M. Never

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M. Never

Goodreads Author



Member Since
June 2014

M. NEVER RESIDES IN NEW York City. When she's not researching ways to tie up her characters in compromising positions, you can usually find her at the gym kicking the crap out of a punching bag, or eating at some new trendy restaurant.
She has a dependence on sushi and a fetish for boots. Fall is her favorite season.
She is surrounded by family and friends she wouldn't trade for the world and is a little in love with her readers. The more the merrier. So make sure to say hi!

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Popular Answered Questions

M. Never Yes, there will be a book for Jett, he is just a little more patient than my other characters and doesn't mind waiting for his story to be told. His s…moreYes, there will be a book for Jett, he is just a little more patient than my other characters and doesn't mind waiting for his story to be told. His story is coming though, and it's going to be diabolical(less)
M. Never That is a tough question to answer, it all depends on how long the characters speak to me. Claimed is almost ready to publish, I have the one Novella …moreThat is a tough question to answer, it all depends on how long the characters speak to me. Claimed is almost ready to publish, I have the one Novella planned and some others characters who are dying to have their story told ...along with Kayne and Ellie just not wanting to give up the spotlight. (less)
Average rating: 4.14 · 46,470 ratings · 7,756 reviews · 29 distinct worksSimilar authors
Owned (Decadence after Dark...

4.06 avg rating — 7,424 ratings — published 2014 — 8 editions
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Claimed (Decadence After Da...

4.29 avg rating — 4,854 ratings — published 2015 — 7 editions
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4.24 avg rating — 4,189 ratings — published 2016 — 6 editions
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Slashes in the Snow (Baum S...

3.93 avg rating — 4,416 ratings — published 2019 — 4 editions
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Ghostface Killer

4.18 avg rating — 3,981 ratings — published 2017 — 6 editions
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Ruined (Decadence After Dar...

4.33 avg rating — 3,598 ratings — published 2015
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Elicit (Decadence After Dar...

4.45 avg rating — 1,923 ratings — published 2016 — 5 editions
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Lie with Me (Decadence Afte...

4.31 avg rating — 1,962 ratings — published 2015 — 4 editions
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3.96 avg rating — 2,081 ratings — published 2016 — 3 editions
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3.93 avg rating — 1,639 ratings — published 2018 — 5 editions
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triple cover reveal

I am excited to share with you three new covers for the Decadence after Dark series! Owned, Claimed and Ruined!!

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Published on April 17, 2015 16:40 Tags: cover-reveal
Owned Claimed Ruined Lie with Me Elicit
(5 books)
4.23 avg rating — 20,614 ratings

Slashes in the Snow Aces High
(2 books)
3.97 avg rating — 6,417 ratings

Ghostface Killer Dangerously Great White
(3 books)
4.18 avg rating — 5,068 ratings

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A.C.H.E. by M. Never
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Quotes by M. Never  (?)
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“People often rebel against the things that make them vulnerable, while at the same time tempting them like sin.”
M. Never, Claimed

“A certain kind of darkness is needed to see the stars.”
M. Never, Owned

“A man’s most precious possession is the woman who walks by his side.”
M. Never, Claimed


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“I’m more a giver.” “I see.” “I can give to you right now before I leave --” “No.” She blushes. “You sure?” “I am.” “Then tonight, when I come pick you up, and take you to my hotel I’m going to give it to you. All. Night. Long.”
M.J. Fields, Dominic: The Prince

“There is nothing temporary about us.” “I know that. I know that, now.” “You’re sure?” I ask again. “I am sure about many things that I wasn’t sure of before. I’m sure, it’s alright to be happy all the time. I’m sure that I want to make you happy, all the time. I’m sure that no matter what happens, if we have one or five--” “Six.” I smile as I take her face in my hands. “I’m sure if the sky falls down and the Earth splits in two, you will find a way to force me through it. Dominic, you’re happiness is just as important to me.” “We’ve decided it.” “We have.” “We’re going to have a child.” “Yes.” “And get married.” “Whenever you want to.” “And six kids.” “We’ll see.” She laughs but doesn’t say no. As I hug her tight, I thank our angels in the heavens for guiding us to one another.”
M.J. Fields, Dominic: The Prince

“I walk through the gate and into the courtyard.  Laney, bellissima Laney, is standing in a wooden vat in one of my dress shirts, unbuttoned and opened, so that her breasts and her black lace panties were partially exposed. Stunning. I stand and take her in, trying to calm the race my heart is running. “Are you going to stand there or are you going to join me?” She smiles.”
M.J. Fields, Dominic: The Prince

“ “If you spend too much time thinking about doing something, you won't ever have enough time to experience it – or feel it.  And feeling is the best part of anything.  That's how we know we're alive.”
Ann Lister, Fall For Me

“I was a professor in human sexuality, and I found myself without logical explanation for what was happening. I'd never had a female friend, but I imagined this wasn’t the way of friendship. Nic and I were like two sides of a very different coin. She believed in love and forever; I believed in the present, the now, and love was a chemical response, nothing more. Besides, she still loved Chris, her dead husband, and sex for her would always go hand in hand with love. I, on the other hand, had no explanation for my current infatuation with this forty-year-old widow.”
Cory Cyr, Acquiesce: Submit & Comply

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