Melindeeloo's Reviews > The Genius and the Muse

The Genius and the Muse by Elizabeth   Hunter
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really liked it
bookshelves: contemporary-romance

I rarely stray outside of my preferred genres, so this book has been languishing on my pile for quite awhile, but I am glad that I unearthed it when I was in the mood for something different.

I really enjoyed the Genius and the Muse and the way that the story wove between photography student Kate Mitchell's present search for understanding of the renown photographer Reed O'Connor who is the subject of her thesis and the events that led to the loss of his muse - and great love - Samantha Rhodes in the past. There are also some very nice sad and tender moments and two very nice romances and some wonderful characters in Kate, Reed, and Sam and in their artist friends. One thing that struck me about the story is how vividly the various artists passion for their created processes are brought life, it made the story very engaging.
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Reading Progress

April 9, 2013 – Started Reading
April 9, 2013 – Shelved
April 9, 2013 –
100.0% "Not sure where this is going, but I am liking the journey so far..."
April 9, 2013 –
10.0% "Not sure where this is going, but I am liking the journey so far..."
April 9, 2013 – Finished Reading

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