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The Genius and the Muse

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When Kate Mitchell decided to research the mysterious portrait in the student gallery, she had no idea how her life would change. She thought she knew what she wanted in life. She had a great boyfriend, a promising career, and a clear path.How could one simple portrait change all that?A photograph. A sculpture. A painting. One clue leads to another, and Kate learns that pieces of the past might leave unexpected marks on her own future, too. And how, exactly, did she end up in an irritable sculptor's studio? One portrait may hold the answers, but learning its secrets will challenge everything Kate thought she knew about love, art, and life. A single picture can tell more than one story, and in the end, a young artist will discover that every real love story is a unique work of art.

223 pages, Paperback

First published April 26, 2012

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About the author

Elizabeth Hunter

77 books6,144 followers
ELIZABETH HUNTER is an eleven-time USA Today bestselling author of romance, contemporary fantasy, and paranormal mystery. Based in Central California and Addis Ababa, she travels extensively to write fantasy fiction exploring world mythologies, history, and the universal bonds of love, friendship, and family.

She has published over fifty works of fiction and sold over two million books world-wide. She is the author of the Elemental Mysteries, the Irin Chronicles, the Cambio Springs Mysteries, and other works of fiction.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 357 reviews
Profile Image for Colleen Hoover.
Author 121 books743k followers
May 28, 2016
I read this book a couple of years ago. I got an amazon gift card for Christmas so I ordered this book. I also ordered a pizza, because my druncle Mike got me a Pizza Hut gift card. I wanted to just sit on my couch and read a book and eat pizza. The pizza was really late so I called them and they couldn't find my house. I had to put the book down in the middle of chapter three and go outside and flag down the pizza guy. So chapter three was my least favorite chapter in the book, but only because it was December and I wasn't wearing a bra when I had to stand outside and wait for the pizza.
Overall, if you don't count the pizza fiasco, this book was excellent.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Hunter.
Author 77 books6,144 followers
September 21, 2017
This is another one of those books I never reviewed on my profile bc "authors aren't supposed to be on Goodreads," which is a rule I'm obviously ignoring now.


I love this book. I love tacos. If you read this book, you'll understand the connection. Did I have a crush on a sculptor in college? Maybe. I admit nothing except deep and abiding love for JAVI.

One of my favorite heroes EVAH.

If you like kind of bulldog looking tattooed bald guys who are anti-social and will buy you beer and tacos then you'll like Javi too.

If you haven't read it already you can read a small excerpt on the website: http://bit.ly/2p9gerf

➜ Amazon: http://amzn.to/2ageTI7
➜ iTunes: http://apple.co/2icUTdU
➜ Smashwords: http://bit.ly/2hUxYX0

When Kate Mitchell decided to research the mysterious portrait in the student gallery, she had no idea how her life would change. She thought she knew what she wanted in life. She had a great boyfriend, a promising career, and a clear path. How could one simple portrait change all that?

A photograph. A sculpture. A painting. One clue leads to another, and Kate learns that pieces of the past might leave unexpected marks on her own future, too. And how, exactly, did she end up in an irritable sculptor's studio?

One portrait may hold the answers, but learning its secrets will challenge everything Kate thought she knew about love, art, and life. A single picture can tell more than one story, and in the end, a young artist will discover that every real love story is a unique work of art.

The Genius and the Muse is a contemporary romance novel.
Profile Image for Anto M..
1,102 reviews92 followers
January 19, 2021
«...a volte le cose devono bruciare per migliorare. Nella vita, nell'arte. Cose bellissime possono venire fuori dalle ceneri. E a volte, un fuoco che sembra distruggere, in realtà rende le cose più forti.»

Se un libro mi spiazza, quel libro, ai miei occhi, parte già con un notevole vantaggio. Stavolta non mi hanno spiazzato i contenuti, bensì la direzione della trama. Penso che come me, qualsiasi lettore si faccia, anche inconsapevolmente, un'idea di come si svolgeranno i fatti e, quando invece l'autrice ti sorprende è una bella sensazione.
Il romanzo della Hunter è un libro che parla di arte in tutte le sue forme e, forse per questo ne ho rimandato la lettura, avevo timore di non riuscire a "entrare" nella storia, ma l'autrice è stata bravissima a equilibrare il tutto, rendendo la lettura molto interessante. La parte dedicata all'arte non prende mai il sopravvento sulla splendida storia d'amore, o meglio sulle splendide storie d'amore che si intrecciano durante la narrazione. Voce narrante e protagonista femminile è Kate che scoprirà che ogni storia d'amore può divenire un'opera d'arte unica. Anche la scelta dei flashback sul passato, che aiutano a comprendere meglio "il genio e la musa" del libro, sono creati ad arte per portare il lettore per mano alla scoperta di una di quelle storie d'amore che possono essere definite epiche!
Profile Image for Kara-karina.
1,681 reviews261 followers
May 22, 2012
Truly gorgeous. I'm reassured again and again that everything Elizabeth writes I love.

