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Deplorable We the People
Deplorable We the People
Deplorable We the People
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Deplorable We the People

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In a volatile drama filled political atmosphere this book welcomes the reader to engage in the memories of their past experiences to look at the world with common sense logic. The author provides narratives following the events leading up to and beyond the 2016 presidential election. With a comical sarcasm highlights the hypocritical propaganda of today. Personal experiences coupled with opinions and views of others the author provides a traditional American viewpoint opposite of bias.
Release dateDec 27, 2019
Deplorable We the People

R.M. Hargold

The author is born of French-Canadian Immigrants, and is a Mic-Mac Indian. She is college educated working toward her M.S., an entrepreneur, mother, and wife. A proud headstrong American.

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    Deplorable We the People - R.M. Hargold

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    iUniverse rev. date: 12/26/2019




    Time for A New President


    Another Drama Filled Election

    Call to Vote

    Slim Pickins’

    Everyday Reality

    Anatomy of A Trump Supporter

    Where Do We Go From Here?

    Illogically Logical

    Child Rearing 101-A

    He Said What?

    The Not So Silent Majority

    Freedom of Speech

    The Drama Presidency

    Media, Good, Bad, Or?

    Government by Tweet or Blog?

    Patriotism by Any Other Meaning is Racist?

    Me Too – I Don’t Know, But You Touched Me

    Life Influences

    Where to Stop

    Gun Control – A State of Mind



    I couldn’t help stopping for a moment, looking around at all taken for granted by all of us every moment of our daily existence. Most likely, this realization factor comes with age as I do remember my grandmother’s having the same commented look back recollections of times gone past. My hometown has changed dramatically; some would call it advancement others a decline. Raised in the small city of Norwich, Connecticut, I now see a rundown town that is quite different from what I remember. A town favorite was always Vocatura’s Bakery, where you can still get that dry tuna grinder on their own freshly baked bread. A quaint place that brings back the memories of my memere when we used to stop there on our way to the beach. Just up the street, the Hess gas station was still there, now gone. The same place that I remember getting the annual, limited edition Hess Truck for Christmas, sitting at the gas pump watching the windows washed, and the oil checked by the attendant. It is rare to find an attendant at a gas station nowadays who will pump your gas and wash your windows, let alone pull the dipstick or add engine oil. Dairy Queen is still in operation up in the Taftville section of town, but to say the least many others have closed, moved, or occupied by another business. So many houses have been partitioned and turned into apartments, many buildings run down. Where corn and hay fields once dominated are now condos or apartment complexes to accommodate the workers and population growth enhanced by the casinos built close to a once quiet area. Surly as I finish this book, one or more of my memories will fade and be replaced by another business or close, lying vacant like the others before them.

    With the many changes and current happenings across the nation, I can’t help but empathize with those who are in the same quandary as I, asking themselves, How did we get here? We, as busy individuals, have been unconsciously thrust into a very volatile time in our country, propagated with so much division and hate. Each day that passes, each tweet, blog, post, interview, biased comment, our society appears to be drawing closer to the critical boiling point heated by the two polarized sides. We have liberals, conservatives, progressives, left and right to name a few of the titles placed upon those with societal or political opposing views. Many have found a division within their family units, with neighbors, friends, and casual acquaintances all seemingly in a different light or are more distant due to this last presidential election.

    At no time in memory do I recollect such a political divide. We grew up with Democrats and Republicans in the family and friends of the family. There was never such a significant separation in viewpoints, especially those that are so dramatic and outwardly violent. In recollection, Democrats were for the working man or the Unions; many were from what I recall predominantly Catholic, as was my memere. Republicans favored the working folks as well; however, more so the farmers, field workers, or non-union workers, and many were from the more Evangelical Christian religions like my grandmothers, Lutheran, Episcopalian, or Baptist. A commonality to politics or the political scene was everyone had their opinions; there wasn’t a far left or far right, steadfast liberal or conservative platform. Most of all, no one threatened bodily harm, damage to your property, or committed violent acts because you were of an opposing thought pattern. Those of whom I encountered were predominantly first-generation immigrants or naturalized citizens of the United States, all of whom stood by their civic duty to vote in all elections. Some even feared if they didn’t vote, it was illegal, and they would face some form of prosecution.

    Not only by personal experiences and observations, the interactions with passing strangers, offered insightful opinion and political views highlighting what has become a divided nation in need of dramatic unification through a reminder of simpler times past. Questioning of the mainstream media reporting, social media posts, and rebuttals played a significant role in the divided opinions, all needing critique and caution to the immediate belief of fact. I cannot nor expect what is within the text of this book to be in complete agreement with all who choose to read.

    All I ask is to become or keep attentive to the dramatic changes around us, which require all of us to take a step back and look at our country today from outside the window glass looking in. Your open mind with eyes wide open is needed now more than any as we as a nation are at a crucial point whether we move forward from these divisive times in our soon to be history with each passing moment.

    Taking you through events and personal experiences surrounding the 2016 election forward, it will become apparent how media bias has hypocritically propagated a social divide, which has caused such unrest in our nation. This exhaustive and, at times, headache driven look into what our society has become should prove alarming and prompt an overview or push for a change in the direction of the tracks as our country is on a path for a massive train wreck ahead.

    The pages of history written long ago, those that should be the stories told once again, of division unified into one nation of free people. These narratives of battles won and lost must be read for a reason for their fight and the lives lost. The destruction of memorials, censorship of writings, suppression of speech, propaganda by political talking heads, and biased media, we as a nation are under attack with an agenda unknown to any of us. A plan we must be sure to reign in, as its existence has blatantly become apparent, not a positive nor benefit to us all as a sovereign nation of free people.


    This book has been fashionably titled and dedicated to all those forgotten, ignored, no longer heard, wonderful Americans newly named, deplorable, who still stand with courage and resilience. This book would not be possible without those millions of people who are an inspiration standing proud, like Deplorable Deb reporting from her basket, Diamond and Silk, and those everyday Americans with strong convictions with never wavering patriotism.

    Sincere thanks to Donald J Trump, his family, those in his cabinet, his stern, steadfast supporters for putting aside your everyday lives to stand up for our country and protect it from a socialist implosion.

    Lastly, but most importantly, mom, my son Nicholas, husband Gary, and close friends, for your daily encouragement and nagging to get it done.

    I love you all, may God bless the United States of America and watch over every one of us.



    As constitutionally written every four years, we as a nation embark on another journey to choose a leader of our country. A new sounding board or scapegoat to take the heat and blame for our, kick the can politicians who drag their feet from president-elect to president-elect. These procrastinating politicians are winning election after election, further becoming embedded within the roots of our government known as the deep state. It is viewed almost not probable they could be replaced by an opponent, unless by a more aggressive agenda based control group. What our founding fathers failed to foresee was term limits needed for senators and representatives, many of whom now have been in office 40 to 50 plus years. These very politicians for life will become the divisive body that our forefathers did not intend.

    I find it amazing how we have acquaintances that are average and seen as typical staunch Democrat union workers. These individuals are under no circumstances saw the problematic issues surrounding Hillary Clinton and the damage the Obama administration had done to so many people around them. Some of the old school Democrats or Union workers would never stray from the vote Democrat rule. It used to be taboo to drive a foreign car to the job site, buy American only mentality even though there are few if any vehicles manufactured entirely with the USA only components. Although the lifelong Democrats generally stood steadfast with their voting habits, many I spoke with did stray away, in the 2016 election voting independently and dare I mention for Trump.

    Not all societal issues can be blamed solely upon the Obama administration nor Hillary Clinton. During the eight years under Obama, not only did we see a predominant dividing force, but a reinforcement or enhancement of the educational changes that shaped a new generation influenced with some highly unethical, backward, and hypocritical views. This alleged modern society with thwarted or opposing ideologies has become an imminent concern for the generations of the past now experiencing a violent, out of control hypocrisy that has become a danger for the very society we all now live. So many feared that without change the culture, America, as a unit would implode within itself and fail to exist with the common core values our founding fathers fought, died, and lobbied for under what has come under fire, our most sacred, the Constitution of the United States.

