Julio Alexi Genao

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Julio Alexi Genao

Goodreads Author

in New York City, The United States
December 29, 1976



Member Since
July 2010


JULIO ALEXI GENAO writes for money and reviews for pleasure.

he freelances as an editor of fiction and corporate communications when he has opportune breaks in his hectic twitter schedule.

he eschews capital letters unless someone is paying him, because he is lazy and belligerent, and not because he is an artiste.

he is not defensive about that at all.

or about his choice to write this bio in the third person.

he believes in recreational drugs, professional discourtesy, and the right to review books honestly—even if the author is a friend.

he lives in new york city with three cats, barbaric neighbors, and mental illness.


stalk me:



please direct all complaints, hate mail, and abuse to my custo

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Popular Answered Questions

Julio Alexi Genao yes. yes i am. very gay. hilariously gay. all the time. i am gay for this question right now. i am answering it gaily. feel my gay. feel it throbbing …moreyes. yes i am. very gay. hilariously gay. all the time. i am gay for this question right now. i am answering it gaily. feel my gay. feel it throbbing under your screen. gay. i am gay, gay, gay. *bursts into flames*(less)
Julio Alexi Genao wildly excessive amounts of anal sex.
Average rating: 4.09 · 1,266 ratings · 478 reviews · 9 distinct worksSimilar authors
When You Were Pixels (Synta...

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4.38 avg rating — 162 ratings — published 2014
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Love Has No Boundaries Anth...

3.90 avg rating — 88 ratings — published 2013
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Taking the Long Way Home

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 14 ratings — published 2014
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A Syntax of Memory (Syntax #1)

liked it 3.00 avg rating — 11 ratings
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2.40 avg rating — 5 ratings — published 2014
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4.50 avg rating — 2 ratings — published 2014
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Nightfall in a Glass House ...

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 2 ratings
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Kraken Up  1.0

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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More books by Julio Alexi Genao…

but once we were free.

hi. it's been a while.

this is julio failing to appear penitent for not blogging for millennia.

so: i'm sick unto death of my own manuscript. i'm taking a mental health day and telling little stories all around the web bcuz sometimes it's fun to be a hipster douchebag.

if you know me already, you know the following piece, the last one of the day, is likely to be a little sad, a little fucked-up Read more of this blog post »
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(2 books)
4.07 avg rating — 909 ratings

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Julio Genao has read
Heart of the Race by Mary Calmes
Heart of the Race
by Mary Calmes (Goodreads Author)
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Timber Pack Chronicles by Rob Colton
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Memento by Jordan Castillo Price
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Backwoods Beast by Claire Cray
Backwoods Beast
by Claire Cray (Goodreads Author)
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Caterpillar by Ashlyn Forge
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Flight of the Clockwork Angels by Tris Merlin
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Stories Beneath Our Skin by Veronica Sloane
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A Desperate Arrangement by mikkimouse
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Quotes by Julio Alexi Genao  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“I loved you even when you forgot me.

And—for a little while—you loved me back.”
Julio-Alexi Genao, When You Were Pixels

“I gave you all my secrets, and you lost them all. You lost a lot of things.

But the treasure of it was in the giving, not the keeping.”
Julio-Alexi Genao, When You Were Pixels

“So. Monday. We meet again.

We will never be friends—but maybe we can move past our mutual enmity toward a more-positive partnership.”
Julio-Alexi Genao

Topics Mentioning This Author

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The History Book ...: ALICJA's 50 BOOKS READ IN 2014 137 153 Dec 30, 2014 04:38AM  
“The lesson here is not to take Camus to the beach.”
Leo X. Robertson

“I have never listened to anyone who criticized my taste in space travel, sideshows or gorillas. When this occurs, I pack up my dinosaurs and leave the room.”
Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing: Releasing the Creative Genius Within You

