Miranda Marie
Goodreads Author
in The United States
Member Since
June 2016
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Miranda Marie
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“The only heroes in this world are the ones who refuse to compromise – who refuse to do the evil things that the rest of the world tells them are necessary. As soon as we began to compromise, to justify it, we ceased to be anything of the sort.”
“Because the right things are always the hard ones, the ones you don’t really want to do, the ones that are easier to just talk about and expect from others but to never do yourselves.”
― Azalei's Fall
― Azalei's Fall
“It’s never enough for the darkness, Walter. Never. The darkness will always press in on us and demand more. It will edge in when we’re not watching, or it’ll burst out to strike at moments like this. But no matter how much ground we give it, it will always demand more."
"Then what do we do, Azalei?"
"We push it back. We always push it back, no matter how hard it is or how much we have to sacrifice to do that. It's our job to stop the darkness, and we will.”
― Azalei's Fall
"Then what do we do, Azalei?"
"We push it back. We always push it back, no matter how hard it is or how much we have to sacrifice to do that. It's our job to stop the darkness, and we will.”
― Azalei's Fall
“It's a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”
― Pride and Prejudice
― Pride and Prejudice

A place to discuss any of the books in the Dragons' Bane series (there may be spoilers. ;) ) and ask me questions about them, or any other books I've ...more

Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more

The goal of this book club is to introduce readers to genres that they would not usually read e.g. historical fiction, mystery, biographies. 👌There wi ...more

Do you, as a Believer in Christ, have a book or maybe several that has impacted your life for Him in a major way? Maybe you're reading that one Christ ...more