This is a contemporary romance which is not my usual genre, and if Elizabeth hasn't enquired about my interest in her short novel, I would never have read this book otherwise.

Seriously. The way she brings her characters to life makes you really root for them, all of them. I had my heart in my throat through most of the book and nearly in tears at some points.

The Genius and The Muse has two major plot lines.

Kate Mitchell is a photographer who is graduating from an art school and writing her dissertation based on a legendary photographer Reed O'Connor. Trying to understand his talent and mindset, she stumbles on to an old picture where her own professor and bunch of others stand together with Reed and a famous painter Samantha Rhodes. Both Reed and Sam seem deeply in love, and Kate's mentor makes a small remark that to understand Reed, Kate needs to understand his relationship with Sam.

Intrigued by this mysterious phrase, Kate starts digging and interviewing all the people on that picture...

The second plot line is the story of a great love between Reed and Sam and what happened to isolate them from each other, change both of them so much. Parallel to Kate's interviews and glimpses of magnetic chemistry that the couple used to have, we see how they met, fell in love and moved together to New York.

By not letting the sleeping dogs lie, Kate manages to transform her own life by meeting Javi, an antisocial sculptor friend of Reed and reunite Sam and Reed again.

Javi and Kate! *sigh* What a couple, so so right together... I love how all the love stories in Elizabeth's books are slow burn. They arise from series of circumstances, there is a spark, but then life gets in the way, and it takes time for that interest and magnetic pull to get strong enough to bring two people together. I love that! I love how real it all seems.

There is a little bit of Sidney Sheldon epicness in Miss Hunter's style, and I find it extremely appealing. Highly recommended, totally loved it!
Profile Image for -ya.
518 reviews63 followers
May 25, 2016
Update 5/24/2016: kindle freebie now...

read on Sep. 2014.
3.5-stars #contemporary adult romance

The plot ? Simple and original.
The MCs? Artistic.
Romance? Real.

I enjoyed Ms. Hunter's Elemental Mysteries series a lot. The Genius and the Muse is not a long novel but is packed with two love stories that were written in an ingenious way. Kate, a graduate student in photography, was writing her thesis on a famous, reclusive photographer Reed O’Connor. This led her to learn the love story of Reed and Samantha. During this time, Kate met Javi, a good friend of Reed. The romance between Kate and Javi was lovely developed without melodrama.

This is a story about love, loss, mistakes, and a second chance. Ms. Hunter’s writing style is effortless and I am glad I read it.

# photographer # sculptor # painter
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,539 reviews120 followers
May 13, 2020
Recensione sul Blog Valentina Abbr

Kate è appassionata di fotografia e sta per laurearsi. Decide di compiere delle ricerche su un ritratto esposto in Galleria, opera di un artista famoso di nome Reed, un personaggio ermetico che si è laureato nella sua stessa università diversi anni addietro.

Kate è affascinata dalla sua creatività ed è convinta che, per meglio comprenderlo, deve fare delle indagini e ripercorrere le diverse fasi della sua vita passata.

È disposta a tutto pur di scoprire qualunque episodio che lo riguardi, addirittura ne sembra ossessionata, ma non prende in considerazione il fatto che a Reed la maggior parte della gente non piace e odia essere al centro dell’attenzione.

Kate scopre che nella vita dell’artista c’è stato un solo amore, unico e totalizzante, che gli ha riempito il cuore ma lo ha anche devastato.

Si tratta della famosa pittrice Sam che un giorno ha deciso di allontanarsi da tutto e tutti, specialmente da lui, per ristabilirsi. Ma i suoi ricordi del fotografo sono ancora vividi e positivi, intrisi di sentimento:

«La gente tendeva a gravitare intorno a lui, attratta dal suo talento, dalle sue idee. Reed era magnetico. E il modo in cui vedeva il mondo non era proprio come tutti gli altri. Orbitavamo spesso uno intorno all’altra. E quando accadeva, era straordinario.»

Ma non tutto ciò che è rotto può essere rimesso insieme, a volte la cosa migliore da compiere è far tesoro dei ricordi e andare avanti, lasciandosi il passato alle spalle.

