Carbon Quotes
Quotes tagged as "carbon"
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“Vaporized by the sun! Wasn't that what the universe had in store for all of us? There would come a day when the sun exploded like a red balloon, and everyone on earth would be reduced in less than a camera flash to carbon. Didn't Genesis say as much? For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. This was far more than dull old theology: It was precise scientific observation! Carbon was the Great Leveler--the Grim Reaper.
Diamonds were nothing more than carbon, but carbon in a crystal lattice that made it the hardest known mineral in nature. That was the way we all were headed. I was sure of it. We were destined to be diamonds!”
― The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag
Diamonds were nothing more than carbon, but carbon in a crystal lattice that made it the hardest known mineral in nature. That was the way we all were headed. I was sure of it. We were destined to be diamonds!”
― The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag

“In the visible world, the Milky Way is a tiny fragment; within this fragment, the solar system is an infinitesimal speck, and of this speck our planet is a microscopic dot. On this dot, tiny lumps of impure carbon and water, of complicated structure, with somewhat unusual physical and chemical properties, crawl about for a few years, until they are dissolved again into the elements of which they are compounded.”

“Originally, the atoms of carbon from which we’re made were floating in the air, part of a carbon dioxide molecule. The only way to recruit these carbon atoms for the molecules necessary to support life—the carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, and lipids—is by means of photosynthesis. Using sunlight as a catalyst the green cells of plants combine carbon atoms taken from the air with water and elements drawn from the soil to form the simple organic compounds that stand at the base of every food chain. It is more than a figure of speech to say that plants create life out of thin air.”
― The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
― The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals

“When iron and carbon come together, there emerges steel! To be something stronger and better, you must mostly unite with something else and melt in something else!”

“She discovered in a series of beautifully executed researches the fundamental distinction between carbons that turned on heating into graphite and those that did not. Further she related this difference to the chemical constitution of the molecules from which carbon was made. She was already a recognized authority in industrial physico-chemistry when she chose to abandon this work in favour of the far more difficult and more exciting fields of biophysics.
{Bernal on the death of scientist Rosalind Franklin}”
{Bernal on the death of scientist Rosalind Franklin}”

“The element carbon can be found in more kinds of molecules than the sum of all other kinds of molecules combined. Given the abundance of carbon in the cosmos—forged in the cores of stars, churned up to their surfaces, and released copiously into the galaxy—a better element does not exist on which to base the chemistry and diversity of life. Just edging out carbon in abundance rank, oxygen is common, too, forged and released in the remains of exploded stars. Both oxygen and carbon are major ingredients of life as we know it.”
― Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
― Astrophysics for People in a Hurry

“Persistence refines the miserable piece of carbon in you into the purest form of diamond.”
― 25 Things you Must Have Before age 25
― 25 Things you Must Have Before age 25
“The extent of forests around the world has declined by an estimated 16.4 million km2 (36% of the historical extent) over the last 200 years (Meiyappan & Jain, 2012).”

“During my time in high altitude astronomy, I routinely witnessed workers breathing medical oxygen, industrial carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium gas as part of their daily work routine.”

“Snow cleaning of the world's largest telescope mirrors was an impressive sight. The optics technicians would climb into a huge telescopic boom lift and spray immense clouds of cold carbon dioxide snow and gas onto the ten meter diameter mirrors high above the floor indoors. It would cause some of the accumulated dirt to magically fall off, leaving it less dirty.”

“The rising environmental carbon dioxide levels will significantly increase mental and physical health problems in the global population.”

“I avoid large groupings of people due to the high carbon dioxide environments they cause and the unnatural electromagnetic radiation emissions from their cell phones.”

“I consider myself fortunate that I was an electronics engineer and not an optics engineer, as it was the optics team that was discharging massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the indoor environment at the Mauna Kea Observatories.”

“Atmospheric carbon concentration should not breach 350ppm if the climate is to remain stable (we crossed that boundary in 1990, and hit 415ppm in 2020).”
― Less Is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World
― Less Is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World
“The Earth started to rebel when the carbon in the atmosphere began to swell.”
― Conscious Cures: Soulutions to 21st Century Pandemics
― Conscious Cures: Soulutions to 21st Century Pandemics
“A true definition of equality is the 'Carbon Sugars' that bind DNA together within every Carbon lifeform on Earth. DNA would not exist without its sugar-phosphate backbone.”

“I consider my low exposure to industrial carbon dioxide in professional astronomy to be a good thing, as opposed to the optics department that routinely worked with it.”

“Sustainability is not about why, but how; not when, but now.”
― SuaaS : Sustainability as-a-Service
― SuaaS : Sustainability as-a-Service

“Carbon is not intrinsically a bad thing—it is a crucial part of what humans are made of, as well as being key to pretty much everything else on planet earth. The issue we have with carbon is down to industrialisation and practices that over-generate it, thereby emitting high volumes of carbon into the atmosphere.”
― Sustainable Happy Profit
― Sustainable Happy Profit

“Your mind is inside a machine Bob but make no mistake, you are alive," said Steve.
"Inside me are a lot of watery parts that pretty much do the same thing, "
explained Steve, trying to downplay the difference.
Bob was silent and stared at the parts in the open hatch.
"I'm built with those black rocks we call
carbon and you're built with sandstone or
silicon. There is hardly any difference,
" said Steve reassuringly.”
― The Word of Bob: an AI Minecraft Villager
"Inside me are a lot of watery parts that pretty much do the same thing, "
explained Steve, trying to downplay the difference.
Bob was silent and stared at the parts in the open hatch.
"I'm built with those black rocks we call
carbon and you're built with sandstone or
silicon. There is hardly any difference,
" said Steve reassuringly.”
― The Word of Bob: an AI Minecraft Villager
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