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Healthy Living Through "Dosha Healing": Ayurveda
Healthy Living Through "Dosha Healing": Ayurveda
Healthy Living Through "Dosha Healing": Ayurveda
Ebook177 pages1 hour

Healthy Living Through "Dosha Healing": Ayurveda

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About this ebook

Three childhood friends part ways only to meet after nine long years. But the reunion takes an unexpected turn, forcing them down a road they never dreamed of. Along the way, they find out several things about each other that are both shocking and heart-wrenching. More importantly, each finds out things about herself that change who she is forever. After a lifetime of questions, they finally find the answers. And all this because of one man who introduces them to the ancient wisdom of ayurvedic dosha healing.
A health fiction based on hard facts and centuries old knowledge that will touch you. As you turn the pages and get intimate with the lives of each of the friends, you will find yourself drawing parallels to your own self and your life. And before you know it, you too will be pulled onto the path of dosha healing, much like the three friends, and be transformed inside out. If you thought that ayurveda was boring and had only to do with your physical health, you are about to find out how wrong you are.
Release dateMay 12, 2014
Healthy Living Through "Dosha Healing": Ayurveda

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    Book preview

    Healthy Living Through "Dosha Healing" - Dr. Sonica Krishan


    Copyright © 2014 by Dr. Sonica Krishan.

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-4828-2105-5

                    Softcover         978-1-4828-2104-8

                    eBook              978-1-4828-2103-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Chapter 1 The Terrific Three

    Chapter 2 And They Meet Again!

    Chapter 3 Meet Dr Ayur Wizard

    Chapter 4 Introduction To The Three Steps

    Chapter 5 Step One: Self-Identification

    Chapter 6 The Guessing Game

    Chapter 7 Finding The Answers

    Chapter 8 Focus On Health

    Chapter 9 What Causes Disease?

    Chapter 10 Step Two: Self-Understanding

    Chapter 11 Moving Towards Clarity

    Chapter 12 East V/S West

    Chapter 13 Step Three: Self Care

    Chapter 14 Suggestions For Self

    Chapter 15 The Story


    Chapter 16 Six Months Later…





    I dedicate my book to my soul-mate, Alok Krishan , who has always been my Friend, Philosopher & Guide with the trust that I can heal many through spreading the virtues of ancient wisdom of healing.


    I am of the firm belief that each one of us is a by-product of myriad experiences gathered over life times. Thus we have karma, accumulated store house of experiences and desires garnered from one’s own karmic journey and also distilled into us by our forefathers DNA and their journeys, and of course our immediate family, especially grand-parents and parents and then, one has home environment, upbringing, school, peers, diet and the environment that each one is brought up in and exposed to… . all of this and most importantly one’s own individuality… . that ascertains one’s mental, emotional, physical and spiritual break up and eventually how each individual puzzle fits into the larger composite scheme of things; making you who you are, or at least what you think of yourself and the image you give of yourself to others. Whew! Fabulously and confusingly simple!

    In my journey as an author, film maker, journalist and mainly as a counsellor or a spiritual quack, if you may, I have met scores of people who have divulged or often, who have been shown the mirror and thus realized that there are certain attributes about them that they have no real control. I have my fair share of weaknesses, be it physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual, and I have often tried to overcome them or keep them at bay, but the cards have been dealt with and I have no other option but to play the game the best way I can, but with the cards that aren’t going to change.

    Take for example, why are some of us, born to the same parents, born and brought up in the same environment and given the same diet and opportunities and virtually are so diverse in nature and the way the body and mind, deals with various issues, including health and wellness? Twin brothers who are as similar as chalk and cheese? Why?

    That is why I enjoyed Dr Sonica Krishan’s Healthy Living through Dosha Healing. Sonica is an author, speaker, health writer, columnist, editor, Ayurveda consultant and holistic healing coach in the areas of healthy and joyous living through Ayurveda, meditation, yoga and other contemplative practices. The ideal person to help us understand ourselves, then find out our strengths, weaknesses, limitations, and then be able to help our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth, by knowing what we can bank on, what needs changes, and what might be difficult to change. Once we have our road map, reaching our destination becomes easier.

    Our sages, thousands of years ago, understood the diversity and yet uniformity in creation. They researched and realized that there was a method in the madness, where nature’s creation was concerned. They have left very beautiful, clear foot prints, in the sand of time and Dr Sonica Krishan, has to her credit, done them proud.

