Simon Hawke

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Simon Hawke

in New York City, The United States
September 30, 1951



Also published as J.D. Masters.

He was born Nicholas Valentin Yermakov, but began writing as Simon Hawke in 1984 and later changed his legal name to Hawke. He has also written near future adventure novels under the penname "J. D. Masters" and mystery novels.

Average rating: 3.8 · 13,082 ratings · 732 reviews · 87 distinct worksSimilar authors
The Romulan Prize (Star Tre...

3.57 avg rating — 985 ratings — published 1993 — 8 editions
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The Ivanhoe Gambit (Time Wa...

3.90 avg rating — 879 ratings — published 1984 — 12 editions
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The Outcast (Dark Sun: Trib...

3.82 avg rating — 830 ratings — published 1993 — 7 editions
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The Seeker (Dark Sun: Tribe...

3.77 avg rating — 623 ratings — published 1994 — 5 editions
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The Nomad (Dark Sun: Tribe ...

3.76 avg rating — 617 ratings — published 1994 — 5 editions
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Blaze of Glory (Star Trek: ...

3.54 avg rating — 611 ratings — published 1995 — 9 editions
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Friday the 13th

4.08 avg rating — 485 ratings — published 1987 — 2 editions
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The Wizard of 4th Street (T...

3.86 avg rating — 450 ratings — published 1987 — 5 editions
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The Timekeeper Conspiracy

3.95 avg rating — 413 ratings — published 1984 — 10 editions
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The Pimpernel Plot (Time Wa...

3.92 avg rating — 371 ratings — published 1984 — 8 editions
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More books by Simon Hawke…
Simon Hawke isn't a Goodreads Author (yet), but they do have a blog, so here are some recent posts imported from their feed.

Why I Won't Read Your Stuff

Harlan Ellison once said, and I paraphrase fairly closely, that it is an omnipresent conceit among the laity that anyone can write, that the average person wouldn’t think that he or she could be a brain surgeon or a prima ballerina or an opera singer, but that somehow the average person seems to think that anyone can write. Well, it simply isn’t so. Not everyone can sing, as watching “American Ido Read more of this blog post »
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Published on October 25, 2015 15:54
The Outcast The Seeker The Nomad The Broken Blade
(16 books)
3.65 avg rating — 10,754 ratings

The Ivanhoe Gambit The Timekeeper Conspiracy The Pimpernel Plot The Zenda Vendetta The Nautilus Sanction The Khyber Connection The Argonaut Affair
(12 books)
3.88 avg rating — 3,618 ratings

The Wizard of 4th Street The Wizard of Whitechapel The Wizard of Sunset Strip The Wizard of Rue Morgue The Samurai Wizard The Wizard of Santa Fe The Wizard of Camelot
(10 books)
3.92 avg rating — 2,334 ratings

The Wizard of Camelot The Wizard of 4th Street The Wizard of Whitechapel The Wizard of Sunset Strip The Wizard of Rue Morgue The Samurai Wizard The Wizard of Santa Fe
(10 books)
3.92 avg rating — 2,334 ratings

The Outcast The Seeker The Nomad The Broken Blade
(4 books)
3.76 avg rating — 2,378 ratings

More series by Simon Hawke…
Quotes by Simon Hawke  (?)
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“Ah, adventure! Ah, romance! Ah, courtly graces and the noble gestures! Don't you wish you knew people like that? Don't you wish we could still walk around in cloaks and boots and breeches, with leather doublets and flowing white dueling shirts and swords strapped around our waists? Of course, if we did, given the way things are today, there'd be people out there lobbying for sword control, and we'd need a National Sword Association and bumper stickers that would read "Swords don't kill people, knights kill people," and there would be a five-day waiting period and background check before you could buy a rapier. We'd have drive-by lungings and people would be afraid of children carrying broadswords to school. "Milady" would be regard as a sexist term and feminists would go absolutely berserk if any woman called a man "Milord." Ralph Nader would probably get quarter horses banned because they are too small and unsafe in a collision and someone would figure out a way to put seat belts and air bags on our saddles. That's why people join the SCA and read fantasy novels, because the real world sucks.”
Simon Hawke, The Ambivalent Magician

“They may well have had a backup system, but if it crashed at the same time as their main system, then that's all she wrote,' Riker said. 'Excuse mee, sir' said Data. 'That's all who wrote?' 'It's merely an expression, Mr. Data,' said Picard. 'It means that was the end of it. There was nothing they could do.' 'That's all she wrote' repeated Data. He nodded. 'Yes, I see. She, in this case, doubtless referring to the human conceptualization of Fate, writing a final chapter, as it were, and putting a period to the-' 'Please, Mr. Data,' Picard said impatiently.”
Simon Hawke, The Romulan Prize
tags: humor

“It had taken time for him to realize that no one was truly self-sufficient, and that those who thought they were merely took refuge in a form of weakness, the weakness of being unable to ask for help and guidance and thus find greater strength in reliance on close friends and comrades.”
Simon Hawke, The Romulan Prize

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