Darren Shan

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Darren Shan

Goodreads Author

in London, The United Kingdom



Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Jonathan Carroll, Clive Barker, Kurt Vonne ...more

Member Since
December 2010


Librarian's note: Also writes books for adults under the name Darren Dash. And in the past he has released books for adults under the names D.B. Shan and Darren O'Shaughnessy.

Darren Shan (born July 2, 1972 in London, England) is the pen name of the Irish author Darren O'Shaughnessy, as well as the name of the protagonist of his book series The Saga of Darren Shan, also known as The Cirque Du Freak Series in the United States. He is the author of the series The Demonata, The Saga of Larten Crepsley, and Zom-B. He has also released the stand-alone novel, The Thin Executioner, and the stand-alone short novels, Koyasan, and Hagurosan. Plus, for adults, he released The City Trilogy (originally under the name of D.B. Shan), and Lady of the Shades

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Darren Shan Write! Writing is a learning process. The more you write, the more you'll learn, and the better you'll get. There are no shortcuts, so stop looking fo…moreWrite! Writing is a learning process. The more you write, the more you'll learn, and the better you'll get. There are no shortcuts, so stop looking for them, pick up a pen or sit down in front of your computer, and start writing. You'll make mistakes and write bad stories, but you'll learn a lot more from those than you will by reading How To books, or scouring the web for advice, or sitting around and just dreaming about it.(less)
Darren Shan Getting feedback from readers, whether it's in letter or emails, or when I meet them in person while on tour. I write stories to try to make connectio…moreGetting feedback from readers, whether it's in letter or emails, or when I meet them in person while on tour. I write stories to try to make connections with readers, and there's nothing more rewarding than experiencing the proof that my stories have come alive inside their heads and worked the wonders that I was hoping they would.(less)
Average rating: 4.18 · 652,430 ratings · 27,889 reviews · 233 distinct worksSimilar authors
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Tunnels of Blood (Cirque du...

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Vampire Mountain (Cirque Du...

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Trials of Death (Cirque Du ...

4.25 avg rating — 33,397 ratings — published 2001 — 71 editions
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The Vampire Prince (Cirque ...

4.23 avg rating — 31,769 ratings — published 2002 — 78 editions
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Hunters of the Dusk (Cirque...

4.16 avg rating — 29,029 ratings — published 2002 — 77 editions
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Allies of the Night (Cirque...

4.18 avg rating — 27,873 ratings — published 2002 — 72 editions
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Killers of the Dawn (Cirque...

4.22 avg rating — 27,229 ratings — published 2003 — 62 editions
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The Lake of Souls (Cirque d...

4.18 avg rating — 25,377 ratings — published 2002 — 66 editions
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Arra Sails essay

Arra Sails remains one of the most popular characters from my Cirque Du Freak books, even though she didn't have a lot of page time in the series. She actually was never planned to be as important a character as she turned out to be -- she just took on a life of her own as I was writing the Vampire Mountain books, and ended up forcing herself into the story. It's always a pleasure when that happen Read more of this blog post »
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Published on December 09, 2024 07:50
Cirque Du Freak: A Living N... The Vampire's Assistant Tunnels of Blood Vampire Mountain Trials of Death The Vampire Prince Hunters of the Dusk
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Cirque Du Freak, Vol. 1 Cirque Du Freak: The Vampir... Tunnels of Blood Cirque Du Freak: Vampire Mo... Cirque Du Freak: Trials of ... Cirque Du Freak, Vol. 6: Th... Cirque Du Freak: Hunters of...
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Zom-B Zom-B Underground Zom-B City Zom-B Angels Zom-B Baby Zom-B Gladiator Zom-B Mission
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Birth of a Killer Ocean of Blood Palace of the Damned Brothers to the Death
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His Favorite Horror: The master of macabre shares his favorite works of terror just in time for his new noir fantasy, City of the Snakes.
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آرچیبالد لاکس و پل بین دنیاها by Darren Shan
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Quotes by Darren Shan  (?)
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“Real life's nasty. It's cruel. It doesn't care about heroes and happy endings and the way things should be. In real life, bad things happen. People die. Fights are lost. Evil often wins.”
Darren Shan

