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Tattered Tales: Faery Tales, #4
Tattered Tales: Faery Tales, #4
Tattered Tales: Faery Tales, #4
Ebook51 pages28 minutes

Tattered Tales: Faery Tales, #4

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About this ebook

Raging fire.

Searing cold.

Magic running wild.

Seemingly disjoined, these tales come together to show how Realms collide – foreshadowing what's to come for Man, Fae and Nature.

Can they survive the onslaught?

Scroll up to buy now and find out!

*This is the fourth book in the Faery Tales series.

Release dateFeb 12, 2019
Tattered Tales: Faery Tales, #4

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    Book preview

    Tattered Tales - Ronel Janse van Vuuren

    First Freeze

    Fog swept through the forest, tendrils clinging to leaves as snow formed on the ground.

    Mer watched as the leaves of the trees of dryads and other nymphs crumpled to the ground in a shower of orange and brown.

    It was time.

    The snowy owls swooped through the light, taking it with them as the Ice Queen froze everything.

    Even knowing that the true Queen of Winter, the Cailleach, wouldn’t allow all of them to perish, Mer shivered as cold and dark engulfed her tree.

    Squirrels and Grogochs fled. Imps did their best to protect saplings. Yet ice crept in everywhere.

    Once the ice Fae left, silence became loud.

    Mer watched, waited for others to stir. One by one her friends showed signs of life.

    For once, Winter wouldn’t start out harsh.

    The Battery

    ‘The truth.’

    ‘Oh. That...’ Max shrugged like it was nothing. Patrick breathed evenly in an effort to stay calm.

    ‘Well... What you have to understand is that this is all new to me. How was I supposed to know he’d believe it – no matter what?’

    ‘Didn’t they explain it to you?’

    ‘Maybe. But rules and laws and all that yawn-worthy stuff... I sorta clocked out.’

    ‘Dozed off, more likely.’

    ‘Potato, tomato.’

    Patrick closed his eyes. ‘Just get on with it.’

    ‘As I was saying, the con was working. For the first time in quite a while I was able to con someone who at first glance seems too rational to fall for anything.’

    ‘And you didn’t find it suspicious?’

    ‘No. I’ve done it before.’

    ‘You sold an entire country before?’

    ‘Well, no. But I’ve sold buildings and islands I didn’t own before...’

    Patrick sighed and sat down.

    ‘Max, here’s the thing: you have magical powers. Which means you have to be responsible.’

    ‘Yeah, yeah. With great power comes great responsibility.’

    ‘I wouldn’t call anything here great.’

    ‘I – ’

    ‘No. You took an oath when we found you, magic newly released. Now you will live up to that oath.’

    ‘You mean...’ Max gulped.

    ‘You broke most all of our laws. You will look lovely in the Garden.’

    Patrick clenched his jaw as the shadows took Max away – to feed the magic he had so unthinkably used.


    The fire whooshed past them, consuming the valley and creeping up the mountainside. Flames surrounded them: there was no way out.

    Meara watched with gritted

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