Il genio e la musa racconta di un grande amore meraviglioso, che non ha perso intensità col trascorrere del tempo. Anzi, è diventato immortale grazie al fatto di essere stato rappresentato in diverse opere, dipinti, fotografie e sculture.

Lo stile dell'autrice è abbastanza scorrevole, è riuscita a tenere viva l'attenzione e la curiosità del lettore nello scoprire il passato di Reed, da lui tenuto nascosto.
Mi è piaciuto molto scoprire pian piano la storia d'amore incredibile vissuta dai protagonisti, dipanata in diversi anni e raccontata, in piccole dosi, nei vari capitoli.

L'arte in questo libro è rappresentata indubbiamente in modo valido e autentico.
Profile Image for Novel.
95 reviews42 followers
September 3, 2013
It all started with a portrait. Kate Mitchell is a graduate school photography student and is completing her master's thesis. Her subject is the photographer Reed O'Connor who is renowned for his stunning and often controversial portraits. O'Connor is an alumni of her school that's why his early works are posted in the photography exhibit gallery of the Foothill Art Institute. Among his works, there is one portrait that intrigued Kate the most. When an advise was given to her by her professor (who happened to be one of Reed's friends), she listened to him and followed it through until she finally understood the man behind the lens and the story of the mysterious portrait.
"If you really want to understand Reed O’Connor, you have to understand Samantha Rhodes.”
When I first picked this book back in June, I wasn't able to finish it. I was reading 3 or 4 books at that time and due to my impatient nature about jumping timelines I decided to set it aside and read it later. For me, books that have flashbacks in between chapters are the kind of books that I feel like I have to read in one sitting and back then I really didn't have the time. So when I saw my GR friends singing their praises for this book a few days ago, and since I'm not really busy, I decided to read it again. I finished it in the same day and I completely fell in love with the book.

The Writing. This is my first Elizabeth Hunter novel and I am so glad I was able to read one. I think the writing was flawless. I was expecting a lot of art jargon because the story is about a bunch of renowned artists but there weren't much---I liked the author's less technical approach when it comes to the art aspect in this book. The story was seamlessly delivered despite the dual story-line and the switching of the time line wasn't confusing at all. In fact, it made the book hard to put down. I just loved Ms. Hunter's writing style and I will definitely read her other novels.

The Story. It's no secret that I'm a contemporary romance novel junkie and since I've read a lot, I'm a little hard to impress in this genre. However, after reading The Genius and the Muse, my emotions are everywhere. I just couldn't stop thinking about the events that occurred in the story. Every chapter is filled with small, yet awe-inspiring moments that will make you wish you were inside the book.

The story mainly revolved in Kate's discovery of Reed and Sam's epic love story. Along the way, Kate met Sam and Reed's artistic friends who witnessed first hand the almost magical romance between the two. While Sam and Reed's story unfolds through flash backs, Kate in the present experience heartbreak, meeting new people, building connections and eventually falling in love.

One of the things that I particularly loved in this novel was the glimpses of the two couples' present (part twelve). Instead of using an epilogue like what most romance novel has, Ms. Hunter did what O'Connor does on his portraits. She didn't focus on the whole picture of the significant moments of the couples' lives but rather wrote intimate moments before or after the actual event which made it unique and more sincere.

The characters. It's hard not to love the characters. Each of them, the main and the minor ones are unique and have something to offer to the readers. I am hoping that Ms. Hunter *fake coughs* have plans for the other characters in this book---make it a series or something.

Anyway, favorite character... I think I like Kate Mitchell's character the most. She may be the youngest in this book but I think she's also the smartest and most practical. What really drew me into the story was Kate's longing to know a love like what Sam and Reed's had. A kind of love so strong and magnificent that it inspires the people around them to create outstanding art works. Since Kate experienced betrayal from the man she thought she loved, she felt like she needs to understand why two people who loved fiercely can just throw it all away. It's so easy to connect to Kate. I felt like I was with her every time she visits Sam and Reed's associates especially after her interview with the assistant. IDK, that part just made me stop and think about things. I guess because that part made me realize that even the strongest people can break too, and that we all make mistakes, we are human after all. Also, her frustration about miscommunication between Sam and Reed, I felt that too.

Javier "Javi" Lugo , Kate's love interest is a what you see is what you get kind of guy. He's portrayed as a brutish sculptor. He knows that he's not pretty but he's incredibly honest. When he loves, he does fiercely and is over protective of people he cares about.

Reed O'Connor and Samantha Rhodes , it's hard to describe the one without the other. They are both incredibly talented artists, stubborn and temperamental. This couple is one of the lucky ones who didn't just found love but also found the other half of their souls.

