Erin Summerill

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Erin Summerill

Goodreads Author

The United Kingdom



Member Since
January 2008


Erin Calabio Summerill claims Hawaii as her ancestral land, and England as her birthplace. She grew up as an Air Force brat on bases in Hawaii, California and England. After graduating with a B.A. in English from Brigham Young University, Erin taught high school English in Hawaii while starting a career as a professional photographer and aspiring to become a novelist. Erin's photography has received critical acclaim, and has been featured in national and international publications. When she isn't capturing portraits, Erin is writing. Her YA fantasy, EVER THE HUNTED, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, was short-listed for the Beehive Book Award and is a Tome Con award winner. Erin and her family moved from Hawaii and settled in the Rock ...more

Average rating: 3.63 · 16,846 ratings · 2,701 reviews · 8 distinct worksSimilar authors
Ever the Hunted (A Clash of...

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Ever the Brave (A Clash of ...

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More books by Erin Summerill…

Pre-order ONCE A KING and receive...

ONCE A KING comes out December 4, 2018! But you can preorder your hardback copy now and receive these gifts!


5x7 limited edition map and art print! Once A King welcomes readers and citizens of the five kingdoms to the All Kingdom’s Summit! This new map was created especially to guide you through the summit’s festivities! You wont want to miss the Tournament of C

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Published on November 05, 2018 22:07
Ever the Hunted Ever the Brave Once a King
(3 books)
3.62 avg rating — 16,690 ratings

Quotes by Erin Summerill  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“Bravery is a choice that is yours to make. Don't let fear steal your will.”
Erin Summerill, Ever the Hunted

“My ma always used to say, It's a good thing to need others.' It's okay to need my help, Britta. I'm not gonna make you pay for it later.”
Erin Summerill, Ever the Hunted

“The leaves on the white-barked quaky trees around the nearby lake glow like embers, fiery gold and auburn against the evergreens. The sight is a warm welcome home.”
Erin Summerill, Ever the Hunted


Which December New Release would you like to read in January?

Books were randomly chosen from Goodreads' "Most Popular Books Published In December" list.

** Write-ins are allowed. If you do so, please include title, author and series name.

Moonshadow (Moonshadow, #1) by Thea Harrison
Moonshadow by Thea Harrison
(Moonshadow, #1)
  5 votes, 55.6%

One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles, #3) by Ilona Andrews
One Fell Sweep by Ilona Andrews
(Innkeeper Chronicles, #3)
  3 votes, 33.3%

Dragon Spawn (World of the Lupi, #13) by Eileen Wilks
Dragon aSpawn by Eileen Wilks
(World of the Lupi, #13)
  1 vote, 11.1%

Ever the Hunted (Clash of Kingdoms, #1) by Erin Summerill
Ever the Hunted by Erin Summerill
(Clash of Kingdoms, #1)
  0 votes, 0.0%

Blood Vow (Black Dagger Legacy, #2) by J.R. Ward
Blood Vow by J.R. Ward
(Black Dagger Legacy, #2)
  0 votes, 0.0%

Force of Temptation (The Mercury Pack, #2) by Suzanne Wright
Force of Temptation by Suzanne Wright
(The Mercury Pack, #2)
  0 votes, 0.0%

Dead Man's Steel (The Grim Company, #3) by Luke Scull
Dead Man's Steel by Luke Scull
(The Grim Company, #3)
  0 votes, 0.0%

Winter Halo (Outcast, #2) by Keri Arthur
Winter Halo by Keri Arthur
(Outcast, #2)
  0 votes, 0.0%

Alien Nation (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #14) by Gini Koch
Alien Nation by Gini Koch
(Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #14)
  0 votes, 0.0%

Last Wish (Highland Magic Book 4) by Helen Harper
Last Wish by Helen Harper
(Highland Magic, #4)
  0 votes, 0.0%

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

“Bravery is a choice that is yours to make. Don't let fear steal your will.”
Erin Summerill, Ever the Hunted

“The leaves on the white-barked quaky trees around the nearby lake glow like embers, fiery gold and auburn against the evergreens. The sight is a warm welcome home.”
Erin Summerill, Ever the Hunted

“Words cannot hurt.”
Erin Summerill, Ever the Hunted

168108 Perustopia Book Club — 16838 members — last activity Nov 01, 2024 09:44AM
Hello everybody! Regan and I are teaming up and decided to make a book club where we can all read awesome books together each month! We will also hav ...more

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Jennifer Thompson Hello, Erin!
I'm very happy to share with you that a Rafflecopter giveaway is being hosted on Clean Romance Reviews for my new novel, THE SCENT OF A SOUL. The winner will have their choice of either a paperback or Kindle version. Visit the site at and enter your chance to win. Thanks, and good luck!!


Jennifer Thompson Erin,
Thanks for adding me as a friend! It's always interesting to me to learn what others are reading and what they think and recommend. Looking forward to yours. Have a great one.

message 2: by Erin

Erin Cassandra wrote: "Your reading a lot of Lynn Kurland. If the author has your attention that much then I better check em out! I always love it when you update on here. You find the best books!"


I am so glad you are on goodreads.

I really like the nine kingdoms trilogy by Lynn Kurland. Read that trilogy first and tell me what you think. You are an excellent opinon on books, so I am so curious for you to read them and then chat with me. Dang, if you lived closer we would have a book club.

do you have any reading suggestions for me?

luv erin

Cassandra Your reading a lot of Lynn Kurland. If the author has your attention that much then I better check em out! I always love it when you update on here. You find the best books!

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