Books to Screen – Hamper of Recommendations

I know we all love banging on about how the book is so much better than the film/TV show, and let’s be honest, that is often the case, but that’s not to say there isn’t merit in both. To be honest with you, as someone who at least has to consider the possibility of what my work would be like if made into a film (unlikely), or TV series (more likely), I think the best way to view it is the ‘multiverse’ perspective. As in, the books are one version of a world, and the TV or film is another version. That way, you can appreciate you’re seeing something that’s probably very different but equally entertaining in its own right. And it might not be change for change’s sake either, some things just work better in a book than on screen, etc. My point is, don’t’ get over-heated if your favourite book gets turned into something you consider to be lesser – the book is still there and nobody can take that away from you.   And FYI – if you’re looking for the perfect example of something that bucks the ‘book is always better’ trend, then look no further […]
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Published on November 29, 2024 07:22
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Caimh McDonnell
Caimh writes about whatever takes his fancy, possibly writing, crime or comedy related but don't bet the farm on it. ...more
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