Miranda Marie

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Miranda Marie

Goodreads Author

in The United States


Member Since
June 2016


Miranda Marie is 20 years old and lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota. She began writing when she was about 10 years old. Because she was dyslexic, reading was very difficult for her. Finding writing easier, she lost herself in worlds of her own making.

In 2015, she was diagnosed with a rare, disabling genetic syndrome called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Due to the restraints put on her by her health, most of her time is spent working on her writing/artsy endeavors and talking to her friends and family.

She participates in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) every fall, where she wrote and reworked Azalei’s Riders and Azalei's Strategy (published May 10th, 2017). She enjoys the community there, where she met many of her friends.

She has

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Miranda Marie All excellent questions, m'dears, and I shall try to answer them without giving away any spoilers.

Emma is an orphan who lost all her memories in a hu…more
All excellent questions, m'dears, and I shall try to answer them without giving away any spoilers.

Emma is an orphan who lost all her memories in a hurricane after she sustained a head injury. The book starts several years later and follows her rediscovery of her past before the hurricane, while giving glimpses of the years she does remember - wherein she spent most of that time living on the streets. That rediscovery is pushed forward by the antagonist, who seeks to use that past for her own gain, and tries to encourage Emma to embrace it, despite it's destructive nature.

It's set in a fairly normal, modern day U.S.A. It's SciFi elements come entirely from Emma's backstory and the past she uncovers throughout the novel. The poetical elements come from Emma's unique way of thinking, spurred on by her past, losing her memory, and having to rediscover the world on her own.

I wrote it while coming to terms with my own disability and used it as a means of release during that time. It is being released on October 16th, 2017(less)
Miranda Marie My inspiration comes in a lot of forms. Often, it happens while listening to music, looking at beautiful images, or watching well-done TV shows and mo…moreMy inspiration comes in a lot of forms. Often, it happens while listening to music, looking at beautiful images, or watching well-done TV shows and movies. Looking at and watching beautiful things makes me want to add to the amazing works the world possesses. I want to be the one that makes something so stunningly breathtaking that *it* then inspires others to do the same. (less)
Average rating: 4.36 · 83 ratings · 40 reviews · 7 distinct works
Azalei's Riders (The Fire R...

4.31 avg rating — 29 ratings4 editions
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4.42 avg rating — 24 ratings — published 2017 — 3 editions
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Azalei's Strategy (The Fire...

4.46 avg rating — 13 ratings — published 2017 — 4 editions
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Azalei's Fall

4.36 avg rating — 11 ratings2 editions
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Mirage (Whispers of White D...

4.17 avg rating — 6 ratings2 editions
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Echoes: Chapter Sampler

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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The Lost Romance

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More books by Miranda Marie…

Defying "Social Norms" When Reading or Writing (A Post For Both Readers and Writers)

So we’ve all heard those “golden rules of writing” that seem so completely vague, yet are so over-bearing that it makes writing or finding “good literature” feel like work, right? And we’ve all had those people who made us feel like something we wrote/read and loved was unacceptable or “wrong” somehow, by pointing out some vague rule or concept that you had forgotten in a far back corner of your m

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Published on November 06, 2017 16:52 Tags: echoes, misconceptions, readers, social-norms, writing
Quotes by Miranda Marie  (?)
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“The only heroes in this world are the ones who refuse to compromise – who refuse to do the evil things that the rest of the world tells them are necessary. As soon as we began to compromise, to justify it, we ceased to be anything of the sort.”
Miranda Marie

“Because the right things are always the hard ones, the ones you don’t really want to do, the ones that are easier to just talk about and expect from others but to never do yourselves.”
Miranda Marie, Azalei's Fall

“It’s never enough for the darkness, Walter. Never. The darkness will always press in on us and demand more. It will edge in when we’re not watching, or it’ll burst out to strike at moments like this. But no matter how much ground we give it, it will always demand more."
"Then what do we do, Azalei?"
"We push it back. We always push it back, no matter how hard it is or how much we have to sacrifice to do that. It's our job to stop the darkness, and we will.”
Miranda Marie, Azalei's Fall

“It's a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

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