Grapes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "grapes" Showing 1-30 of 31
Rick Riordan
“Ceres wanted a united front in the plant war."
"The plant war," Percy said. "You're going to arm all the little grapes with tiny assault rifles?”
Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena

Marguerite de Navarre
“People pretend not to like grapes when the vines are too high for them to reach.”
Marguerite de Navarre

Thomas Love Peacock
“The juice of the grape is the liquid quintessence of concentrated sunbeams.”
Thomas Love Peacock, Melincourt; Or Sir Oran Hautton

Elinor Wylie
“The winter will be short, the summer long,
The autumn amber-hued, sunny and hot,
Tasting of cider and of scuppernong.”
Elinor Wylie, Nets To Catch The Wind

Sanober  Khan
“our feet
are grape-squashed in memories

our skins are still flushed
from the touch
of summer’s lips.”
Sanober Khan, A touch, a tear, a tempest

Frederick Weisel
“The sun had already set behind the mountains, and the sky had been drained of color. The trellises of sauvignon blanc flowed down the hill in even rows toward the valley floor. Whatever I was looking for, it wasn’t outside. As far as I could tell, the grapes were minding their own business.”
Frederick Weisel, Teller

Jared Brock
“The next morning we experienced our very first “full English breakfast,” which consisted of tea, orange juice, cookies, oatmeal, granola, berries, bananas, croissants, grapes, pineapples, prunes, yogurt, five kinds of cold cereal, eggs, hash browns, back bacon, sausage, smoked salmon, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, toast, butter, jam, jelly, and honey. I don’t know how the British do it.”
Jared Brock, A Year of Living Prayerfully

Munia Khan
“Seek more strength for weaker spine
No grape grows on sinner’s vine”
Munia Khan

Eden Phillpotts
“You are but a tiny cluster upon the vines of heaven, where the grapes are worlds; yet you hold the power to ripen your bitter berries and add to the eternal vintage of cosmic sweetness if so you will.”
Eden Phillpotts, Saurus

Pablo Neruda
“My love, suddenly
your hip
is the curve of the wineglass
filled to the brim,
your breast is the cluster,
your hair the light of alcohol,
your nipples, the grapes
your navel pure seal
stamped on your barrel of a belly,
and your love the cascade
of unquenchable wine,
the brightness that falls on my senses,
the earthen splendor of life.”
Pablo Neruda, The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems

Jarod Kintz
“When slightly open, a door is ajar, but when slightly open, is a jar adoor? That reminds me: Ducks have no hands, so you'll probably need to unscrew the jelly lid before you feed them their favorite grape format.”
Jarod Kintz, Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.

Will Self
“The postgrad at least knew enough to know that he would never know enough, lying under the stars which hung from the inky sky like bunches of inconceivably heavy, lustrous grapes, dusted with the yeast of eternity.”
Will Self

Gabriel García Márquez
“Each grape she pulled off grew back again on the cluster. In the dream it was evident that the girl had spent many years at that infinite window trying to finish the cluster, and was in no hurry to so because she knew that in the last grape lay death.”
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez, Of Love and Other Demons

Holly Black
“I spot the Roach and the Bomb, sitting in the shadows of the re-formed thrones. He is tossing grapes into her mouth and never missing, not once.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

Mary Ruefle
“I wonder will I
ever see a grape again? When I think of the vineyard
where we met in October—when you dropped a cluster
custom insisted you be kissed by a stranger—how after
the harvest we plunged into a stream so icy our palms
turned pink. It seemed our future was sealed.”
Mary Ruefle
tags: grapes

D.H. Lawrence
“Ours is the universe of the unfolded rose,
The explicit,
The candid revelation.”
D.H. Lawrence, The Complete Poems of D.H. Lawrence

Jesse Jackson
“If there are occasions when my grape turned into a raisin and my joy bell lost its resonance, please forgive me. Charge it to my head and not to my heart.”
Jesse Jackson