What I like the most with the characters in this book is that they are easy to relate to because they are so human. The ordeals they've been through, the emotions and actions shown in this novel is very realistic.

The Genius and the Muse is truly a masterpiece that must be read by every romance novel fan. I highly recommend this novel and please after reading it, don't forget to share the word to others, this book deserves to be read and enjoyed by all.
Profile Image for ✴ Cindy ✴  .
410 reviews
October 2, 2019
This was an utter waste of time. There were too many characters and their stories were disjointed. There was a then and now and it was just a mess. I felt zero connection to anyone. Even when Kait's boyfriend cheated on her, I felt no sense of betrayal for her. Completely tell and no show. Where's the feels in this story?

So many 5 star reviews, even from Colleen Hoover, who I love as an author. I have no idea why they would think this book deserved even a 1 star.
Profile Image for Mandy Reads Indie.
1,866 reviews93 followers
April 24, 2012
Someone once told Kate 'To understand Reed O'Connor, you have to understand Samantha Rhodes'. And that is exactly what Kate set out to do while trying to finish her thesis on Reed O'Connor. While talking to her friend and Professor, she learned that there was a story to Reed and she figured if she could find that story, she would understand a little more what make's Reed tick. She would be able to understand his work a little more too. What she didn't bargain for was the journey her own life would take.

Ok so I am not an art fan by any means. Yes I can appreciate a good painting or photograph, but I am not one to look deep and find its hidden meaning. But after reading The Genius and the Muse, I can see how people can get caught up in it. It takes a special person to be artist...to see the beauty in things that a lot of us just overlook.

Ok, now about the book...yes this wonderful book. I do believe this is my 2nd favorite book of 2012..well it's fighting On the Island (Tracey Garvis Graves) for the top spot. It didn't take long into the book before I realized I was falling in love with these amazing characters. And how could you not? They all hold such wonderful qualities it makes it easy to just adore them and want to read all you can about them. True, one of them may not be the most attractive of the bunch, but that is who stole my heart the most. Flat out loved him. Would so love if there was another story wrote about him.
*cough* take a hint Elizabeth *cough*

And the storyline, don't get me started about the storyline. Truly amazing, crazy believable, and the story kept my interest the entire time. Do you know it actually hurt me to lay the book down? I didn’t want to be away from it. I think hubby can go to work one day without ironed pants, right? Sure I took a second to tweet Elizabeth to let her know she had a winner on her hands, but then it was right back to reading. I loved how Elizabeth portrayed the story. One chapter we are reading about Kate and her quest to know Reed, the next it was Reed or Sam giving us bits and pieces to how the relationship ended. Very emotional towards the end...so be forewarned!

Yep, the morning after finishing the book I was still gushing over it; wanting anyone and everyone to read it. But alas you cannot, well at least not until next week (May 2nd). I want you to read this book; I need you to read this book. I want you to get to know these people, to see their story unfold before you. Remarkable read…absolutely remarkable.
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,774 reviews410 followers
June 25, 2013
06/24/2013 --
Overall Rating = 4.5 Stars
Book Cover / Book Blurb = 4 / 4 = 4 Stars
Writer’s Voice = 4.5 Stars
Character Development = 4 Stars
Story Appreciation = 5 Stars
Worth the Chili = 5 Stars [$1.99 on Amazon]

I forgot how much I like this author. I read this one in one sitting. Beach side. Love when you can find something to absorb you and spend a great day with all the things you like best ... sun, sand, drinks, and a great read.

Here are the things I liked:
1 -- The writing style or format for this one was unique. The love story evolves throughout the book, but in a very unusual way. She truely develops the muse concept. I remember thinking about how unexpected it was -- the evolution of the characters and relationship. Complex, but easy to follow. I won't give it away - just read it.

2 -- The characters. You love them. Then ... maybe not so much. Then you love them again. She has your feelings and your planned outcome so twisted in places. I read her first two books and I think this author only gets better. She can really suck you in.

3 -- I've never really gotten into the whole "muse" or inspiration thing. I wasn't sure what to think, but she did a wonderful job with this for me. She alternated POV's and not in an expected manner. Really nice.

4 -- It was a Kindle Daily deal for $2!

What could have been better?
1 -- I wasn't sold on the blurb really.

2 -- I thought it could have been longer. It was really good, but I hate to lose characters I've really bonded with after such a short time. I read this in like 5 hours [stop/start]. Hate it was over so quickly.

