A.M. Kovacs

Goodreads Author



Member Since
May 2014

I enjoy blasting music whenever I’m driving and I have a tendency to sing and dance along wildly. I lose it when my favorite bands come to town, and I love jumping into crazy, chaotic mosh pits. In addition to not being able to get enough loud rock music, I also listen to various classical compositions and movie scores. I love to scare people in haunted houses every October, I adore playing hide-and-seek with my dog, and it’s always fun to play video games with my niece. I love reading, learning about history and psychology, and staring at the stars at night. Though I always strive to better myself, I make sure to keep myself grounded, and the simpler things in life will always outweigh anything else.

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A.M. Kovacs I'm currently working on Book 3 of The Sun Without Consort trilogy, and I'm super excited about it! I recently passed the 30,000-word point, so I'm ma…moreI'm currently working on Book 3 of The Sun Without Consort trilogy, and I'm super excited about it! I recently passed the 30,000-word point, so I'm making some great progress. Book 2 will be published by the end of the year!(less)
A.M. Kovacs My favorite couple is Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist. Both of them have been given a tough hand in life, but they struggle a…moreMy favorite couple is Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist. Both of them have been given a tough hand in life, but they struggle and power through everything in their way. They both strengthen each other, even without physically being there, which speaks volumes to their character. Plus, the freak/geek banter is just glorious. XD(less)
Average rating: 3.29 · 7 ratings · 2 reviews · 2 distinct works
Lurisie (The Sun Without Co...

3.33 avg rating — 6 ratings — published 2014 — 4 editions
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3.33 avg rating — 6 ratings

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Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more
136581 Ask A.M. Kovacs — 2 members — last activity Jun 02, 2014 07:21PM
Ask the author of Lurisié anything! This is the perfect place for polls, insider info, and exclusive excerpts from The Sun Without Consort trilogy!

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