Jag Randhawa

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Jag Randhawa

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Member Since
July 2012


Jag Randhawa is a Technology Executive, Professional Speaker, and Executive Coach. Jag has more than twenty years of technology industry experience with a strong track record of building high performance teams and award-winning products. Jag is a frequent speaker on the topics of Innovation, Employee Engagement, and Leadership.

Jag is the mastermind behind the MASTER innovation program and the founder of Idea Employee Labs, a management consulting company. Jag shares a deep passion for humanity and a desire to make a difference in the world.

Born and raised on a farm in rural India, Jag developed a sense of appreciation for doing the best with what you have, which translated well into the corporate world. Jag started programming in his early

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Jag Randhawa The Bright Idea Box book is based on a bottom-up innovation program I created at my work, in which employees submit ideas to improve the business resu…moreThe Bright Idea Box book is based on a bottom-up innovation program I created at my work, in which employees submit ideas to improve the business results. I was inspired by a Brazilian company, which calls its employees “innovators” and asks them to sign an innovator’s pledge to be on the lookout for ideas. After 2008 financial meltdown, I was looking for ideas to keep my team engaged and motivated, so I tried this technique and asked my team to come up ideas. The team not only came up with amazing ideas, but the effects of this grassroots were felt companywide. The program gradually evolved into a companywide bottom-up innovation effort and the success of the program lead to me writing a book about it.(less)
Average rating: 4.15 · 39 ratings · 13 reviews · 2 distinct works
The Bright Idea Box: A Prov...

4.11 avg rating — 36 ratings — published 2013 — 4 editions
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The Bright Idea Box

4.67 avg rating — 3 ratings2 editions
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Impact of AI on Workforce – Through the Looking Glass

I was born in a rural farming community in rural India, where most people tilled the soil with animals and cut the crops with sickles. This is where I first witnessed the power of technology – the tractor. The yield soared and the productivity increased many folds. But on the darker side, I also witnessed … Continue reading → Read more of this blog post »
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Published on August 21, 2024 09:59

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Impact of AI on Workforce – Through the Looking Glass

I was born in a rural farming community in rural India, where most people tilled the soil with animals and cut the crops with sickles. This is where I Read more of this blog post »
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Quotes by Jag Randhawa  (?)
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“To foster a solution mindset, tell employees that you are not interested in who or what caused the problem. You are only interested in hearing how we plan to go beyond the problem.”
Jag Randhawa, The Bright Idea Box: A Proven System to Drive Employee Engagement and Innovation

“An effective boss is someone who doesn’t have to boss around to be effective.”
Jag Randhawa

“Success is the result of actions. Stop wishing and start doing.”
Jag Randhawa, The Bright Idea Box: A Proven System to Drive Employee Engagement and Innovation

“All employees have an innate desire to contribute to something bigger than themselves.”
Jag Randhawa, The Bright Idea Box: A Proven System to Drive Employee Engagement and Innovation

“Success is the result of actions. Stop wishing and start doing.”
Jag Randhawa, The Bright Idea Box: A Proven System to Drive Employee Engagement and Innovation

“Life of scarcity teaches creativity.”
Jag Randhawa

“If you want to get the best out of people, ask them for help rather than assigning them work.”
Jag Randhawa, The Bright Idea Box: A Proven System to Drive Employee Engagement and Innovation

“It is never an idea, technology, market forces, or access to capital that makes a company innovative. What differentiates an innovative company from an average company is the people working inside the company.”
Jag Randhawa, The Bright Idea Box: A Proven System to Drive Employee Engagement and Innovation

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