I'm still sitting on the beach and right now nothing else comes to mind. I encourage you to read this one. If her paranormal books have put you off, this one is a good one to get your "feet wet" with her. I guarantee you will read her entire back list before you are done. Yes. She is that good.

Back to the beach for me. I hope you give this author and this book a shot. You'll have to let me know what you think.

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for maggieandteddy.
1,171 reviews139 followers
December 3, 2017
4.5 stars. I had this in my tbr pile for more than a year! A few posters on Amazon were recommending this book (mainly, Robin Wilson- thank you!). I am so happy that I pulled this out. It starts off present day, with the h, Kate a graduate art student (photography). Her thesis involves (one of the Hs) Reed, a renowned photographer from the same art school (10+ years before Kate).
Kate gets involved with the friends/colleagues of Reed so that she can get the story behind the artwork. Reed's love interest, Sam is also an artist- a painter. The time back & forth usually bugs me, but in this case, it was very smoothly done. I have to say that I loved all the characters. Kate is the main focus but the story is told from different perspectives-- 3rd person POV. I was concerned that this would be too "inside" (artsy-fartsy is all that I can describe) but a couple of the older artists (Reed, Sam, Vanessa, Javi- especially Javi) wanted to just be themselves. Javi (H) has a magnetism, and isn't a Hero I've seen too often in books lately. He has a brutish quality. The parallel love stories were very touching. This is quite the page turner. That's the good thing! The bad thing is- I finished it! I loved being in the middle of the story. NO lagging middle (my pet peeve).
I recommend this book!
Profile Image for LoveYourShelf (LAB☺).
613 reviews30 followers
September 18, 2014
First let me say that I don't like contemporary romances very much. I find them boring. It's not the books, it's the way I am wired. But I LOVED this book! The present day story line of Kate's research and slow building budding romance juxtaposed against the wonderful and heartbreaking romance taking place in the past was amazing. I had watery eyes more than once and I found myself rooting for both couples. I enjoyed the splashes of humor thrown in throughout the story (mainly in dialogue between certain characters) and the ending was more than satisfying. A great read if you want an emotional romance that will knock your socks off.
September 4, 2013
This is a beautifully written story.

Even though it started on a very confusing tone to me, it kind of redeemed itself in the middle.

The timeline, the pacing and even the multiple povs all have their purpose.

Let's put it out there that this book is a story of TWO COUPLES. I'm telling you that now so that you won't be confused like I was at the start of the book. It has four different povs, which to me, were all gradually introduced, so he transition is quite good.

Btw, I consider Kate and Javi the main couple here.

The plot was created to be very mysterious and puzzling. Puzzling because evey now and then, there would be hints dropped here and there about the other couple. The story actually revolved around the story of Sam and Reed, but since it's Kate who helped them both, I consider her the main heroine.

It's hard to explain how I feel, really. I feel like it's all very dramatic, but not in a bad way. It's more like necessary drama because of all the things that happened to them.

What I liked was how the couples were with each other. They're both just so in love and so sweet to read about. I liked how this book focused on the love part rather than anything else. It made both couples shine. I also liked how simple it was for Kate to be with Javi and how simple it was for Reed to get back with Sam when he right time came. This book is indeed entertaining. It made me smile and laugh, then it also made me feel frustrated and sad.

What I didn't like is how the people around them ( Sam and Reed) talked about them like they were stars or deities rather than real people. I guess artist have really extreme emotions. However, there were times when it was all just too much. Frankly speaking, while reading Kate's conversations with other characters, I wanted to skip it all and just focus on hers and Javi's story or go to the page wherein Sam and Reed will finally get back together.

Anyway, it all worked out well and I must say, both of their stories are beautiful and heart warming. I hope everyone gets those kinds of love. The love that sees past imperfections and the love that makes it hard for you to distinguish dream from reality. ♥♥♥
Profile Image for Cc.
1,132 reviews130 followers
March 25, 2019
A very gentle, sorta romance, a retelling and reconciliation of one couple and the start of another. Well written and engaging, but honestly this is story about a group of artists that happens to have some romance in it.
Profile Image for Kati.
299 reviews2 followers
March 15, 2014
This was an incredibly touching well written book! It tells the story of two different relationships at two different points in time, in the end syncing them both in current time - a very unique way to tell a tale.

Kate is a photography graduate student in an small arts school in California working on her final thesis. She is writing it about internationally renown photographer Reed O'Connor, a famous recluse. Reed is also an alumni of her school and Kate has been very taken with his works displayed in the school gallery, to the point of becoming obsessed with one of them. She feels the compulsive need to find out why one photo, to her eye, is so unlike his others.

