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Inspirations From The Creator: Knowing God
Inspirations From The Creator: Knowing God
Inspirations From The Creator: Knowing God
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Inspirations From The Creator: Knowing God

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They say "the truth will set you free." And indeed it will. This theological book will embark readers on a journey to discover practical truths leading to understanding and enlightenment. Then, put into practice, these truths will set one free. Philosophically written and biblically inspired, the truths presented will prompt deep thought, including learning about God and Jesus. For life is lived more fully with the truth.

Release dateApr 10, 2019
Inspirations From The Creator: Knowing God

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    Book preview

    Inspirations From The Creator - Dionne Laborde

    Table of Contents




    God Revealed

    Jesus Revealed

    The Holy Spirit

    God's Most Precious Gift

    How Evil Originated

    Basic Creation Principles: Movement Is Vital

    Communication Is for Understanding

    Parts Equal a Whole

    Diversity Is Essential

    Beauty Attracts

    The Creation Story

    Being Alive with Emotions

    Exploring Self-Esteem

    Discovering a Career

    The Gift of Forgiveness

    Sometimes Fate Can Be Changed

    Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and the Song of Songs

    A Winning Attitude

    Resilience during Chaos

    Captivated by God

    The Battle between the Mind and Heart

    Men and Women Relationships

    Beauty and Pride

    The Blessing of an Ending

    Fear Is Useless

    To Compare Is Suicide

    Be Present in the Moment

    The Establishment of My Faith

    Friendship Truths

    Encouraging Scriptures


    About the Author


    Inspirations From The Creator

    Knowing God

    Dionne Laborde

    ISBN 978-1-64471-261-0 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64471-262-7 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2019 Dionne Laborde

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    To God, for everything He has done for me and to the wonderful parents He gave me


    It was Jesus, who said, The truth will set you free. Truth is universal, as many a time, the Holy Spirit reveals the same truths to different people at different times in their lives. Jesus also said, Seek and you will find. Thus, we are to seek the truth for our lives, so we will live a life pleasing to the Lord. Obedience occurs when we apply truth to every situation in our lives. When people know the truth, they can make wiser decisions and can be free to live a blessed life. Ignorance produces a wasted life, full of destructive repercussions for bad mindsets and decisions. You may ask, How do you learn the truth? The truth is in God's Word, the Bible. Make time to read the Bible or listen to it through various media. (There are different versions of the Bible; find one that you like and feel comfortable reading. I prefer the Amplified Bible because it further defines Scripture when necessary.) Truth is to be pondered, contemplated and then, put into action. Let truth saturate your mind while you read the collection of inspired essays in this book; allow the truths given, to enlighten, inspire, and guide you. Truth brings freedom and wholeness. God's Word can transform your life. His Word is powerful and can heal your life as well. My hope is that this book makes you want to read the Bible and discover the vastness of God's truth. As you read the truths presented in this book, let God set you free through them…

    God Revealed

    God the Father is the One of the Bible, and He is holy, righteous, and good. He is merciful, slow to anger, and full of kindness. God is a huge being; He can twirl the earth on one of his fingertips. On the surface, this being is extremely beautiful to the sense of sight. This infinite beauty is a part of His glory that lights up all of heaven (God's home). God has scents that are magnetic; fragrances exuding from Himself. God can see, hear, touch, and smell. His eyes are ten thousand times brighter than the sun. Everything that happens on earth, God knows it.

    God has a mind, but not a brain. The mind of God is infinite and cannot be limited to being contained in a brain. There are no organs in God. God has no life cycle—He has always existed and always will. He does not need water or air (these are creatures' needs). There is no need for any kind of food nourishment for Him, for God is not in a finite existence needing to complete a cycle of rejuvenation physically or mentally. If God does eat, it is for sheer pleasure and not for nourishment. God's voice is musical, melodious, enrapturing, powerful, seductive, and simply beautiful. "And behold, the glory and brilliance of the God of Israel was coming from the way of the east; and His voice was like the sound of many waters, and the earth shone with His glory" (Ezekiel 43:2).

