Fasting Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fasting" Showing 1-30 of 221
John      Piper
“The greatest enemy of hunger for God is not poison but apple pie.
It is not the banquet of the wicked that dulls our appetite for
heaven, but endless nibbling at the table of the world. It is not
the X-rated video, but the prime-time dribble of triviality we
drink in every night.”
John Piper, A Hunger for God

Hermann Hesse
“Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goals, if
he is able to think, if he is able to wait, if he is able to fast.”
Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“If there is no element of asceticism in our lives, if we give free rein to the desires of the flesh (taking care of course to keep within the limits of what seems permissible to the world), we shall find it hard to train for the service of Christ. When the flesh is satisfied it is hard to pray with cheerfulness or to devote oneself to a life of service which calls for much self-renunciation.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship

Dan B. Allender
“Fasting from any nourishment, activity, involvement or pursuit—for any season—sets the stage for God to appear. Fasting is not a tool to pry wisdom out of God's hands or to force needed insight about a decision. Fasting is not a tool for gaining discipline or developing piety (whatever that might be). Instead, fasting is the bulimic act of ridding ourselves of our fullness to attune our senses to the mysteries that swirl in and around us."—Dan B. Allender, PhD”
Dan B. Allender, To Be Told: God Invites You to Coauthor Your Future

John Cassian
“Let us not believe that an external fast from visible food alone can possibly be sufficient for perfection of heart and purity of body unless with it there has also been united a fast of the soul. For the soul also has its foods that are harmful. Slander is its food and indeed one that is very dear to it. A burst of anger also supplies it with miserable food for an hour and destroys it as well with its deadly savor. Envy is food of the mind, corrupting it with its poisonous juices and never ceasing to make it wretched and miserable at the prosperity and success of another. Vanity is its food which gratifies the mind with a delicious meal for a time but afterward strips it clear and bare of all virtue. Then vanity dismisses it barren and void of all spiritual fruit. All lust and shift wanderings of heart are a sort of food for the soul, nourishing it on harmful meats but leaving it afterwards without a share of its heavenly bread and really solid food. If then, with all the powers we have, we abstain from these in a most holy fast our observance of the bodily fast will be both useful and profitable.”
John Cassian, Making Life a Prayer: Selected Writings

Selma Lagerlöf
“He needed so much to weep. All the distrust of life which misfortunes had brought to the little Värmland boy needed tears to wash it away. Distrust that love and joy, beauty and strength blossomed on the earth, distrust in himself, all must go, all did go, for it was Easter; the dead lived and the Spirit of Fasting would never again come into power.”
Selma Lagerlöf, Invisible Links

“. . .fasting gives me singularly happy afternoons.”
Adalbert De Vogue, AIMER LE JEÛNE

“Things changed when my phone outsmarted me. Once Facebook had a permanent place in my pocket, it became a permanent portal—able to transport me away from my family. Even if we were physically in the same room, I wasn’t necessarily there with them. Facebook was no longer simply a naptime vacation but an all-day form of escapism.”
Wendy Speake, The 40-Day Social Media Fast: Exchange Your Online Distractions for Real-Life Devotion

“When a person eats shortly before going to bed, digestion accompanies sleep. The two great physiological functions are completed together, leaving the maximum of freedom to the mind during the day.”
Adalbert De Vogue, AIMER LE JEÛNE

“In the afternoon the digestion of the meal deprives me of the incomparable lightness which characterizes the fast days.”
Adalbert De Vogue, AIMER LE JEÛNE

“One of my confreres sketched an explanation that attracted me: since the process of digestion is under the control of the brain, its cessation gave repose to the brain, allowed it a vacation.”
Adalbert De Vogue, AIMER LE JEÛNE

Martin Luther
“Jerome was a marvelous advocate of chastity: yet hear his confession: “O, how often have I thought myself to be in the midst of the vain delights and pleasures of Rome, even when I was in the wild wilderness.” Again, “I, who for fear of hell had condemned myself to such a prison, thought myself oftentimes to be dancing among young women, when I had no other company, but scorpions and wild beasts. My face was pale with fasting, but my mind was inflamed with desires in my cold body: and although my flesh was half-dead already, yet the flames of fleshly lust, boiled within me, etc.”
Martin Luther, Commentary on Galatians

“Instead of destroying and appropriating to himself nourishment taken from outside, man enters a state of nonviolence and detachment relative to the outside world.”
Adalbert De Vogue, AIMER LE JEÛNE