As Kate talks to her graduate advisor, a teacher who has taken her under his wing and is becoming her friend as well as mentor, she discovers that he is friends with Reed. He, his wife and Reed are part of a close circle of friends who graduated together, have become successful together, and whose lives are still intertwined. Her advisor explains that to understand Reed O'Connor and his work, she must understand Sam, an artist who in every sense became the photographers muse. Reed and Sam's relationship produced such a huge spark it not only fueled Reed's rise to greatness it inspired everyone in their artistic circle to heights they had never achieved before.

Kate follows her instincts and over time gets in touch with each member of the circle to ask them the story of Reed and Sam, what was so right in their relationship, and what went so wrong that after more than six years together they have now been apart for four. During this time Kates' own long term stable relationship breaks up suddenly and she is inexplicably drawn to Javi, a sculptor who is also a friend in Reed's circle. There should be no way she is drawn to Javi - he is 12 years older, taciturn, gruff, not handsome and known for being unfriendly.

This is a terrific story about being human, following instincts, allowing love into your life, making mistakes, feeling forgiveness, seeing the world in a new way, and not giving up.
Profile Image for Douglas Meeks.
889 reviews234 followers
May 12, 2012
The Genius and the Muse The Genius and the Muse by Elizabeth Hunter

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I stayed up later tonight just to finish The Genius and the Muse and it was exceptional, the fact that it was more of a character driven combination literary drama/love story and no PNR/UF in sight would usually make me run the opposite direction but this is one of those books that captured me shortly after I started and kept me enthralled until I was finished, while the ending was satisfying, you tend to never want books like this to end. It is a very long story of several friend with a main couple and a third young woman that is originally used to tell the story (which jumps back and forth in time in a pleasing manner) but eventually becomes a larger part of the story. While I am sure this review does not make you want to run out and buy it because my vocabulary just does not have the words to describe why this novel even managed to keep my attention somewhat eludes me other than the exceptional writing skill Elizabeth Hunter always displays that appeals to me. this was a 5 Star reading experience even though it is all drama and romance, no action to speak of but still absolutely addicting. Another job well done and hopefully some other reviewer can be more descriptive than I am for this exceptional effort.

View all my reviews
Profile Image for Melindeeloo.
3,221 reviews158 followers
April 9, 2013
I rarely stray outside of my preferred genres, so this book has been languishing on my pile for quite awhile, but I am glad that I unearthed it when I was in the mood for something different.

I really enjoyed the Genius and the Muse and the way that the story wove between photography student Kate Mitchell's present search for understanding of the renown photographer Reed O'Connor who is the subject of her thesis and the events that led to the loss of his muse - and great love - Samantha Rhodes in the past. There are also some very nice sad and tender moments and two very nice romances and some wonderful characters in Kate, Reed, and Sam and in their artist friends. One thing that struck me about the story is how vividly the various artists passion for their created processes are brought life, it made the story very engaging.
Profile Image for Vicki Stiefel.
Author 16 books807 followers
March 19, 2017
I'm a doofus. I'm a huge fan of Elizabeth Hunter's work, yet I never read the Genius and the Muse. In a reading lull, I picked it up. What a tremendous, emotion-packed novel! The two focal couples are so finely drawn, it's easy to fall in love with the characters Hunter so carefully crafts. I sure did. Javi and Kate stumble into their relationship, while Reed and Sam are damaged perfection. There's a mystery, too, concerning one of the couples. While this is a spoiler-free zone, the mystery adds a huge thread of tension and drama that kept me turning the pages like mad. Everything about this novel makes me hope that Hunter will revisit these four people again. I sure haven't gotten enough of them.
Profile Image for melai.
68 reviews25 followers
March 11, 2015
4.5 stars!

This was a surprise read for me, I didn't expect to like it so much or to finish reading it in 2 days (I have other priorities people =).

Considering that the book contains 2 love stories you would think that for a 223 pages book it will be too cramped or that the stories may have suffered. But no, the author was able to weave and tell both stories perfectly. It goes to show that you don't need a thousand pages to tell a great story.

I'm definitely going to check out the other books from this author.

Profile Image for Jackie White.
375 reviews39 followers
July 19, 2016
I liked the premise of this story, but not the delivery. I got bored.
Profile Image for Paula.
415 reviews56 followers
March 5, 2016
I've read "The Genius And The Muse" by Elizabeth Hunter for the first time nearly three years ago and it stuck with me ever since.
So I decided to reread it and even the second time around the story sucked me in with its beautiful writing style, a perfectly woven tale of love, forgiveness and new beginnings.

