Devotee Quotes

Quotes tagged as "devotee" Showing 1-16 of 16
Wei Wu Wei
“Disciples and devotees…what are most of them doing? Worshipping the teapot instead of drinking the tea!”
Wei Wu Wei

Amit Kalantri
“People become followers of the God because of his fear, but they become a fan of a hero because of his work.”
Amit Kalantri

Dani Deveaux
“I am not what you think I am,
I am a lot more and a lot deeper.”
Dani Deveaux

Dani Deveaux
“Being with him was going to be the most pain I would ever feel,
but being with him was also going to be the most passion I would ever experience!”
Dani Deveaux, What It Was

Sushil Singh
“On the Sivaratri day after performing the routine, the devotee shall go to the temple of Siva and perform worship.”
Sushil Singh

Dani Deveaux
“I'll be next to you when you are weak.
I'll be behind you when you are strong.
I'll be in front of you when you can't move.
And I'll be on you when we need to be close.
I'll stay away if you need distance,
but I'll be near you - always!”
Dani Deveaux, What It Was

“The yogi, or the man of knowledge, or a devotee—all these people have got to get their mind withdrawn from the world and get it confined and concentrated in the seventh plane to see the various sportive forms of God . This is the only way and it is so eternally.”
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

Dada Bhagwan
“Here’, I am a disciple just as you are. The one you see is not ‘Dada Bhagwan’; it is ‘A. M. Patel’, a Patidaar from the town of Bhadran. The one sitting within is ‘Dada Bhagwan’. ‘I’ myself make everyone do jai jai kar of Dada Bhagwan [sing praise of Dada Bhagwan]. Therefore, ‘I’ too am a devotee, as are you.”
Dada Bhagwan

“God can be had by the grace of God and not by self-exertion.
“Whom God accepts as a bride, He gives His grace to him and it happens with him”.
It means that it is with him in whom the life-power automatically is transformed into God. A devotee terms it as ‘God’s grace.”
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

Amit Kalantri
“It is easier to convince a liar to speak the truth than to convince a believer to drop his beliefs.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Santosh    Kumar
“No one can mess to him/her, who is a devotee of God, God himself use to help, guide, take care of that person.”
Santosh Kumar (San)

“Fandom is about group activities. Devotion is personal. The relationship between deity and devotee is one-to-one. Devotee gives bath to deity, clothes Him, feeds Him and so on. Your Ganesha is only yours. My Ganesha is only mine. As many devotees, as many Ganesha s.”

Santosh    Kumar
“One Shiva's true devotee is equal to the entire universe.”
Santosh Kumar

“The more, the liberation of God from the body, the quicker He will make His way to the seventh plane. It is Yearning for God. It is a yogic aspect and it has its own bliss which is felt by every devotee.”
Sri Jibankrishma or Diamond

“Devotee of divine pursuits.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“That association by which significance of wealth is eliminated, the significance of sense pleasures is eradicated, and false ego is dissipated is called the association of saints.”
Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj