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Grid reference J4384

3 km from Helen's Bay, Co Down, Northern Ireland


We have 6 images in grid square J4384


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Images in J4384 Breakdown list
We have 6 images for J4384
 : Marker buoy No.4, Belfast Lough by Rossographer Marker buoy No.4, Belfast Lough
The approach to the Port of Belfast has a series of markers and buoys indicating a direct channel that all commercial shipping must take when entering and departing the port. They mark a thin route about 220 metres wide through the lough... (more)
 : Port Marker Number 2, Belfast Lough by David Dixon Port Marker Number 2, Belfast Lough
The relatively narrow Victoria Channel, which ships must follow when entering or leaving Belfast harbour is indicated by a series of numbered marker buoys and posts; starboard (green) markers carry odd numbers and port (red) markers carry... (more)
 : Channel Marker Number 2, Belfast Harbour by Hugh Venables Channel Marker Number 2, Belfast Harbour
One of a line marking the southeast edge of Victoria Channel, a dredged channel out of Belfast Harbour.
 : Belfast Marker Buoy Number 2 by David Dixon Belfast Marker Buoy Number 2
The relatively narrow Victoria Channel, which ships must follow when entering or leaving Belfast harbour is indicated by a series of numbered marker buoys and posts; starboard (green) markers carry odd numbers and port (red) markers carry... (more)
 : Pilot Boat in Belfast Lough by David Dixon Pilot Boat in Belfast Lough
The Redbay Stormforce 1650 LinkExternal link all-weather pilot boat ‘Captain Michael Evans’ seen in Belfast Lough. The boat was named in honour of Belfast’s deputy harbour master,... (more)
 : Belfast Pilot Boat "Captain Michael Evans" by David Dixon Belfast Pilot Boat "Captain Michael Evans"
The Redbay Stormforce 1650 LinkExternal link all-weather pilot boat ‘Captain Michael Evans’ seen in Belfast Lough. The boat was named in honour of Belfast’s deputy harbour master,... (more)

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