It's one of those books that's subtle and low-key in its plot, yet extremely artistic, poetic and full of beautiful symbolism.
It's filled with hidden messages and life lessons, but most of all it's the story of true, all-encompassing love.

"The Genius And The Muse" does what a good friend, a cup of tea or a beautiful sunset manage to do - it makes me feel peaceful and content. It doesn't need any drama overload, instead focuses on the good and bad time a love might be forced to face.
The wonderful thing is that we get to experience two love stories as Kate, a photography grad student gets drawn in by a picture taken by her idol Reed O'Conner.
One picture leads to another and suddenly she is faced with more questions than she has answers for.
Questions about Reed's relationship with Sam Rhodes, a talented painter.
As Kate researches the extraordinary relationship closer, she meets a group of artists - a tight-knit circle of friends that includes Sam and Reed.
One of those artists is Javier Lugo, a grumpy sculptor.
While Kate finds out more and more things about Sam and Reed - things that break her heart - she also begins to break through Javi's armor.
Without even noticing, she not only changes the course of Sam's and Reed's future, but also falls in love with a man she never would have expected to be such a perfect match for her.

The character - and I mean all the characters - were truly extraordinary with the most beautiful, vibrant and likable personalities. They instantly became dear to my heart.
They are normal people in a normal world. Their thoughts, their feelings and their battles were relatable, so much that I swooned, cried and held my breath.

Kate is freaking amazing. She's strong, opinionated and quirky. She's wiser than her age, but also still carries her youthful idealism. She's funny and her immediate acceptance of Javi and the lack of prejudice toward his exterior or his past, immediately made me like her. Add her wit, creativity and passion coupled with her stubbornness and you have a pretty awesome woman.

Thankfully, Javi recognizes this really fast. I fell so hard for Javi. His brooding, reclusive and often rude behavior drew me in. It's not just a thing he hides behind. That's who he is - brutally honest with lacking patience for social protocol. But when he cares about someone, it's with ferocity and unyielding loyalty. He's not the typical book boyfriend, but to me, he's one of the best there were, are and ever will be. He's pure perfection.

So are Sam and Reed. They are great as individuals, but as a couple they are something truly special.
They are both energetic and artistic and can both have quite an attitude about them. But they both love so deeply, so irrevocably, I could feel it down to the essence of my being.
Though they make mistakes, they are able to forgive and move on.

This book evokes so many emotions. Despite a tragedy and hurt feelings, it's a feel-good type of book. A book that makes you believe in ever-lasting love.

One more thing needs to be said though. The sex scenes in this book are hot, erotic and really passionate. That is a real accomplishment considering they aren't explicit in the least.
Elizabeth Hunter has an uncanny ability to write the most classy, yet scorching hot sex scenes.

6 Javi-will-always-be-mine stars.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
241 reviews27 followers
May 3, 2012
Elizabeth Hunter is one of my favorite authors. I’ve read and loved her Elemental Mysteries series which is a paranormal read. Elizabeth has this way of writing characters that you care so much about, you just can’t let them go even after you have finished the book about them. When Elizabeth emailed me to let me know she had a new book out that was contemporary I jumped on reading it… I am so glad I did!

Kate thinks she has her life together for the most part. She is working on her final project for school when she is encouraged to dig a little deeper in her project subject, Reed O'Connor, a famous photographer. I had no idea what direction the story of The Genius and The Muse was going to go. At first I thought, well this will be typical, the main character Kate will go after her idol and they will fall in love. I was so wrong! As Kate moves into Reed’s circle of friends I got to learn about Reeds past love, which is interwoven into the main storyline beautifully.

I really liked Kate. When she sees something she wants, she goes after it, and when things don’t work out for her she doesn’t wallow in self pity. I don’t know that I would have put up with some of the questions she asked Reed and his friends, but she is very driven. Kate’s drive for knowledge leads her to Reed O'Connor’s best friend Javi.

OK y’all, confession time: I have a new book boyfriend! I know you’re so surprised;) His name is Javi. Oh this man. Javi is gruff, does not have a gorgeous face, is covered in tattoos, he does the whole hermit thing, and I am so in love with him!!! Here are some of his reactions to Kate that are just too great not to share.

“Too young,” he said, pulling his eyes away from her. “Too pretty. Too damn breakable.”

But Javi just can’t stay out of her life.

“Don’t find a nice guy. You’d get bored, and he wouldn’t know what to do with you. So… yeah, be pissed at me if you want, but you—you’re one-of-a-kind…” He paused, unsure of what he was really trying to say. “So just find a guy that gets that, you know?” He rolled his eyes at the longest voicemail in history. “Or just ignore me, because it’s none of my business, anyway.”

