
He continued attacking the metal with a sledgehammer, brutally hacking at the anvil. She wasn't sure he had heard her. Then, he stopped short, the hammer hanging heavy in the air, the fire snapping in front of him.
"I was close enough to smell it," he seethed, not turning. "But I was afraid. I hid from it."
I didn't do anything.
"I should have done something."
"I should have saved him."
Valerie saw that he was destroying all of their half-finished projects. They would remain that way forever.
"I've lost someone, too, Henry—I know how it is. Please, come away from the fire."
He didn't.
"Henry, please."
One of the fiery specks spat out of the forge an landed on Henry's arm, searing his flesh. Punishing himself, he did not stop to remove it until finally, with one quick motion, he gestured violently towards the door, shaking it off.
"Valerie, leave," he snarled. "I don't want you to see me like this.”
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Red Riding Hood

Christina Engela
“Moments later, Sona Kilroy, heading for the open doorway, stepped over the sergeant’s body. With an old auto-rifle in his left hand and his favorite sword in the other, and the sharp melodic din of bolts and bullets ringing in his ears, ‘the Hammer’ grinned an evil grin to himself, well pleased. He wished he could’ve seen the look on the face of Indomitable’s captain when he realized the tables had just been turned on him! The thought amused him. It was bloody hilarious. He cackled, reveling in this complete reversal of fortune. Then he stalked onward with conviction, a grim smile on his lips – intent on taking the ship for himself.

* * *”
Christina Engela, Dead Beckoning

Meg Cabot
“It was OK. Except for the whole no-bathroom thing. And the part where I kept hitting myself in the thumb with a hammer."
- Mia Thermopolis (The Atom, School Newspaper)”
Meg Cabot

“Now with the growing technology people prefer to go wireless as it is way more convenient and easier to use.
The headphone market took another rise with the introduction of the wireless headphone. The wireless Headphones are convenient and because consumers are preferring wireless over wired, many headphone manufacturers are ditching the 3.5mm headphone jack, and now wireless is the way to go.
Hammer specializes in making quality products at affordable prices.
The most recommended Hammer headphone is the ‘Hammer Bash’. This headphone has all the features that a high-end headphone has and plus it is wireless. You can get Hammer wireless Bluetooth headphones just under Rs 2000.
Hammer has a range of in-ear and over-ear headphones that you can check out at its website.”

“So the hammers of infidels have been pecking away at this book for ages, but the hammers are worn out, and the anvil still endures. If this book had not been the book of God, men would have destroyed it long ago. Emperors and popes, kings and priests, princes and rulers have all tried their hand at it; they die and the book still lives.”
Horace Lorenzo Hastings

“As we hammer to shod the mule's hooves
With a succinct kick, the equine reproves.”
R. N. Prasher

Rudolf Steiner
“To identify oneself with all beings does not mean that the body is to be despised. It must be borne as some exterior object, even as Christ bore His Cross. The Spirit must wield the body as the hand wields the hammer.”
Rudolf Steiner, Esoteric Cosmology

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