Emotional Growth Quotes

Quotes tagged as "emotional-growth" Showing 1-14 of 14
“Charley threw Cindy on the bed and pulled a switchblade knife. He pressed the release button and a five-inch blade flipped open. “One word to anybody and your ugly dog gets his throat cut!”
Shafter Bailey, Cindy Divine: The Little Girl Who Frightened Kings

Aura Biru
“I am shaped by my past loves—not defined by them, no, but refined by them.”
Aura Biru

Robin DiAngelo
“Putting our effort into protecting rather than expanding our current worldview prevents our intellectual and emotional growth.”
Robin DiAngelo, What Does It Mean to Be White?: Developing White Racial Literacy

“The human mind houses a rich depository of positive emotions. It also builds a penitentiary that contains cells of ugly emotions. Love and laughter are two of the most esteemed emotions. Hate and jealously are the two of the most odious emotions. Hate is the rawest of all emotions, making hatred the most difficult of all emotions to curb.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“The problem, however, is that you inevitably find, as I did, something still missing. In fact, the spirituality of most current discipleship models often only adds an additional protective layer against people growing up emotionally. When people have authentic spiritual experiences -- such as worship, prayer, Bible studies, and fellowship -- they mistakenly believe they are doing fine, even if their relational life is fractured and their interior world is disordered. Their apparent 'progress' then provides a spiritual reason for not doing the hard work of maturing. They are deceived. I know. I lived that way for almost seventeen years. Because of the spiritual growth in certain areas of my life and in those around me, I ignored the glaring signs of emotional immaturity that were everywhere in and around me.”
Peter Scazzero, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: It's Impossible to Be Spiritually Mature, While Remaining Emotionally Immature

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“The rollicking tale of life rolls as a flirtatious adventure, as we venture into the seasons. The song may be slow and sweet or too fast to grip, yet through sunlight and thunder, the tale gets told.”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Yulin Kuang
“Maybe that's just how it feels right now and she'll be able to look back on this time with some kind of detached fondness someday. That even this keen sense of missing him will be something she grows to appreciate.”
Yulin Kuang, How to End a Love Story

Kathleen Norris
“Perfection....it functions as a form of myopia, a preoccupation with self-image that can stunt emotional growth.”
Kathleen Norris, Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith

Gift Gugu Mona
“Dear Daughter,
Do not only grow physically. You should audaciously grow emotionally, intellectually, socially and financially if you want all-round growth and prosperity.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Dear Daughter: Short and Sweet Messages for a Queen

D.W. Winnicott
“Often the child’s growing up corresponds quite accurately with the mother’s resumption of her own independence, and you would agree that a mother who cannot gradually fail in this matter of sensitive adaptation is failing in another sense; she is failing (because of her own immaturity or her own anxieties) to give her infant reasons for anger. An infant that has no reason for anger, but who of course has in him (or her) the usual amount of whatever are the ingredients of aggressiveness, is in a special difficulty, a difficulty in fusing aggression in with loving.”
Donald W. Winnicott

Jeanette LeBlanc
“Impact matters more than intention. I have hurt more people with a clear heart than I ever have with malice, but the clean lines of my intentions don't negate the impact. ⁣⠀
I am still learning the art of a true apology. ⁣⠀
I am still learning how to stay open. ⁣⠀
I am still willing to learn”
Jeanette LeBlanc

Nina MacLaughlin
“You are never, never too old to be changed by love.”
Nina MacLaughlin, Wake, Siren: Ovid Resung