Cristina Rivera Garza

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Cristina Rivera Garza

in Matamoros, Mexico
October 01, 1964



Cristina Rivera Garza is the author of numerous works of fiction and non-fiction. Originally written in Spanish, these works have been translated into English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Korean, and more. Born in Mexico in 1964, she has lived in the United States since 1989. She is Distinguished Professor in Hispanic Studies and Director of Creative Writing at the University of Houston and was awarded the MacArthur “Genius” Grant in 2020.

Cristina Rivera Garza isn't a Goodreads Author (yet), but they do have a blog, so here are some recent posts imported from their feed.

POEM-A-DAY Saturday, April 17, 2010 12:49 am

Check this out. Translated by Cheyla Samuelson and Ilana Luna, "Saturday, April 17, 2010, 12:49 am", a poem originally included in the book Viriditas. Heartfelt thanks to curator Vanessa Angélica Villarreal for the selection.  Text and audio here. --crg
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Published on October 30, 2023 06:55
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Quotes by Cristina Rivera Garza  (?)
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“You need the ocean for this: to stop believing in reality. To ask yourself impossible questions. To not know. To cease knowing. To become intoxicated by the smell. To close your eyes. To stop believing in reality.”
Cristina Rivera Garza, The Iliac Crest

“I had stopped asking what really happened in order to explore the foundation of reality itself. I was in pursuit of something new, something that, in one way or another, would change the way I experienced the ocean.”
Cristina Rivera Garza, The Iliac Crest

“Vivir en duelo es esto: nunca estar sola. Invisible pero patente de muchas formas, la presencia de los muertos nos acompaña en los minúsculos intersticios de los días. Por sobre el hombro, a un lado de la voz, en el eco de cada paso. Arriba de las ventanas, en el filo del horizonte, entre las sombras de los árboles. Siempre están allá y siempre están aquí, con y adentro de nosotros, y afuera, envolviéndonos con su calidez, protegiéndonos de la intemperie. Éste es el trabajo del duelo: reconocer su presencia, decirle que sí a su presencia. Siempre hay otros ojos viendo lo que veo e imaginar ese otro ángulo, imaginar lo que unos sentidos que no son los míos podrían apreciar a través de mis sentidos es, bien mirado, una definición puntual del amor. El duelo es el fin de la soledad.”
Cristina Rivera Garza, El invencible verano de Liliana


January 2021 Monthly Read Poll #2: Latin American authors

Red Dust by Yoss, translated by David Frye
  7 votes, 28.0%

The Taiga Syndrome by Cristina Rivera Garza, translated by Suzanne Levine & Aviva Kana
  7 votes, 28.0%

Spiral by Agustín de Rojas, translated by Nick Caistor & Hebe Powell
  4 votes, 16.0%

  4 votes, 16.0%

Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin, translated by Megan McDowell & Ruth Sepp
  3 votes, 12.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%


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