Liliana Blum

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Liliana Blum

Goodreads Author

in Durango, Durango, Mexico

Member Since
May 2007


Autora de las novelas El extraño caso de Lenny Goleman (Planeta Joven, 2021), Cara de liebre (Seix Barral, 2020), El monstruo pentápodo (Bordes, 2019; Tusquets, 2017; Bordes, 2019), Pandora (Maxi 2020; Tusquets, 2015), y Residuos de espanto (Ficticia, 2013), así como de los libros de cuentos Un descuido cósmico (Tusquets, 2024) Todas hemos perdido algo (Tusquets, 2020), Tristeza de los cítricos (Páginas de Espuma, 2019), No me pases de largo (Literal Publishing, 2013), Yo sé cuando expira la leche (IMAC Durango, 2011), El libro perdido de Heinrich Böll (Editorial Jus, 2008), The curse of Eve and other stories (Host Publications, 2008), Vidas de catálogo (Tierra Adentro, 2007), ¿En qué se nos fue la mañana?(ITCA, 2007), y La maldición de Eva ...more

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Liliana Blum The process of writing is always a pleasure, but nothing compares to having a reader tell you how much he/she liked your book, and how he/she connecte…moreThe process of writing is always a pleasure, but nothing compares to having a reader tell you how much he/she liked your book, and how he/she connected with it.(less)
Liliana Blum I try to write something else, not what I was planning to write. Sometimes I just read and read and read non stop books from my favorite authors, and …moreI try to write something else, not what I was planning to write. Sometimes I just read and read and read non stop books from my favorite authors, and that does it.(less)
Average rating: 4.02 · 11,836 ratings · 3,283 reviews · 33 distinct worksSimilar authors
El monstruo pentápodo

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Cara de liebre

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Un descuido cósmico

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El extraño caso de Lenny Go...

3.60 avg rating — 867 ratings2 editions
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Tristeza de los cítricos

3.97 avg rating — 551 ratings2 editions
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Todas hemos perdido algo

4.22 avg rating — 396 ratings — published 2020 — 4 editions
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Vidas de catálogo

4.03 avg rating — 73 ratings — published 2007 — 2 editions
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No me pases de largo / Don'...

3.47 avg rating — 70 ratings — published 2013
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Residuos de espanto

4.50 avg rating — 42 ratings — published 2013 — 2 editions
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An Exorcist Expla...
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Invisible Women: ...
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An Exorcist Explains the Demonic by Gabriele Amorth
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An Exorcist Explains the Demonic by Gabriele Amorth
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Galveston by Nic Pizzolatto
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Nosotras by Suzette Celaya Aguilar
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Nosotras by Suzette Celaya Aguilar
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Galveston by Nic Pizzolatto
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Quotes by Liliana Blum  (?)
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“Debo tener cuidado con mis memorias. Tengo que estar segura de que son mías y no lo que otras personas me han dicho que sentí, que hice o dije. Porque toda la gente de mi pasado siempre quiso que fuera lo que no soy”
Liliana Blum

“La relación comida-mujer es complicada. Los hombres comen para saciarse y listo. Las mujeres suelen preparar la comida, la rechazan, la desean, la odian, la engullen, la vomitan, la añoran.”
Liliana Blum, Pandora

“y entre ellos fluyó la oxitocina, el amor o lo que fuera.”
Liliana Blum, Pandora

Topics Mentioning This Author

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México Lector: Finalistas Marzo 2021 1 12 Mar 08, 2021 02:14PM  
“When a book and a head collide and a hollow sound is heard, must it always have come from the book?”
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, The Waste Books

“Why do men want to kill the bodies of other men? Women don't want to kill the bodies of other women, by and large. As far as we know.

Here are some traditional reasons: Loot. Territory. Lust for power. Hormones. Adrenaline high. Rage. God. Flag. Honor. Righteous anger. Revenge. Oppression. Slavery. Starvation. Defense of one's life. Love; or, a desire to protect the women and children. From what? From the bodies of other men.

What men are most afraid of is not lions, not snakes, not the dark, not women. Not any more. What men are most afraid of is the body of another man.

Men's bodies are the most dangerous thing on earth.”
Margaret Atwood, Good Bones and Simple Murders

“Writing of the narrative kind, and perhaps all writing, is motivated deep down, by a fear or and fascination with mortality - by a desire to make the risky trip to the underworld and to bring something or someone back from the dead. ”
Margaret Atwood

“Forgiving men is so much easier than forgiving women.”
Margaret Atwood, Cat's Eye

“There is a limit to the amount of misery and disarray you will put up with, for love, just as there is a limit to the amount of mess you can stand around a house. You can't know the limit beforehand, but you will know when you've reached it. I believe this.”
Alice Munro

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Jessica ya ves, Liliana? te escribi un mensaje hace un mes aqui...
hasta pronto,

message 2: by Jessica (last edited Apr 27, 2008 04:31AM)

Jessica Llegaron tus libros! Que bien! Gracias mil...los voy a leer pronto.
muchisimas gracias Liliana,

message 1: by Ivan

Ivan oye prima, no recuerdo si ya tienes los tomos de las guerras judías de gredos, sino para conseguirtelo para cuando vengas.


P.S. acá estuvo Capote... jaja

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