    He is an immortal spiritual being, which implies the ability to accomplish anything; nothing is impossible for Him. God is infinitely creative; He loves to express Himself.

    That is what God's creation is all about: self-expression; however, the most beautiful attribute about God is His love. A love that permeates through and through within God so that He has a totally giving nature; everything God does is acting out of His inexhaustible capacity to love. The Lord is relationship oriented; He is into friendship. The Holy Trinity is about relationship.

    God delights in goodness and is nothing but good. He is infinitely powerful; He can intervene in creation at any time, but He does not control creatures. God is omnipotent, all-powerful. He is omniscient, all-knowing; and He is omnipresent, He is everywhere. God is the Alpha and Omega—the Great I AM.

    He chose the people of Israel to reveal Himself to the world. Through the Jews, the Lord demonstrated His power and authority. This makes Israel His chosen people, the apple of His eye. God had a plan, however, to make all people His own. When He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross, this was the new blood covenant between God and all people of the world. This covenant also made possible salvation for all people; forgiveness became possible for all humanity. God is a planner; He has a plan for every person's life.

    Having a relationship with the Father is so fulfilling. Communion with God is like no other. Can you imagine communicating with a being who is so wise, loving, and beautiful? Some of my fondest moments with God have been while in bed, before sleeping, just talking to Him and having deep intimate conversations. I have the gift of tears, as I cry when I contemplate my love for God and the immaculateness of Him. I have called upon Him to help me when falling down, and I had no injuries. I have asked Him to help me while driving, and He has spared me from accidents.

    God is so full of mercy, and He cannot wait to give it, to His children. He is my Father, my mother, my provider, and my protector; God is the love of my life. He always answers my prayers; if he does not give me what I want, it is because He has something better in mind. Devotion to God is mightier than all else. Those who are devoted to Him will be victorious in their lives. God lifted me out of the pit so many times. He proved His power and faithfulness. For with God, all things are possible.

    Jesus Revealed

    The essence of God, the Father, is manifested within Jesus. Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity—He is God the Son, of the Bible, and of all creation. Jesus is God in the flesh. There are many prophecies in the Bible about Jesus. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2).

    The compassion, nondiscriminatory love, forgiveness, hatred for evil—amounts to the well-developed humanness of Jesus; He was the perfect human as well. Jesus was able to perform miracles. God's presence was in the person of Jesus. Jesus is the manifestation of what God is like. Jesus is the embodiment of the divine, thereby sharing a special relationship with God. He has always existed and was part of God's saving plan to set an example of how human beings should live and treat one another.

    God's salvation for man is about setting an example through Jesus, of the character a person is to have in dealing with people, and the attitude to have toward one another, which in turn reflects how God cares about people.

    Before Jesus was born as a human, a very special woman, Mary, housed Him within her, and her egg was sacred; the Holy Spirit fertilized it. God touched her womb, and thus the birth of Jesus began. Mary and his earthly father, Joseph, taught Jesus (as well as the holy inspired scriptures of Judaism). God also poured forth His Spirit and enlightened Jesus, which enabled Jesus to accept God's invitation to live a life totally reflecting God's essence. Historically, Jesus came at a good time in history; the sooner the better so that people could learn about God and realize how they were to treat one another. Jesus also came during a certain time in history in fulfillment of biblical prophecy: As fourteen generations from Abraham to David, and fourteen generations from David to the Jewish Babylonian exile, then fourteen generations from the Jewish Babylonian exile to Jesus (Matthew 1:17).

    The salvation brought through Jesus had more than to do with his death. His death was inevitable because of the ruckus he caused to the high Jewish officials by turning upside down all their rules regarding the prejudice and rigid social system (which annihilated many people's dignity and opportunity), and the Pharisees' jealousy of His power, wisdom, and following of people.

    God saved humanity by manifesting His essence in the person of Jesus. Jesus said of himself, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). The example of Jesus by what he said and did demonstrated for all humanity how God loves us, and in turn how we are to love one another.

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