    Ruzbeh N Bharucha

    Author, Editor and Documentary Filmmaker


    T his book is a sequel to my previously published book ‘ Healing through Ayurveda ’. Completing this book has been like a dream come true. Ever since I could relate to and appreciate the play of Dosha Healing in the day-to-day living, I have cherished this vision to bring forward Ayurveda’s ancient wisdom to the world. But nurturing the dream and making it to happen called for much conviction in my work. I want to thank my mom, Smt. Meera Sharma, who has offered unwavering support for my project. I am also grateful to my kids, Ishita and Ishan, and my entire family as they helped me put in much of time and concentration that writing a book demands. Earnest thanks to Ruzbeh Barucha for the beautiful foreword and also for encouraging me to come up in story telling manner with the ancient concept. Thank you Shiv Joshi for putting in effort in editing the book for me.

    Special thanks and heart felt gratitude to my colleagues, seniors and prominent authors who are masters in their arena—Roxana Jones, Dr. Marc Halpern, Catherine Fenske, Jane Scarratt, Dr Talavane Krishna, Debbie Friend, Anton Van Den Berg, Dr Amit Nagpal, Tanya Markul, Rory Kelly Connor, Carly Alyssa Thorne and Linda Lycett, Philippe Matthews for their exceptional effort and kind gesture to have endorsed my book in the most candid words.

    Also, I am always grateful to my dear readers and all those who have keen interest and faith in keeping the 5000 years old Ayurveda healing alive through their practice, reading, writing, speaking and also teaching. It is surely the true dedication that provides with great inspiration to spread the light and wisdom that the science of Ayurveda bestows.


    What’s this Book About?

    T his is a story about three friends, whose lives changed drastically due a fourth someone. But the change was total. They grew up together as little girls and the threesome was inseparable. They played together, stayed together and studied together. They were with each other through the highs and lows of entire childhood, which cemented their bond. That’s why even after they grew up and as it happens to all of us—had to go their separate ways—they kept in touch and were still close to each other’s heart. Unlike a lot of ‘best friends’ of childhood, the three had managed to keep the glow of friendship alive.

    However, when their paths crossed once again something happened. A fourth someone—Dr Ayur Wizard—came along and turned their lives upside down, albeit in a virtuous way. He went on to become a friend, philosopher and guide to the three. It was he who helped educate the three friends (and the readers) about the ‘whats’ and the ‘whys’, the pros and the cons of all that concerns health, wisdom and happiness. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Let’s stick to talking about the girls because it is through knowing the girls that you will learn about fundamentals of health as per Ayurveda.



    The Terrific Three

    C hildhood friends, as they are often referred to jokingly, Vani, Pia and Kavya, lived a few houses away from each other in a bustling neighbourhood of Delhi. Pia and Kavya knew each other and their families since the time the girls started knowing themselves. Vani joined the gang much later, in class two, when her father came to the city, on transfer. She hit it off instantly with the other two and since then they were thick as thieves till life happened and took them away from each other to three different cities.

    Vani pursued a career in IT and landed a job as a software professional at the IT hub of Bengaluru. So immersed was she in her work that she didn’t find the time to even look for an eligible spouse. As the years flew by, she came to the conclusion that perhaps marriage was not her cup of tea. It was then that Harshit came and swept her off her feet. She had finally found her life partner, who, incidentally also was from the same industry as hers.

    Pia took up hotel management and later settled into a live-in relationship with Rahul, her nine years senior. Rahul wasn’t so much the man of her dreams, but he seemed to be the best one out there, and Pia knew she could always rely on him. More importantly, he could live with Pia’s short temper and the tantrums she threw. She was comfortable in their arrangement together, which was based more on convenience than compatibility. Moreover, it was minus the constraints of a marital relationship, and the baggage of futile expectations that comes with it.

    In the meanwhile, Kavya, who usually was just happy doing nothing, had landed herself a government job. She was the Information and Communication representative with the Information and Broadcasting department with Indian Government. She loved her job, her life and more than everything, Aarnav, her doctor husband. In her free time, she would spend some time at his clinic, making herself useful doing small chores. She didn’t know why but while she was there she felt so much at home with his patients.

    The three friends are now in their late thirties and after nine long years of separation, have decided to meet again at the very place that had brought them together so many years back: their parents’ home, back in good old Delhi. Where else?

    Getting to know them better

    Thanks to her slim and tall figure,

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