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“public display and operatic suffering—an in-your-face owning of one’s vulnerability and fucked-upness to the point of embarrassing and offending tight-asses is a powerful feminist strategy. Writing is tough work, I don’t see how anyone can really write from a position of weakness. Sometimes I may start out in that position, but the act of commandeering words flips me into a position of power.”
― The Buddhist
― The Buddhist
“Slaves to our media delivery devices, we are ever available to this vague, demanding elsewhere, and our ability to experience the "now" is dissolving.”
― When the Sick Rule the World
― When the Sick Rule the World
“We're friends, I told him, it's an indefinable relationship.”
― Pink Steam
― Pink Steam
“It's such a burden to have to pull off smart...”
― Pink Steam
― Pink Steam
“All of this occurs in the past, except this sentence.”
― Pink Steam
― Pink Steam
“I couldn't stand to be alone, yet I didn't want anyone to witness my dailiness, an indiscriminate collage of fragments, random encounters.”
― Pink Steam
― Pink Steam
“I suppose that words equal sex, or at least enough words, six and a half hours' worth.”
― Pink Steam
― Pink Steam
“Don't have much else to say, my brain is about having brain scum all over you, much as I did, because it kept acting up.”
― Cunt-Ups
― Cunt-Ups
“time is no longer linear it's more like a chord that flashes in and out of being”