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When the Martian authorities board the cargo ship Galaxy to stop the crew from conducting an illegal experiment, the unwanted attention threatens a critical trade deal with Outlaws. Under pressure from the Colonies to deliver an exigent package, they must find a way to make the trade and deliver the package, or bad things will happen.

Release dateMay 15, 2021

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    Ouroboros - Steven Dutch

    Chris Masterton & Steven Dutch


    History of Sol - Book 1

    First published by Masterton Dutch Multimedia 2021

    Copyright © 2021 by Chris Masterton & Steven Dutch

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

    Second edition

    ISBN: 978-0-9941781-1-4

    Cover art by Jason Giraldo

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

    Find out more at

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    DATAFILE: MSF Galaxy


    DATAFILE: Endothermic Coalescence


    DATAFILE: Suspension Fields


    DATAFILE: Cyborgs


    DATAFILE: The Divergent


    DATAFILE: Outlaws


    DATAFILE: MSCF Pywayrah


    DATAFILE: Daily Log of Robert Crane


    DATAFILE: Gravity Drive




    DATAFILE: The Star


    DATAFILE: Communication Log



    Enjoy the story?

    About the Author: Chris Masterton

    About the Author: Steven Dutch



    Since starting out on this journey a number of years ago, we have met some really awesome people. The biggest influence of all has been a bloke called Mick, who reached out to us with a helping hand after we released the first edition of this story. We are better writers because of his patience, feedback, and attention to detail. We also need to say a massive thank you to Jason for another fantastic cover. If you’re reading the paperback copy, the credit goes to Doug from Comic Books On Demand who has printed every one of our books to date. He is an all-around excellent guy and we deeply appreciate his support. Like most authors, we have some very understanding partners, Rach and Yani, who accept that we need to be glued to our computer screens for hours on end and are always there for emotional support. A shout out to Marie and Amanda for being great writer-friends and always offering help and encouragement. Finally, all the fans who have read, enjoyed, even loved our books; thank you for coming to meet us at the conventions, giving us feedback, and for supporting our journey!


    Where did we come from?

    Why do we exist?

    Are we alone in the universe?

    I have become something new. It is as if I am nowhere and everywhere at the same time. I’m not sure where or when I am, or why humans measure cycles, rotations, hours, and seconds as if they are crucial to existence.

    Have you ever wondered if everything you perceive is of your own creation, but by design, is almost entirely out of your control? That is the best way I can think of to describe what I have become. A silent observer—a witness of all things.

    As for my first question. I don’t think it is important how I was created, but more so how I became what I am now. It’s hard to pinpoint the true moment where it all began. But it started with a ship called Galaxy . . .

    DATAFILE: MSF Galaxy

    NODE 1

    The Martian Space Fleet Galaxy is a light freighter with low signature drives that allows it to travel undetected, enabling it to move sensitive cargo between colonies without interference from outlaws.

    NODE 2

    Galaxy is a non-combat vessel; thus, it is not permitted to carry offensive weapons. The hull is made from Tectanium, a self-repairing metal matrix composite. Powered by a Type-6 AST Fusion Reactor Core, which harnesses the power of an artificial sun that burns over 100 times hotter than Sol, contained within a suspension field grid.

    NODE 3

    The ship contains three principal areas: the Ops Deck, containing the ship's control room, the Engineering Deck, containing the reactor, gravimetric propulsion drive and workshops, and finally, the Crew Deck, which includes the cargo hold, infirmary and crew living areas.



    C1099 S04 R20

    The infirmary of a cargo ship wasn’t typically a very interesting place. Normally, the crew would only show up from time to time seeking a med-disc to absorb for a headache, or to increase focus. Especially on the long dreary shifts travelling between colonies. However, Galaxy wasn’t any ordinary cargo ship, and this wasn’t any ordinary infirmary.

    Appel surveyed the ordered clutter of the infirmary as she entered. Specimens and samples lay across the workstations, and the walls glowed with holographic interfaces, displaying technical information which she had no time to read. Red, the ship’s Interactive Persona, nodded at her from behind the limited throw of the holos. Her supervisor, Reen Condor, had been busy while she’d slept peacefully in her Habitat.

    Reen offered a welcoming smile. Glad you’re here. I’m almost ready for the clinical trial. All of the sequences have been encoded into the med-discs in the case next to you.

    Appel picked up the thin black case and flipped through the sleeves displaying the colourful array of biochemical-infused medical discs. She brushed the stray hairs out of her face and checked the id numbers etched into each disc. The contacts in her eyes overlayed more detailed information from her Link as she focused on each one. She flipped to the last sleeve. On a sheet of its own, was the failsafe disc.

    If anything goes wrong, he continued, that should reverse the effects of the procedure and restore my genetic structure to normal.

    She already knew. It was important enough to justify him repeating it. Or perhaps, he had started losing his mind.

    The black circles around his eyes told her he hadn’t slept. But it was more than that. His skin was pale, and his hair was thinning. He looked suddenly very old, even though he wasn’t.

    Appel wondered if he was really the ideal candidate to be undertaking the first stage of these tests. He had tried to down-play the severity of his condition, but she had seen the cell degradation in his tissue samples. Her mentor was dying.

    Nanotech meant humanity counted their lives in centuries. The price, too often paid, was a type of cancer known as Idiopathic Polygenic Necrosis where the body decays at a cellular level while the subject is still alive.

    Their work was a chance, a glimmer of hope. In all the simulations, the procedure had not only stopped the decay but had also mutated the cells into something much stronger. But this wasn’t a simulation. If it didn’t work, his body could literally decompose in front of her.

    Appel toyed with the discs. Are you sure you’re ready for this? We could do more tests.

    He gave a weak smile. There is only so much one can learn from testing. It’s time to take some risks. If this works, we will be changing the shape of medical science forever.

    "If this works, the only way we could publish the results would be in an anonymous encrypted node. We can never tell anyone. And if we fail, you’ll be dead."

    He removed his shirt, revealing his gaunt physique, and stepped onto the circular diagnostic pad on the floor. I’ll be dead if we don’t do this.

    Appel could see the conviction in his eyes. This wasn’t going to happen any other way. She looked for the quiet figure lurking among the holographic interfaces. Always listening. Always waiting for a command.

    Red, activate the suspension field, she said.

    The round platform beneath Reen lit up, the column of light surrounded him, and the scientist floated gracefully into the air.

    Appel’s heart raced as she picked up the first disc. Not only was this procedure extremely dangerous, but it was also prohibited by the Nexus to attempt this kind of genetic manipulation. "You sure

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