“I have written it before and am not ashamed to write it again. Without Wodehouse I am not sure that I would be a tenth of what I am today -- whatever that may be. In my teenage years, his writings awoke me to the possibilities of language. His rhythms, tropes, tricks and mannerisms are deep within me.
But more than that, he taught me something about good nature. It is enough to be benign, to be gentle, to be funny, to be kind.”
Stephen Fry

“I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.”
P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters

“We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works.”
Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time

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Comments (showing 1062-1111)    post a comment »

message 1111: by Mir

Mir ‎¡Feliz cumpleaños, cariño!

message 1110: by Mir

Mir Happy birthday!

message 1109: by Mir

Mir Happy Easter, bebe.

message 1108: by Richard

Richard Derus Smoochling! You showed your shining visage! I am delighted. Come back soon.

message 1107: by Mir

Mir Feliz en tu dia, Julio.
Te amo.

message 1106: by Mir

Mir Thought you might be interested in this storybundle: https://storybundle.com/lgbt

Includes Charles and I think some other authors you may have read.

message 1105: by Mir

Mir Feliz V-day, amor mio.

message 1104: by Mir

Mir Happy birthday, Julio! Hope your morning requires recovery from excesses of some sort.

message 1103: by Sheziss

Sheziss Maybe a little bit late but... Merry Christmas!!!

message 1101: by Sofia


Marlobo ♥ epilogues Coming back, I stopped to read this new version of your profile. Definitely, profiles need a "Like" button... o at least yours, Ojitos.

message 1099: by Richard

Richard Derus *smoochiesmoochsmooch* to my torrid latinx lover!

message 1098: by Julio

Julio Genao Kalamah wrote: "So, fun story. One of the authors who recently showed her ass in the past few days is one I had found all on my own, rather than hearing about through your wonderfully informative rants, and I'd de..."

yuck. sorry about said author. and i'm glad i could brighten your day for a quick minute. thanks for the sweet note ❤

message 1097: by Julio

Julio Genao Lily wrote: "Hi Julio! *Waving* Thank you for accepting my friendship

cheers :-)

message 1096: by Julio (last edited Sep 14, 2016 12:00PM)

Julio Genao Dia wrote: "Thank you for accepting my friend request. Have a beautiful day! :)"

you too!

message 1095: by Kalamah

Kalamah So, fun story. One of the authors who recently showed her ass in the past few days is one I had found all on my own, rather than hearing about through your wonderfully informative rants, and I'd decided that her prose was not up to my standards. I can't say I'm surprised to learn she's not just a bad writer, but also a bigot. Had the book I sampled been a physical copy, it might have gotten a flung-at-the-wall treatment for being pretentious infodumpy drivel, all the more disappointing because the premise sounded so promising.

In any case, I am as always very appreciative of your reviews and rants, as they've saved me money and time, and also brightened my days at times with your sense of humor.

message 1094: by Dia

Dia Thank you for accepting my friend request. Have a beautiful day! :)

message 1093: by Apeiron

Apeiron Kalamah wrote: "I have another Captive Prince fic author to rec, as I've been indulging in binge after binge of CP fic lately. Fahye is still my favorite, but I just found Josselin the other day and was enamored.

I remember her QAF fics, she was my hero.

message 1092: by Julio

Julio Genao Kalamah wrote: "I have another Captive Prince fic author to rec, as I've been indulging in binge after binge of CP fic lately. Fahye is still my favorite, but I just found Josselin the other day and was enamored.

thanks :-D

message 1091: by Kalamah

Kalamah I have another Captive Prince fic author to rec, as I've been indulging in binge after binge of CP fic lately. Fahye is still my favorite, but I just found Josselin the other day and was enamored.



message 1090: by Mir

Mir Well, duh.

message 1089: by Julio

Julio Genao Miriam wrote: "Proof-reading: important.



message 1088: by Mir

Mir Proof-reading: important.


message 1087: by Julio

Julio Genao Kalamah wrote: "Because I see you have excellent taste in liking Captive Prince, and you read fanfic, I am dropping you a few fic recs because they are amazeballs.


