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The Power in You
The Power in You
The Power in You
Ebook69 pages1 hour

The Power in You

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Tips on overcoming depression, anxiety, and addiction that really work. All of these tips are things the author has personally used to work out depression and anxiety. She has seen them work for addiction and heavy drug and alcohol use as well.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 31, 2022
The Power in You

Brenda Zylstra

She grew up in the church but didn’t blossom until later in life. Her voice always seemed drowned out by the world until she began studying God’s word. He revealed The Power in You.

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    The Power in You - Brenda Zylstra







    Copyright © 2022 Brenda Zylstra.

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    All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version.

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-6654-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-6653-7 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date: 05/09/2022


    1 Who am I?

    2 How Did I Get Here?

    3 Look Where You’re Going And walk away from addiction

    4 You Can Change Your Health

    5 Depression and Anxiety

    6 Help Yourself Through and Talk

    7 Life Changing Power In You

    8 Conclusion


    Who am I?

    Haven’t we all asked ourselves this question from time to time? Well believe me I really started asking myself this question when God said to me, Write a book to help my sheep. More specifically He said, Feed my sheep. I guess I have known for a long time about who I am. I am a person that ran hard from God. I ran from the truth. I ran from Beauty. I ran from love. I ran from acceptance. I ran from Grace. Running, running and running. I believed the lies that I was somehow unlovable, unchangeable, unreachable, and unforgivable. These are lies many of us believe. They are lies though.

    Honestly, I have been pretty much everywhere on the spectrum. I have been so lost I never thought I would find myself or anyone else. I’ve been so alone in depression or grief that I honestly could not see anyone else or myself clearly. I have had moments of brilliance where I was on top of everything and I felt I didn’t need anyone, or I thought I didn’t need anyone. I have been so strong I felt invincible and so weak I wondered if I was having a stroke.

    Truly I am no one. I am everyone. I am very much like you and nothing like you at the same time. You will find similarities and differences. I believe our similarities give us common ground, but our differences give us new perspectives, viewpoints, and incredible beauty in this world.

    Our sameness helps us relate. Our differences help us grow and shape us. Our flaws give us beauty. Everything about us was perfectly designed by God for an exact moment in time. Every creature with a purpose. Every word spoken in its moment.

    How wonderfully AWESOME does that make you and me? Just ponder for a moment about your life. Somewhere in your life you have said the exact perfect thing to someone. It has changed the course of their life. You taught someone something, helped them in some way. Made a difference. Most of the time you didn’t even realize it. I have had some glimpses of a few things. Let’s begin with my salvation story.

    Everything really began when I was 5 years old in 1969 in a small church in Brownsville, Oregon. I would attend Sunday school and church with my grandparents on some Sundays. I made the choice to get saved one Sunday. Some people would argue that a child of that age can’t really make that decision. God chooses you. You don’t choose Him. You choose Him back. Your decision to follow him is a very important decision. I would encourage you to make that decision if you haven’t. It is a life changer.

    I grew up I was a normal kid. I had my rebellions. I did not really walk a Christian life. I would say a large percentage of my life I was very worldly. Smoking cigarettes and trying not to get caught by my parents, drinking with my friends at the movies and chewing gum so mom wouldn’t know when I got home. I was a normal kid. Normal doesn’t really exist but we all pretend there is something called normal. I followed the crowd. I tried to be in charge of my life most of the time and I made a great mess of it. One thing is for sure though, God was very much there. He did protect me. He did wait for me to wise up and say I need you God.

    I did a lot of stupid things partying, experimenting with recreational drugs. (Marijuana and cocaine back

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