Addison Fox's Blog
April 24, 2013
Writing Long, Writing Short...What's the Difference
As a reader, it's not something I ever consciously thought of, but as a writer it's something I must think about - all the time.
How will a plot idea in my head translate into the book I'm writing?
Ever notice how a lot of novellas are reunion stories? While I don't want to say it's completely deliberate, it does give the writer - and the reader - a shorthand to accept how quickly the hero and heroine get together on the page.
Alternatively, in a longer book we often get a much larger sense of the hero and/or the heroine before the two of them meet. What's brought them to this point in their lives? What are they emotionally searching for? And what predicament are they in that's going to carry them through the next 350 pages.
Prepping for this workshop, I've had a lot of fun going back to favorite reads - novellas, category-length books, longer single titles - and thinking about how the plots of each dictated the type of story being told.
It made me look more closely at my own writing and - even when ideas are cooking subconsciously - how I'm still categorizing them in my head.
I LOVE to read - and I'm a romance reader across the spectrum of romance publishing. From all the sub-genres, to really juicy novellas to a stack of category novels on my bookshelf that are definite keepers, I read them all.
It's been extremely rewarding to translate that love of the romance genre to what I'm writing. It makes my book-loving, romance-writing heart very, very happy! :-)
February 7, 2013
Entangled in Love Blog Hop
Click here to check out what the other authors are giving away during the Entangled In Love blog hop!
Thanks for joining me for the Entangled in Love Blog Hop!
It’s the season of love and the Entangled authors are celebrating by doing a week of giveaways. Come join us and hop from blog to blog, entering as you go for all the goodies each author is giving away.
I’m giving away a $20 Amazon OR BN gift card (winner’s choice) and a copy of my latest release, TEMPTING ACQUISITIONS (in electronic format only). The entry period is from February 8th, 2013 through Midnight Central Time, Friday, February 15th.
Here’s a quick blurb about TEMPTING ACQUISITIONS:
CEO Keira McBride has put more than a decade of blood, sweat, and tears into restoring her family’s magazine empire and knows she can handle any business challenge thrown her way…until sexy billionaire and corporate raider Nathan Cooper makes a play for her legacy.
Nathan’s not accustomed to losing and neither is Keira. When an all-consuming attraction threatens to devour them both, Nathan makes it clear he wants to move their relationship out of the boardroom and into the bedroom. Keira knows it’s going to be the negotiation of her life and the stakes have never been higher. This time, her heart is on the line…
I’m excited to celebrate the hop with my fellow Entangled authors. We’re also having a Twitter party on Friday, February 8th at 9P EST. There will be more prizes then so come join us and follow the fun at #EntangledinLove.
Comment here on the blog to be entered into my contest. Winners will be drawn after the contest period ends.
September 18, 2012
Let Your Writer Flag Fly
I posted this article earlier this year to my RWA NYC chapter newsletter and thought I’d share it more broadly.
I was recently invited to a friend’s daughter’s piano recital. I remember holding this child in the hospital the day after she was born, so the fact that she is now MAKING MUSIC is something that I find wildly incredible and I jumped at the chance to attend.
As I sat there listening to the various children play their prepared pieces, something struck me like a lightning bolt.
These children have courage.
Ranging in ages from five to twelve, they played their work in front of an audience, smiling and enjoying themselves through each and every note. It didn’t matter if they missed a note or hit the wrong one, nor did it matter if they needed to start over. They were so incredibly excited about playing for their audience.
And then a second lightning bolt hit.
As adults, we so often forget that joy – the profound joy of sharing our gifts with the world. Gifts that aren’t always perfect or polished, shiny or new. Gifts that require sacrifice and effort, but which define who we are and why we have purpose on this earth.
I think this is something that often happens on the writer’s journey. If you have the desire inside of you – and presumably you do if you’re reading this newsletter from a professional writers organization – you are called to be a writer. Somewhere in your soul, there is a flag that waves with the word WRITER on it. It accompanies you through the ups and downs of life and it colors the way you perceive the world around you.
Just like lights and bushel baskets, your flag longs to wave before the world, not hide in that quiet place inside of you that no one can see. Your gift calls you to share your work, to practice and hone your skills until that work is ready for an audience.
Will you miss some notes? Of course.
Will everyone like the piece? No, they won’t.
Will you get that profound joy from sharing your gift? Yes, absolutely.
So let’s take a lesson from the grade-school crowd. Have the courage to share your gifts. The world is waiting.
August 8, 2012
Whatcha Reading?
I always say I’m a reader first, an author second. For me, it’s an important distinction because while I love being a writer, my joy of reading is what makes my job so much fun.
To that end, I’m always on the hunt for new books and new authors. Here are a few I’ve discovered recently that I’ve absolutely loved.
This book was fun, fun, fun. It’s hard to fully describe, as it’s part mystery, part light urban fantasy, part romance and pure fun. I just picked up book 2 in the series and am anxious to dive in.
