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Cursed Magic: Sun Cursed, #1
Cursed Magic: Sun Cursed, #1
Cursed Magic: Sun Cursed, #1
Ebook64 pages38 minutes

Cursed Magic: Sun Cursed, #1

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I'm covered in tattoos from my head to my toes. I'm cursed to live with the sins of every kill I ever made. In sunlight, those marks turn golden and burn me alive.

He's a killer. Ian's notorious in the underworld for making people disappear. Now he wants a meeting with me, and I know it can't be good. I grab my boyfriend Kemp and we meet him. 

I was right. He wants me dead. He lost a lot of money when my cousin got killed and he blames me for that. I go on the offensive, but he's ready.

Ian is sadistic. His plans for me are depraved. I've never come up against a horror like this. Ian means to destroy me, but I never go down without a fight.

Release dateJul 12, 2018
Cursed Magic: Sun Cursed, #1

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    Book preview

    Cursed Magic - N. R. Hairston

    Cursed Magic

    Chronicles of Magic and Mischief

    N. R. Hairston

    Copyright © 2017 by N.R. Hairston All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Cover Design: Covers by Christian

    Published By

    OTHER TITLES BY N. R. Hairston

    Magic and Mischief Series

    A Magical Reckoning, Book One

    A Symptom of Magic, Book Two

    A Victim of Magic, Book Three

    Sun Cursed (Set in the Magic and Mischief world):

    Cursed Magic, Book One

    Savage Magic, Book Two

    Lethal Magic, Book Three

    World Breaker

    Rogue Magic, Book One

    Bloody Magic, Book Two

    Battle Magic, Book Three

    World Breaker Beginnings (Novellas set before events in World Breaker, though you don’t have to read one to read the other.) Read this series for free when you join my mailing list, here.

    Rebel Magic, Book One

    Stolen Magic, Book Two

    Crooked Magic, Book Three

    Dirty Magic, Book Four

    Feral Magic, Book Five

    Lawless Magic, Book Six 

    Rise of the Dragons

    Fire and Ash, Book One

    Smoke and Flame, Book Two

    Dust and Cinder, Book Three

    Atina and Ridge

    We Got Powers Too, Book One

    We Wreak Havoc Too, Book Two

    We Got Witches Too, Book Three

    Rebel Writers Anthologies

    Street Spells


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Author Note

    Other Titles by N. R. Hairston


    About the Author

    Cursed Magic

    I’m covered in tattoos from my head to my toes. I’m cursed to live with the sins of every kill I ever made. In sunlight, those marks turn golden and burn me alive.

    He’s a killer. Ian’s notorious in the underworld for making people disappear. Now he wants a meeting with me, and I know it can’t be good. I grab my boyfriend Kemp and we meet him. 

    I was right. He wants me dead. He lost a lot of money when my cousin got killed and he blames me for that. I go on the offensive, but he’s ready.

    Ian is sadistic. His plans for me are depraved. I’ve never come up against a horror like this. Ian means to destroy me, but I never go down without a fight.

    If you enjoy Celeste’s story, then please check out my series Magic and Mischief:

    A Magical Reckoning

    A Symptom of Magic

    A Victim of Magic

    Chapter 1

    I was covered in marks from my head to my toes. Every kill I’d ever made was tattooed on my body. So were the kills of my forefathers. No, I wasn’t an exhibitionist. I was born this way, cursed to feel the pain of each of those deaths whenever sunlight hit my skin.

    I usually stayed underground in Cave Town, where people like me lived. One of my ancestors had killed a man with an axe. So, on my face, under my right eye, was a small symbol shaped like an axe. In sunlight, I could feel the blade from the axe cutting into my skin, hacking my jaw to pieces.

    I had a knife mark on my throat, a pointed silver thing with a brown handle. When the sun hit it, I could feel my throat opening up. I could feel the knife slicing into it, cutting through skin and bone.

    I also had a small bottle of poison tattooed on my throat. In the sun, I could feel the poison flowing through my veins causing my organs to shut down and my breathing to slow. The poison ate through my system, like sharp razors that tore me apart from the inside out.

    I probably had a million tattoos on me. Each with a different way to cause harm. That’s why I stayed underground. Getting caught out in the sun was a death sentence.

    I looked up at the sky. The light from the moon gave me a strange sense of comfort, peace.

    Since it was dark, I’d snuck up top for a while. I needed to see my friend Twist.

    Twist sat on his front porch, long skinny legs stretched out in front of him, phone in his hand.

    Twist’s family was originally from China. They’d come to the states about five generations ago. Twist had dark

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