“I don't like it, but my hands are tied. I just want you to know this: if I ever get the chance to betray you, I will. If the opportunity arises to pay you back, I'll take it. You'll never be able to trust me.”
Darren Shan, Cirque du Freak: A Living Nightmare

“Even a minute of dying is better than an eternity of nothingness. ”
Darren Shan, Sons of Destiny


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“Choose your leaders
with wisdom and forethought.
To be led by a coward
is to be controlled
by all that the coward fears.
To be led by a fool
is to be led
by the opportunists
who control the fool.
To be led by a thief
is to offer up
your most precious treasures
to be stolen.
To be led by a liar
is to ask
to be told lies.
To be led by a tyrant
is to sell yourself
and those you love
into slavery.”
Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Talents

541082 Cirque Du Freak-Along — 56 members — last activity Dec 01, 2018 07:14AM
A readalong of the Cirque du Freak series by Darren Shan in 2018. These are relatively short books and there will be a book for each week, but please ...more
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message 19: by Diana

Diana Weasley Thx so much for accepting my friend request:)
Demonata is really good.
I wish to write like you,later !! ^___^

message 18: by Negin

Negin I love your books I love the demonata(it's my life)
i'm going to read zom-B i hope to like it too
as iranian says:دوست دارم

message 17: by Ariya

Ariya Thank you for accepting my friend request. I know it will mean nothing, considering we are not actually friends but haha *waving awkwardly* I'm so glad you did. I'm on my way through Demonata and just finished Death's Shadow a couple of hours ago and decided to add you friend. It's so surreal like I'd been glued to your story and then the author accpeted your friend request! Enjoy your day Mr. Shan! Don't let Lord Loss crawl out into your bed.

message 16: by Tina (last edited Nov 23, 2014 03:44PM)

Tina THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ACCEPTING MY FRIEND REQUEST!!! You don't know how happy you made me. I might even explode. That happens to me sometimes...
-Your #1 Shanster!!!!!!

message 15: by Connor

Connor Kolb Bre wrote: "OMG Thank you so much for accepting my friend request! You are my FAVORITE horror author. Iread all of your Demonata & Darren Shan: AMAZING series! I can't wait to read your zombie horror serie nex..."

I wouldn't call D. Shan a horror author. No offense- he's an amazing writer and I love his Cirque Du Freak and Demonata series. However, he's not really a horror author to me. More like fiction, fantasy. Stephen King, Edgar A. Poe, and Seth Graham-Smith- they're horror authors, and they are masters. Shan IS scary- but not horror genre scary.

message 14: by Ariana

Ariana Thanks for accepting my friend request! I want to read as many of your books as I can and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D


❄️ Propertea Of Frostea ❄️ Bitter SnoBerry ❄ Nishanth wrote: "HAPPY BLOODY BIRTHDAY!!!"

^^^^^^^^ again! ^_^

message 11: by Lauren

Lauren Eames Thank you for accepting my friend request :) I'm currently reading Dark Calling in The Demonata series and oh my god! I love these books! Can't wait to read the last book once I'm done with this one but will also be quite sad to finish the series. Brilliant job, definitely one of my favourite series of all time :)


message 9: by Silas

Silas Thank you for friending me!!! I'm in love with your books and am reading Procession of the Dead.

Sandra Thanks so much for friending me! :)

message 7: by Klyde

Klyde Thank you so much for accepting my friend request!! I.LOVE,YOUR.BOOKS! You are the best author EVER!!! I've read the whole Saga of Darren Shan just this summer and I'm currently reading the Demonata now. I just wanted to say I hope you keep writing more books and thank you for turning my world around! :)

Reiley dorgan I am a big fan of the Cirque Du Freak series! I love it. Please write more books! Maybe you should write a book about zombies. You do really good with vampires though. Thnx for the great books.

Darren Shan Me too!!! :-)

Rachel Thanks for accepting the friend request. I love you, Darren Shan. <3
LIVING for April and September for 'Brothers to the Death' and the first Zom-B book. SO excited!! :D xxxx

Gc032787 Cirque du freak is AWESOME!!!

message 2: by Hina

Hina Agreeing with everyone's comments. :D

message 1: by Cara

Cara Darren Shan, i absolutely adore you!!! Keep trying to write more books please, they are amazing!!! :D

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