FROM THE MIXED UP FILES OF MRS. BASIL E. FRANKWEILER – by E.L. Konigsburg. Ok…full disclosure on this one, I read it as a kid and wanted to go back and see if this story was as great as I remembered. It was!
The Bibliophile Mysteries, by Kate Carlisle
I discovered these cozy mysteries about a year ago after hearing so much about them and I am absolutely hooked on them (the 6th installment – PERIL IN PAPERBACK – just came out yesterday). The main character, Brooklyn Wainwright, is a restorer of old books. Who doesn’t love a heroine who loves books (and wine!!) These books are fantastic.
SUMMER DAYS, SUMMER NIGHTS, ALL SUMMER LONG by Susan Mallery [Fool's Gold books 7-9]
I have really been enjoying her Fool’s Gold series and this summer’s three books have been great additions to the series. I love the town of Fool’s Gold and what Susan’s created on the page and these have been fun books.
What about you? Whatcha been reading?
August 4, 2012
Apologies from Addison
Ok…so first up, my sincere apologies for being the world’s WORST blogger!!!! I recently had a site update and realized that not only have I been really REALLY neglecting my blog, but many of you had been kind enough to post and I somehow missed the posts.
To all of you who have written, THANK YOU. I truly appreciate all the support.
And here’s my pledge….to be a better blogger!!!!
September 7, 2010
WARRIOR AVENGED is here!!!!!
So I really didn't think it was possible, but I think I might be even more excited about my second release day than my first! WARRIOR AVENGED hits the shelves today. This is my Scorpio, Kane Montague's story. For those of you who've read WARRIOR ASCENDED, you know that Kane spent a very heated few days with a mysterious fellow MI-6 agent who left him at a most indelicate moment.
Well…let's just say that Kane's out to get some answers…..
I hope you enjoy WARRIOR AVENGED. I had a BLAST writing this book and I absolutely love Kane and Ilsa.
As always, thank you for all your support!!!
August 5, 2010
RWA 2010
I had to post a quick blog about RWA 2010 that just finished up this past Saturday in Orlando. The conference was AMAZING!!! Absolutely, positively amazing. In honor of just how awesome it was, I've made my own little Top 10 list of Conference Awesomeness and thought I'd share.
10) Time spent rejuvenating the well
As an author, it's my job to either find inspiration or wrestle it to the ground into submission. Because it's my job, I'm very happy to do it, but….I find the annual RWA conference to be such a wonderful shot in the arm. Despite coming home tired and ready to sleep for a week, the urge to get at the keyboard is always stronger than usual and the words seem to flow with a little more speed.
9) All those books!
Yes, I'm an author, but I'm a reader first and foremost. I've loved books since I knew what they were and that feeling of child-like wonder has never really left me (and I hope it never does!) At the RWA conference, books are EVERYWHERE!! Free books in our registration bags, free books on the seats at lunch, free books at the publisher signings….books, books, books. It's HEAVEN!!!
8)All those authors!
I am endlessly fascinated to discuss writing with people. The folks I share my daily life with (whom I love, one and all!) just don't understand the deep importance of crafting a great sentence, or point of view, or the characters that chatter in my head. They can't appreciate the endless need to discuss theme and character arc and the hero's journey. But at RWA….ah!!! I'M WITH MY PEOPLE!!!!
7) The shoes….
It's no secret RWA's made up predominantly of women. And other than a Gerard Butler sighting, there's not much else that will get a room full of women squealing more quickly than an awesome pair of shoes! I purposely buy a new pair each year for the conference (or two or three…or maybe four….don't judge!!) and I love admiring the awesome shoes of others!
6) The bar
Okay…it's a very poorly kept secret that when writers finally get let out of their homes and away from their keyboards, we definitely have a penchant for the bar. It's really just a huge excuse to be social, but it's always the most happening part of the entire conference.
5) Old Friends
I've been a part of RWA since 2002 and have been incredibly fortunate to make a wonderful group of friends through my association with the organization. I love getting together with them at the conference and catching up, hearing about each other's lives and talking about our writing. It's the most human part of writing and I love every moment of it.
4) New Friends
One wonderful constant of RWA is that you're always meeting new friends. I was so fortunate this year to reconnect with my sisters from the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood. We were all part of the 2009 Golden Heart class and had a chance to spend time together at the conference.
3) Even Newer Friends
The RWA conference is also a wonderful way to meet brand new people. I loved meeting new people throughout the conference and hope to see all of them next year!
2) The Literacy Signing
This was my first year to have a book on the shelves, so I was able to sign at RWA's annual "Readers for Life" Literacy booksigning. This year RWA's annual signing raised $55,000 to support literacy efforts. For anyone who attends the conference as an unpublished writer, a dream is to finally be able to sign. The experience was everything I hoped it would be and more!! And the people I met were absolutely wonderful.
1) And the single best thing about the RWA National conference…..
The 2011 conference will be in New York City at the end of June, 2011. I can't wait!
July 7, 2010
A Drive By Post
OK… I just looked at my last blog post….March 2…..oh goodness, you can officially consider me the most hideous blogger on the planet.