    Throughout the very active presidential election year of 2016, the spectrum of views from what was now considered the left and the right were so far apart that the extremes prevailed without a central point for logical rebuttal or collective resolve. Once the candidates were chosen, and the battle began, it was no longer typical, wait and see what happens. In many views, the lesser of two evils equated to the survival or destruction of the country. I had never heard such extreme viewpoints as notable during this unprecedented election cycle in 2016. Granted, with the knowledge of the Clintons, I had no intention of voting for Hillary Clinton, even if she was a woman. Just because a woman is running for president, for the first time in history, does not mean she is qualified to do so. Is it time for a woman president? Absolutely, and many would agree, but not a woman named Hillary Rodham Clinton. What I did find astounding was the blinded following that Hillary had during this crucial moment in our country’s history. My amazement continued as few could see Bernie Sanders’ body language of discontent, defeat, hands together fingers extended, up toward his face, with an unmistakable look of disgust while all others around him stood cheering for the chosen Democrat nominee. This disgust in a fixed evidentiary system that put the breaker of the glass ceiling or the true chosen one before the desires of the people, this I found most baffling. In my mind, and the thoughts of millions, this was not a fair chosen nomination. The tides were forcefully changed in the direction that the Democrats felt the country wanted, or what was intended by agenda. How surprised all would be when their choices proved otherwise as the DNC and Hillary Clinton underestimated the real grass root voters in the country.

    My husband and I were amazed that Bernie Sanders did not win the Democrat nomination, but then again, when the only two standing were Sanders and Clinton, no surprise that she was inevitably placed at the head of the table instead. Bernie preached to the hearts and minds of the millennials, who were saddled with college tuition or the lack of ability to obtain the funds necessary to attend with his free college for all narrative, never mentioning who ultimately was going to pay the bill. Although Bernie touched on some of the concerns of the average everyday American, he never really connected with the core concerns. The Bernie Sanders effect would be felt later in the midterm elections when his powerful platform would resonate with a new generation of incoming candidates who also preached and ultimately won on the free for all platform. This free for all platform of promises, including free education, spoke loudly to those saddled with student loan debt but went a step further, adding in Medicare for all, another unknown, how to fund, pie in the sky campaign promise.

    Hillary Clinton would consistently claim that she had a message, she would direct you to read it on her website, or we all should know what it is. The truth of the matter was, Hillary’s message was no real change other than a woman would be in the top position of power in the White House, and a vote for her is only for her. The I’m With Her advertising promotion began with a thought, comment then a logo of a capital H with a side to side arrow. This initial advertisement would be the first of many seen on bumper stickers, t-shirts, email headers, and candidate promotional propaganda. What Hillary didn’t seem to realize her past actions, deeds, previous and current comments, narcissism, and condescension for millions of voters would haunt and control the outcome of her candidacy. Hillary would be one of the most disconnected candidates observed by a vast majority of the legal voting public. Hillary failed to connect with the American voter on the concerns over illegal alien immigration, welfare reform, vetting of refugees, job growth, manufacturing, healthcare issues, veteran’s affairs, high taxation, and enormous debt. The average American could barely afford their mortgages, had to make choices between a mortgage payment on their home, or pay their healthcare premiums that skyrocketed under the unaffordable affordable healthcare act (ACA) or Obamacare. The candidate, Hillary Clinton, made a poor choice in words and went as far as to tell hundreds of already hurting miners in West Virginia that they would be out of their current jobs due to clean energy advancements. Without offering other financial stability options other than government-subsidized funding, regretfully, she had to walk back her comments. What Hillary neglected to understand workers want to be workers, they want to pay for and provide for their families themselves, not be indebted to the government. Most Americans are too proud to take a handout and were raised that welfare was unacceptable and an absolute last resort, not a way of life.

    I am marginally biased to Hillary Clinton. However, I still wished to afford her the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps, she may have a possible solution to the multitude of issues our country faces and has been in office or around the areas that can institute change; she may have some valid ideas. Not the case. Hillary didn’t have a message of positive change for the American people, only a strong desire to be in control and maintain the status quo in governmental ineptitude. The fact was Hillary Clinton was a career politician, and career politicians were one of the very problematic issues in this country that need attention. Hillary was good at appeasing and appealing to her base followers by targeting the heartstrings of being a mother and grandmother. When offended would attempt to divert attention from her personal and political issues, she would play with woman card and accuse those who disagreed as being misogynistic. During the 2016 election, the DNC sent mass emails to all presumed to be in support affording one the ability to sign up for a woman card with a donation, of course. Really?

