Faith Over Fear Quotes

Quotes tagged as "faith-over-fear" Showing 1-11 of 11
Germany Kent
“It is better to be broke with a belief in God than rich trying to navigate things on your own. God's favor will provide every single time. He will not leave you. He will vindicate you and promote you if you trust Him.”
Germany Kent

“Face your fears as if your life depends on it, because living in fear keeps you from living.”
Jeanette Coron

Ray   Smith
“She looked at his face, his lined, well-lived face. You were right. This perfect moment, in her once-desolate bedroom, was John’s belief at its apotheosis. She realized she wouldn’t have believed it before—that, in the most hopelessly constricted of places, you could find the fulfillment to all your dreams of adventure and romance. No, she wouldn’t have believed it. Not twenty years ago, not ten years ago, not a year ago. She had to reach forty-eight years of age to realize the truth and to internalize it. Forty-eight long years of groping in the dark. How silly she felt now and how blessed.”
Ray Smith, The Magnolia That Bloomed Unseen

“Fear is not defeating; fear is not oppressive.
But “living afraid” can be defeating, oppressive, controlling.... and that is why “fear” of anything should be looked in the face, otherwise the act of not facing fear turns into the habit of living afraid.”
Sandra C Bibb

Germany Kent
“Instead of trying to rush the process, trust the process.”
Germany Kent

“Always remember this; Don't Believe Everything You Think. Instead replace your worries with Faith.”
Jeanette Coron

Nicole   Williams
“We see Your strength and even though we’re shaking, we know we are safe.”
Nicole Williams, RISE UP: Believing God When the World is Falling Apart

Germany Kent
“Once you become bold enough to ask for what you want, you have arrived at a level where superficial doors will begin to open for you.”
Germany Kent

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Ever imagined how Life would be, if everything were known. Pretty mundane, and definitely not a ride to be called an adventure. So grace the unknown in the spirit of your Soul, knowing that everything that happens is a part of this Cosmos, the plan is to make You, more of You, each passing day, each passing moment and actually each passing fraction of a millisecond, so take a deep breath, hold a pause, and once the air is circling inside of your Soul, remind yourself that Life is a journey and not a destination, so keep walking, knowing that you don't have to know everything, the Universe knows it for you already.

To every soul, somewhere stumbling along the way, I send you my heart's strength and sunshine to keep walking on this beautiful lane of Uncertainty, to embrace all that this adventure of Life brings forth in your Soul's reckoning.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee”
Debatrayee Banerjee

Heather Kaufman
“We were never meant to live under the tyranny of fear and grief. -Dalia”
Heather Kaufman, Before the King