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Getting Around in Japan I

Getting Around in Japan I

FromBusiness Success Japan

Getting Around in Japan I

FromBusiness Success Japan

8 minutes
May 25, 2020
Podcast episode


In today's episode, I talk about some basics information that'll be useful for navigating the transportation system in Japan. Honestly, it can be complicated and overwhelming at times, but having an idea of the situations you'll face will go a long way to making sure you end up in the right place. But when in doubt, don't be afraid to ask for help. And be sure to take advantage of resources like the JR Pass, one-day passes, and Suica/Pasmo cards to not only save money, but help avoid unnecessary stress.

Today's Phrase: [place]までいくらですか
ma-de i-ku-ra-de-su-ka
Meaning: "How much does it cost to get to [place]?"

Useful Past Episodes:

Surviving Japan: Taxis and Money

Additional Information:

JR Pass and One-Day Tickets
Prepaid Travel Cards

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May 25, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (89)

This podcast is made for those who want to develop or strengthen the communication skills, cultural savvy, insights into current trends and conditions, and mindsets essential in a Japanese business environment. The helpful, practical suggestions and engaging insights offered here provide listeners with the in-depth cultural context to achieve their own version of success while collaborating with their Japanese counterparts. Support the podcast here: