Communist Party Quotes

Quotes tagged as "communist-party" Showing 1-10 of 10
David Remnick
“The Communist Party apparatus was the most gigantic mafia the world has ever known.”
David Remnick, Lenin's Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire

Phillip Adams
“I became aware of Jews in my early teens, as I started to pick up the signals from the Christian church. Not that I was Christian – I’d been an atheist since I was five. But my father, a Congregational minister, had some sympathy with the idea that the Jews had killed Christ. But any indoctrination was offset by my discovery of the concentration camps, of the Final Solution. Whilst the term 'Holocaust' had yet to enter the vocabulary I was overwhelmed by my realisation of what Germany had perpetrated on Jews. It became a major factor in my movement towards the political left. I’d already read 'The Grapes of Wrath' by John Steinbeck, the Penguin paperback that would change my life. The story of the gas chambers completed the process of radicalisation and would, just three years later, lead me to join the Communist Party.”
Phillip Adams

Vasyl Stus
“Кубло бандитів, кагебістів,
злодіїв та ґвалтівників
у стольному засіли місті
як партія більшовиків.”
Василь Стус

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“In 1934, at the January Plenum of the Central Committee and Central Control Commission of the Soviet Communist Party, the Great Leader (having already in mind, no doubt, how many he would soon have to do away with) declared that the withering away of the state (which had been awaited virtually from 1920 on) would arrive via, believe it or not, the maximum intensification of state power.

This was so unexpectedly brilliant that it was not given to every little mind to grasp it, but Vyshinsky, ever the loyal apprentice, immediately picked it up: "And this means the maximum strengthening of corrective-labor institutions."

Entry into socialism via the maximum strengthening of prisons! And this was not some satirical magazine cracking a joke, either, but was said by the Prosecutor General of the Soviet Union!”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation, Books III-IV

“- Módlcie się i nawracajcie - wzywała Matka Boska. Jej apel odniósł odwrotny skutek w gabinetach Komitetu Wojewódzkiego PZPR w Białymstoku, w biurze Wydziału do Spraw Wyznań i za murami białostockiej Komendy Wojewódzkiej MO.”
Piotr Nesterowicz, Cudowna

“Communism is like a big beautiful red shine apple that you see it on the store display, and you just want to grab and eat it but when you bite on it is full of worms!”
Beta Metani'Marashi

Hank Bracker
“Some of Batista’s followers intimidated jailed and even killed political opponents. One of the pro-Batista paramilitary thugs was Rolando Arcadio Masferrer Rojas, who was born in Holguín on July 12, 1918. He had been a member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, organized in 1936 by the Communist International during the Spanish Civil War. Returning to Cuba, Masferrer became a staunch supporter of Batista, who at that time had the backing of the Communist Party. Masferrer was by no means the average run of the mill thug and, in addition to being a lawyer, he ran for office and won a seat in the Cuban Senate. He was also a guerrilla leader, political activist, a member of the Cuban Communist Party, a newspaper publisher, and responsible for the founding of “Los Tigres de Masferrer,” a guerrilla organization he organized to support Batista militarily. He also published two newspapers, Tiempo in Havana and Libertad in Santiago de Cuba.
Becoming a radical anti-communist, he was ousted from the Cuban Communist Party. Regardless, Masferrer was a dangerous man and people learned to keep their mouths shut and play it low key when he was around. As a pro-Batista political activist, he took credit for supposedly attacking Castro’s rebels in the Sierra Maestra Mountains. Actually, in most cases his group of not-so-fierce fighters stayed safely within the city limits of Santiago de Cuba, extorting money from the residents.
In 1959, after Castro’s entry into Havana, Masferrer fled to the United States where he befriended American union bosses such as Jimmy Hoffa and got to know Mafia leaders such as Santo Trafficante in Tampa, Florida. Masferrer worked with Richard Bissell of the Central Intelligence Agency, planning another assassination attempt on Castro. He was seen at a ranch owned by multi-millionaire Howard Hughes, where he was training paid assassins, and he even met with President Kennedy in Washington.
With money contributed by fellow Cubans living in Florida, he later planned to carry out the assassination of Fidel Castro by attacking him from a distant base in Haiti. It all ended when, on October 31, 1975, Masferrer was killed by a car bomb in Miami. Although his figures may be somewhat exaggerated, Castro claimed that Masferrer was responsible for the death of as many as 2,000 people during the Batista era.”
Captain Hank Bracker, The Exciting Story of Cuba, Cuban History

Sandipan Chattopadhyay
“বিজনের রক্তমাংস’ তো ‘পরিচয়’ পত্রিকা ফেরত পাঠিয়েছিল। এগুলোই আমায় পার্টি থেকে সরিয়ে দিয়েছে। আসলে তখন আমি ভেবে দেখলাম – এভাবে হবে না। কারণ, এর আগে আমি যত কমিটেড লেখা লিখেছি সেগুলো কিন্তু যথারীতি গুরুত্ব দিয়েই ছাপা হয়েছিল। দীপেন নিজের হাতে ‘বিজনের রক্তমাংস’ ফেরত দিয়ে যায়। যদিও পরে এ ঘটনাটা নিয়ে দেবেশ রায় আমাকে বলেছিল, ‘তুমি কি করে ভাবলে দীপেন ওই লেখা ফেরত দিল?’ পরে আমি ভেবে দেখেছি, দেবেশই ঠিক বলেছিল। কারণ তখন তো সম্পাদক ছিলেন সত্য গুপ্ত, যিনি পরবর্তীকালে এমএল পার্টিতে যোগ দেন। দীপেন সত্যবাবুর বাতিল করে দেওয়া লেখাটা কেবলমাত্র আমার হাতে তুলে দিতে এসেছিল। পরবর্তীকালে ‘বিজনের রক্তমাংস’ যখন ছাপা হয় তখন দীপেন ভূয়সী প্রশংসা করেছিল। ওই সময়েই তো ‘অশ্বমেধের ঘোড়া’ ছাপা হল। আউট-স্ট্যান্ডিং স্টোরি! ওইরকম গল্প হয়তো আর লেখা হবে না। হয়ওনি।”
Sandipan Chattopadhyay, সন্দীপন চট্টোপাধ্যায়ের ডায়েরি

Amadeo Bordiga
“The concept of the proletariat’s right to command its own class action is only on abstraction devoid of any Marxist sense. It conceals a desire to lead the revolutionary party to enlarge itself by including less mature strata, since as this progressively occurs, the resulting decisions get nearer and nearer to the bourgeois and conservative conceptions.”
Amadeo Bordiga, Party and Class

Anton Pannekoek
“La leçon naturelle, "le communisme est le salut de la classe ouvrière" a été remplacée par une leçon artificielle, "le parti communiste est le sauveur". Après avoir capté l'énergie des grévistes par ses discours révolutionnaires, le parti communiste a orienté ces formes vers ses propres objectifs.”
Anton Pannekoek