Beta Reading Quotes

Quotes tagged as "beta-reading" Showing 1-2 of 2
Stephen        King
“Now let's say you've finished your first draft. Congratulations! Good job! Have a glass of champagne, send out for pizza, do whatever it is you do when you've got something to celebrate. If you have someone who has been impatiently waiting to read your novel-a spouse, let's say, someone who has perhaps been working nine to five and helping to pay the bills while you chase your dream-then this is the time to give up the goods...if, that is, your first reader or readers will promise not to talk to you about the book until you are ready to talk to them about it.”
Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Dedrie Marie
“The most precious thing working with authors (and writing my own books) has given me is freedom. I work hard—not that it feels like work—but it’s on my terms. And I haven’t had to submit a time-off request to my new boss…well, ever.”
Dedrie Marie, How to Become a Successful Beta Reader Book 1: Learning the Fundamentals of Fiction