hey, thanks for the links! I inhaled everything, and then spent two days reading All The CP Fics.

message 1086: by Kalamah (last edited May 18, 2016 01:51AM)

Kalamah Because I see you have excellent taste in liking Captive Prince, and you read fanfic, I am dropping you a few fic recs because they are amazeballs.

http://fahye.tumblr.com/post/14421661... (warning: adorbs)

http://fahye.tumblr.com/post/14391022... (this one had me swooning)

http://fahye.tumblr.com/post/14339355... (I may have made a weird giggly sound)

http://archiveofourown.org/works/6165... (this broke my heart in a good-pain way)

message 1085: by Julio

Julio Genao Miriam wrote: ""


message 1084: by Mir


message 1083: by Bgurl (don't h8 me cuz I'm honestful) (last edited Mar 29, 2016 12:13PM)

Bgurl (don't h8 me cuz I'm honestful) Hey Julio:

Why can't I find your "message" button? Anywhoo... message me. I know where you can get an e-copy of "Silver Devil".

message 1082: by Julio

Julio Genao Astrid wrote: "Thank you so much for accepting!"

cheers, nice to meet you, and happy reading :-D

Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth Thank you so much for accepting!

message 1080: by Julio

Julio Genao Karly *The Vampire Ninja & Luminescent Monster* wrote: "For you, because I love you :)"

*bursts into tears*

thank you. ❤

message 1078: by Julio

Julio Genao Nana wrote: "Hey, thanks for the FR *Bows politely then goes back to lurking under books*"

a pleasure to mee—wait,me here are y—ok. ok we'll talk another...

*door slams in the distance*


message 1077: by Nana

Nana Hey, thanks for the FR *Bows politely then goes back to lurking under books*

message 1076: by Julio

Julio Genao Bgurl wrote: "Thanks for the friend request, Julio. I really love our reviews. I'm looking forward to reading more of them & laughing at your unique POV."

thanks for accepting, and happy reading :-)

Bgurl (don't h8 me cuz I'm honestful) Thanks for the friend request, Julio. I really love our reviews. I'm looking forward to reading more of them & laughing at your unique POV.

message 1074: by Julio

Julio Genao Arya *Bibliomaniac!* Stark wrote: "New friend, new friend, YAY!"

*high fives*

message 1073: by Slip!

Slip! New friend, new friend, YAY!

message 1072: by Julio

Julio Genao Nancy wrote: "Just wanted to share my favorite comfort food."

you're amazing, and that looks delicious. thank you, mi hermana.

message 1071: by Nancy


Just wanted to share my favorite comfort food.

message 1070: by Julio

Julio Genao Pendragonish wrote: "For in case you know someone who is into the kittehs and can use a hug."


message 1069: by Lenaya (last edited Mar 10, 2016 05:06PM)

Lenaya Fallin description

For in case you know someone who is into the kittehs and can use a hug.

message 1068: by Julio

Julio Genao Christina wrote: "hi there"

*helpless grunt*

god, you always know how to cheer me up.


message 1067: by Julio

Julio Genao Sheziss wrote: "Hello there! :D

I don't know why not, either hahahaha.

But now it's done :P ."


message 1066: by Sheziss

Sheziss Hello there! :D

I don't know why not, either hahahaha.

But now it's done :P .

message 1065: by Julio

Julio Genao Erica wrote: "When did you re-write your introduction/frontpage/whatever the hell the description thingy is called? It's delightful. I am delighted by it."

couple weeks ago. and thank you :-)

message 1064: by Erica

Erica When did you re-write your introduction/frontpage/whatever the hell the description thingy is called? It's delightful. I am delighted by it.

message 1063: by Julio

Julio Genao Miriam wrote: "
Self-portrait with Pyotr Konchalovsky, by Ilya Mashkov"


message 1062: by Mir (last edited Mar 06, 2016 09:12AM)

Self-portrait with Pyotr Konchalovsky, by Ilya Mashkov

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