Lawrence Norfolk
“As he lifted the leather-bound cover, the musty smell of paper rose up. He turned the first mottled leaf and looked down at an elaborately drawn image. A brimming goblet was decorated with curling vines and bunches of grapes. But instead of wine or water, the cup was filled with words.
John stared at the alien symbols. He could not read. Around the goblet a strange garden grew. Honeycombs dripped and flowers like crocuses sprouted among thick-trunked trees. Vines draped themselves about their branches which bristled with leaves and bent under heavy bunches of fruit. In the far background John spied a roof with a tall chimney. His mother settled beside him.
'Palm trees...' she said. 'These are dates. Honey came from the hives and saffron came from these flowers. Grapes swelled on the vine...”
Lawrence Norfolk, John Saturnall's Feast

Jarod Kintz
“Wine enhances your beauty by making others look at you differently. Well, so long as they are the ones drinking it. If you come visit my duck farm, I have some old grapes I could serve you.”
Jarod Kintz, Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.

Giovanni Boccaccio
“<...> в Берлинцоне, в стране басков, в области, называемой Живи-лакомо, где виноградные лозы подвязывают сосисками, гусь идет за копейку, да еще с гусенком впридачу; есть там гора вся из тертого пармезана, на которой живут люди и ничем другим не занимаются, как только готовят макароны и клецки, варят их в отваре из каплунов и бросают вниз; кто больше поймает, у того больше и бывает; а поблизости течет поток из Верначчьо, лучшего вина еще никто не пивал, и нет в нем ни капли воды.("Декамерон", Дж. Бокаччо)”
Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron

Andrew Garve
“The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth have been set on edge.”
Andrew Garve, The Late Bill Smith

Nitya Prakash
“I think we all men are like fine wine. We start out as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the crap out of us until we are turned into something acceptable to have dinner with...”
Nitya Prakash

Soroosh Shahrivar
“From the Holy Grail
my lips, they lust a little more. Smoky grapes, Cabernet,
I sense a tug of war”
Soroosh Shahrivar, Letter 19

Crystal King
“I loved Vinalia. Every year Passia and I looked forward to the first feast of the three-day festival. Aelia would line up the servants on both sides of the long hallway leading from the front door through the atrium. Together Apicius, Apicata, and Aelia would walk the lines and place a grape on the tongue of each slave and say a blessing to the lady Venus. Then Apicius would have ten jars of his best Falernian wine brought up from the cellar and he would give them to his most loyal servants. I would make sweet curds and honey tarts for the whole household, slaves included, and we would read poetry and listen to music.”
Crystal King, Feast of Sorrow

Vera Caspary
“He came of a race of drinkers who look contemptuously upon an alcoholic content of twelve percent, unaware that the fermented grape works its enchantments more subtly than the distilled spirits of grain. I do not imply that he was drunk; let us say, rather, that the Tears of Christ opened his heart.”
Vera Caspary, Laura

Nitya Prakash
“Can't eat grapes without thinking about a fox.”
Nitya Prakash
tags: fox, grapes

Taylor Caldwell
dia, ele disse ao pequeno Marco que a semente da uva era a profecia da vinha,
das próprias uvas, e finalmente do vinho que daria prazer e alívio à alma,
inspirando-a com uma sabedoria além da que podería conhecer um homem
abstêmio e sóbrio.”
Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron

“The grape, of a variety known as sultanina, would ultimately grow best in the wet and temperate soil of California. America's region most climatically similar to the Mediterranean. Fairchild's sample from Italy was the Sultanina rosea seedless raisin grape, which was a stronger specimen than a green sultanina that had already made it to California as nursery stock. Regardless of who was first to lay eyes on the sultanina, the variety took little time to grow into the most popular grape in America, adored by winemakers, raisin producers, and people who ate grapes by the fistful.”
Daniel Stone, The Food Explorer: The True Adventures of the Globe-Trotting Botanist Who Transformed What America Eats

Stephanie Danler
“She cut me a piece of the cheese and handed it to me---"The Dorset," she said---and it tasted like butter but dirtier, and maybe like the chanterelles she kept touching. She handed me a grape and when I bit it I found the seeds with my tongue and moved them to the side, spit them into my hand. I saw purple vines fattening in the sun.
"It's like the seasons, but in my mouth," I said. She humored me. She cracked whole walnuts with a pair of silver nutcrackers. The skins on the nuts felt like gossamer wrappings.”
Stephanie Danler, Sweetbitter

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