    When Hillary was due to speak in Connecticut as a presidential candidate, I did sign up for tickets to hear her speak. Since then, I have been inundated with propaganda from the DNC and Democrats, further keeping me in the loop of what they are telling their voting base and what direction they wish the country to head. As I listened to Hillary’s publicized speeches, comments, accusations, and ultimate condescending criticisms of the American people she claimed to represent, she never realized that she was alienating herself further away from millions of those still on the fence, independent of party loyalty. One of her greatest moments and best criticisms of the everyday average American voter was the day she was video captured calling so many that were not her supporters those that belonged in a basket, or the Basket of Deplorables. Millions of voters, newly segregated by Hillary Clinton, began wearing the insult as a badge of honor. The same aware voters were vowing they would not allow an insulting, condescending, narcissistic woman who felt entitled to the presidency, enter the office. It would be a vote for Trump or no one.

    All political candidates must be able to sell themselves, enticing voters including; Democrat, Republican, Independent, veterans, impoverished, elite, rich and poor, to vote for them. The presumption of the outcome will surprise you, and entitlement is never guaranteed. Although a popularity contest, even the most popular, is not the most liked. Her failure to connect with those who had valid concerns about their safety and future, further alienating them by insult would prove to be her demise and thus prevent her from ever entering the White House and be seated as madam president. Hillary should have listened to Bill Clinton; she claimed her political advisor, who was a former president, the first Democrat elected to two consecutive terms, and a was likable even with his shortcomings. Bill Clinton knew how to connect with the American people, was known for many positive changes during his presidency. Although he was remembered by many for his negatives, those negatives were minimal to his successes as a leader of the country. Bill did advise Hillary where to campaign, and to her ultimate demise, she ignored his advice, going off on her own, which led to failure.

    Hillary’s failures stemmed decades; however, only those in recent tabloids, media segments, and memories of the American people played a large roll in her loss of the electorate. Hillary Clintons’ work record as Secretary of State regarding Benghazi, Libya, Uranium One, her callousness with email security resounded with millions. Another Clinton scandal added to the list of questionable dealings from the misappropriated funding to Haiti, which were nothing in comparison to the influx of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation during her tenure in office and candidacy by foreign governments. The same foreign governments which donated were those that suppressed the rights of women of whom she fervently claimed to lobby for standing up as an advocate for women’s rights. The clincher would be her general condescending nature to others. It would be her downfall against the most imperfect of men who had a message and connection to the people, her Republican opponent, Donald J Trump.

    The look back upon the eight years of the Obama administration had been quite a section in history, one of which so many will see very differently from each other. Some will look at it as a milestone, one which elected the first black or politically correct African American to the White House for two terms in office. I did vote for Obama in his first term. I did not vote for him in the second although, I was still curious to see what direction he would continue to lead the country in and what changes may be as his first term was a bit lackluster. Speaking to many, some had thought that he would bring a considerable shift in the suppressed, mostly black communities, ending poverty and affording more opportunities for advancement. The candidate elected President Obama stood on the platform of immigration reform, border security, equality, fair trade, and choice. Obama, unlike Clinton, campaigned on the desires of the American people, heard the needs cried out. Sound familiar? If you go back into the archives, the promises, although not kept, made by Obama were much like those of Trump. To date, President Trump has kept more campaign promises than any other elected official, even with the #resistance, obstructionist movement. Some felt that Obama would be the change agent; others like myself would take a wait and see approach. Much to the disappointment of many this change agent although, quite astute and well versed, proved to be a terrific speaker while lacking in strength to be a leader of what the strongest nation on earth. Many and Obama himself would disagree with my statement; the opposite holds to belief as well.

    With failed international policies and loophole-filled national safety operations, many of my fellow Americans, and I began to feel that we were becoming a weak nation with less security and

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