So…I make my renewed vow - I AM going to do my best to blog more often!!!
Of course, part of why I'm a bad blogger is that I never know what to say. Give me a story to tell and my fingers fly….try to come up with a subject to blog on and you might as well kiss anything of remote interest good-bye. Unless you're absolutely riveted by the story of a 2-year-old who threw a tantrum on the subway this morning, I'm afraid I ain't got much.
So…whenever I don't know what to say, I revert to one of my favorite subjects….books!!! (Well, Daniel Craig and Gerard Butler can get me grooving, too, but – alas – neither has come to their senses and realized I am the woman of their dreams, so…no blog post for them!)
Despite being on deadline, I try to read every day. I usually get at least 20 minutes a day on the subway and a bit of time before bed. I thought I'd share what I'm currently reading (and yes, it's freaky but I usually have at least 4-5 books going at a time). Feel free to drop in and let me know what you've got on your TBR pile!
OK - so I adore – adore, adore, adore – Meg Cabot and read just about everything the woman writes (I've even read her adorable middle grade series about Allie Finkel, despite the fact there isn't an 8 year old in sight in my household, I love her books that much).
Insatiable is her take on vampires and it's fun, clever, juicy and ever-so-sly in the way she's taken on the recent resurgence of vampire fiction. I highly recommend it!!!
STORM OF SHADOWS by Christina Dodd
I absolutely love Christina Dodd's paranormals and I've had Storm on my TBR pile. Since her next two in this series – CHAINS OF ICE and CHAINS OF FIRE are about to come out (Ice came out this past Tuesday) I hurried to read this. An absolutely yummy hero and a fun, slighly kooky (but loveable) heroine made this a fun read!
I love Vivi's series with Harlequin Nocturne – it's CSI-meets-the-paranormal. First of all, I just LOVE the premise. Second, oh man, does she deliver in this series. I nearly devoured this book in one sitting. It's fantastic!
FROSTBITE by Richelle Mead
OK, OK, so I'm way behind on my Vampire Academy reading. I just finished #2 – FROSTBITE - and will likely have the next two done by the end of the month. This series is so much fun – if you are a YA reader, you've no doubt discovered this wonderful series a long time ago. If you're not a YA reader or want to know where to start, definitely check these out. VAMPIRE ACADEMY is the first and it's a lot of fun.
OK….back to my deadline cave. WARRIOR BETRAYED – Quinn's book - is due in at the end of the month. Although I say deadline cave like it's a bad thing, in reality….I get to spend my evenings with Quinn Tanner, Taurus Warrior. Oh my, am I one lucky gal!!!
Happy Summer!!!
March 2, 2010
Release Day!!!!
Today's the day – WARRIOR ASCENDED hits the shelves! I've already visited my local bookstore and gotten reports from family and friends scattered across the country.
The entire process – from selling the book in November 2008 up to today, has been such an incredible journey. Most of all, the love and support shown by my loved ones has been a truly humbling experience.
So this is my love letter to the wonderful people who are a part of my life. Thank you for your encouragement and support, your warm words and touching emails, your excited questions and willingness to tell your friends about the book.
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I am so very fortunate to have you in my life.
February 21, 2010
Whatcha Reading???
I don't know about you guys, but between the releases so far this winter and what's coming in spring, I am in reader heaven. Over the last few weeks, I've read:
>>If you're not reading the Immortals After Dark series, you're missing out. This book was fantastic!
SOULLESS - Gail Carriger
>> This is a fun, original, completely enjoyable read and I am anxiously awaiting the next book in the series, CHANGELESS coming on March 30th.
>> This series – set with a knitting backdrop – has been incredible fun to read. KMFAL is the third in the series and so incredibly enjoyable.
STEAMED – Katie MacAlister
>> I love Katie's books and this one was a lot of fun - and also her first foray into Steampunk.
>> I love, love, love this series (I love, love, love every single thing Meg Cabot writes) and this was an absolutely fantastic ending to the series. I am, however, having a very sad reader moment to know that Mia's printed adventures are over, but I do rest secure in the knowledge she's enjoying her happily-ever-after with Michael Moscovitz.
>> I found these wonderful books – the Betsy~Tacy series - late last year and have (like so many girls before me) fallen in love with the stories of Betsy Warrington Ray and her world at the turn of the century Minnesota. The first four books were written for young readers and then the last six – just recently re-released by HarperCollins as three double volumes – are older YA and pure magic.
>> OK – full disclosure here – Jo is one of my dearest friends. It still doesn't change the fact that this series is HOT, HOT, HOT. Her firefighters are awesome and she weaves an incredibly tight, taut, thrilling story. I've been waiting for Julian's story and she SO delivered with this one!
Of course, there's also what's to come, and my book list for the next few months is getting longer by the day…
HEX HALL – Rachel Hawkins
AND FALLING, FLY – Skyler White
ON THE STEAMY SIDE – Louisa Edwards
BOUND BY DARKNESS – Annette McCleave
So what about you? What have you been reading and what are you looking forward to?