East Los Angeles Quotes

Quotes tagged as "east-los-angeles" Showing 1-4 of 4
Luis J. Rodríguez
“Not hard to figure out, just hard to help.”
Luis J. Rodríguez, The Republic of East L.A.

Luis J. Rodríguez
“...saying her name the way she did, it felt like being baptized all over again.”
Luis J. Rodríguez, The Republic of East L.A.

Luis J. Rodríguez
“The way the girls used the word, "chueca" stood for bent lives, bent minds -- not the narrow, straight existence that girls were expected to have. Not these girls -- abused by drunken fathers, humiliated by scornful mothers, beaten by raging brothers. They were pushed into all kinds of shape by forces stronger than their innocence could withstand. They also felt harder than most girls, survivors, who took the worst beatings, sexual assaults, putdowns, and were still able to stand up without tears and declare, "You ain't changed me."

Their hearts were bent, but not broken.”
Luis J. Rodríguez, The Republic of East L.A.

Luis J. Rodríguez
“...he felt this gnawing emptiness cradled in anger, like he was owed something.”
Luis J. Rodríguez, The Republic of East L.A.