Don’t you want to hear that you’re one of a kind!

"Perfect, he thought. She was perfect. Actually, she was a nosey, stubborn, pain in the ass.
And she was perfect."

Oh’ you know you want to read about these characters.

I loved the fact that The Genius and The Muse is not about insta-love or merely just falling in love. It’s about how love is lost, how sometimes life is not what you thought it should be, and how something broken can be fixed if you’re willing to work on it.

Go get a copy of The Genius and The Muse today and read it!!!

Happy reading,
Profile Image for Autumn Review.
1,023 reviews528 followers
April 28, 2012
Kate Mitchell is getting ready to graduate from Foothill Art Institute. Her final project is her thesis on well known photographer and alumni, Reed O'Connor. Reed is known as a genius in his field, but is somewhat of a recluse. She learns there is a link between O'Connor and her mentor on the project. Kate has been fascinated by one particular photograph that she is convinced is Reed and a woman. Her mentor tells her that she needs to understand the relationship Reed had with another artist, Samantha Rhodes, so that she can understand Reed better. As Kate begins to unravel the mysteries of Reed, she is surprised with a love of her own.

My Take:
When I was asked to read this book, there was absolutely no hesitation. I love EH's writing style and knew that this story would be nothing less than exceptional. Once again, I was right!

I often feel like book synopsis' short change the story. Now, I know that the author doesn't want to reveal too much of the story, because then what's the point in reading the book. MY point is, I read the synopsis and was intrigued, but this story takes you on such a wonderful journey. That is not to say this is a hearts and butterflies type of book. It's a story of love, self discovery, loss, and trying to heal.

I liked getting the history of the relationship between Reed and Sam, but the book for me was really about Kate. Or I guess I should say that I had a deeper connection to Kate. She is on the brink of starting her career after graduation, is stuck in a dead end relationship with a loser of a guy, and ends up becoming so emotionally involved in her project, which ultimately I think became her muse.

Then we meet Javi. Javi is a friend of Reed's and is also a famous sculptor. He's rough, not overly friendly, not particularly handsome in the traditional sense, covered in tattoos, but he is oh so lovely. I want a Javi of my own. (Do you think my husband would mind?) When we're first introduced to Javi, I wasn't really sure what his role was going to be in the story. Kate sees Javi in a different light and is intrigued by him immediately. No doubt that they have a connection, but Javi is reluctant to pursue anything with Kate for many reasons. She's younger, pretty, and about to start her own career in the art world. Needless to say, neither of them can fight their attraction and that's all I will say on that. ;) I could have read about Javi and Kate the whole time.

This book is Elizabeth Hunter's first Contemporary and I must say that the transition was effortless. I've read EH's paranormal series and am a huge fan of that as well. The Genius and The Muse is such a lovely story. It's the type of book where you want to re-read it, because you may find more little delights you missed the first time.
Profile Image for Kelley Curry.
19 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2013
Elizabeth Hunter's Genius and the Muse, is another great book by the fantastic author! I laughed, I cried, I was completely lost in their world.

Kate, the driven photography student, researches a famous alumni for her thesis paper. She is drawn to a photo that is his typical style, but somehow different. As she pulls the threads to understand Reed O'Conner, she is advised that to understand Reed is to understand Samantha Rhodes.

Becoming almost obsessed with the relationship between Sam and Reed, Kate sets out to learn as much as she can about the star crossed lovers. She is thrown in to the circle of their closest friends, all with exceptional talent, and finds herself in the midst of an extraordinary love story.

But no one will answer her question, "What happened to them?"

She soon discovers some things are worth fighting for, the value of friendship, and to never let go of that person who gets you.
Profile Image for Paula.
415 reviews56 followers
October 16, 2015
Started the book today, finished the book today.

Elizabeth Hunter has an incredible talent to acquaint the reader with the characters and allow the reader to suffer, rejoice, love, hate and go through all the other emotions with the characters.
This talent has already been proven in her Elemental Series and continues through this contemporary romance that tells the love stories of two different couples in a perfectly entwined way.

The characters have so much depth and are so realistic, you are tempted to believe they really exist. I personally cannot wait for another of Hunter's books.
Profile Image for Ky.
152 reviews3 followers
May 25, 2014
Elizabeth Hunter made a deal with the devil...or an angel. No other writer so skillfully creates fictional characters to feel like real people. She surpasses Nora Roberts in crafting stories I want to keep returning to again and again.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 357 reviews

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