“Eating three times a day means takingon, almost without respite, the work of assimilation.”
Adalbert De Vogue, AIMER LE JEÛNE

“The discrepancy between the modern observance and the prescriptions of the Rule had struck me ever since the novitiate, and no satisfactory explanation had ever been given to me. People said that man had changed: the weakness of people's health no longer allows us to fast. Was it true?”
Adalbert De Vogue, AIMER LE JEÛNE

“When I walk in the forest just before the meal, while reciting the scriptural phrase that I "meditate" for that day, spiritual joy comes over me as if by appointment.”
Adalbert De Vogue, AIMER LE JEÛNE

“I believe that controlling the desire to relish tasty food and tolerating hunger is a basic requirement if one wants to tread the path of enlightenment. Hunger is the most primal, most basic urge. The first thing newborns of every species come to know is hunger. It is hunger that drives human beings to do great stuff, and it is the very same hunger that drives them to do the unthinkable.”
Abhaidev, Anant

“A combination of intermittent fasting and exercise provides a stronger autophagic effect, tapping into body fat for energy and supporting prolonged gym sessions.”
Malcolm Cesar, Autophagy: Simple Techniques to Activate Your Bodies’ Hidden Health Mechanism to Promote Longevity, Optimal Cellular Renewal, Detox, and Strength for a Happy Life

“With intermittent fasting and resistance training, a patient can stimulate MTOR and autophagy as well.”
Malcolm Cesar, Autophagy: Simple Techniques to Activate Your Bodies’ Hidden Health Mechanism to Promote Longevity, Optimal Cellular Renewal, Detox, and Strength for a Happy Life

“High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an ideal way to activate autophagy, as it responds to stress and provides a good-stress state that strengthens muscles without health risks.”
Malcolm Cesar, Autophagy: Simple Techniques to Activate Your Bodies’ Hidden Health Mechanism to Promote Longevity, Optimal Cellular Renewal, Detox, and Strength for a Happy Life

“A HIIT session lasting at least 20 minutes can promote longevity and boost confidence, providing a sufficient impact load to improve muscle strength.”
Malcolm Cesar, Autophagy: Simple Techniques to Activate Your Bodies’ Hidden Health Mechanism to Promote Longevity, Optimal Cellular Renewal, Detox, and Strength for a Happy Life

“Fasting is a more effective way to trigger autophagy, while ketosis offers a shortcut that results in some metabolic changes.”
Malcolm Cesar, Autophagy: Simple Techniques to Activate Your Bodies’ Hidden Health Mechanism to Promote Longevity, Optimal Cellular Renewal, Detox, and Strength for a Happy Life

“Ketosis allows the body to change metabolic pathways, using fat for energy and producing ketone bodies that provide strong protective effects.”
Malcolm Cesar, Autophagy: Simple Techniques to Activate Your Bodies’ Hidden Health Mechanism to Promote Longevity, Optimal Cellular Renewal, Detox, and Strength for a Happy Life

“The keto diet activates the same pathways as intermittent fasting, such as the AMPK pathway, which plays a key role in autophagy.”
Malcolm Cesar, Autophagy: Simple Techniques to Activate Your Bodies’ Hidden Health Mechanism to Promote Longevity, Optimal Cellular Renewal, Detox, and Strength for a Happy Life

“Incorporating a ketogenic diet into your life can help you gain the maximal benefits of autophagy, allowing you to experience its true value.”
Malcolm Cesar, Autophagy: Simple Techniques to Activate Your Bodies’ Hidden Health Mechanism to Promote Longevity, Optimal Cellular Renewal, Detox, and Strength for a Happy Life

“While feasting can enlarge the soul, feasting is only true feasting when it completes a fast. The man who feasts without cease is simply a glutton.”
Joshua Gibbs, Love What Lasts: How to Save Your Soul from Mediocrity

Allene vanOirschot
“Fasting is a practice that frees us from the chains of this world, allowing us to hunger more freely for God.”
Allene vanOirschot, The Fasting Weigh: Breaking the Chains of Addiction

Gift Gugu Mona
“Some chains will only fall through prayer and fasting aligned with the Word that is unchanging.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Infallible Word of God: 365 Inspirational Quotes

Ivan Goncharov
“Keep the fasts, my dear; that's supremely important! Wednesdays and Fridays, well, God will overlook that; but Lent itself, God forbid!”
Ivan Goncharov, The Same Old Story

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