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Secrets of the Ancient Doctors
Secrets of the Ancient Doctors
Secrets of the Ancient Doctors
Ebook134 pages52 minutes

Secrets of the Ancient Doctors

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Herbs have played a major part in medicine for thousands of years. Every culture and every medicinal system have used herbs for therapeutic purposes. There are thousands of herbs with thousands of different uses, many of which are used in conventional medicine as well as for natural remedies. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of the use of herbs due to the following reasons: the side effects of chemical drugs became apparent, there was a call to return to nature, natural remedies became a part of the green revolution, and there was a return to organic produce. This book will reveal you the secrets of combining a variety of herbal tea blends for treating various diseases, which doctors share among themselves for thousands of years.

Herbal tea blends for treatment:
-    respiratory diseases;
-    cardiovascular diseases;
-    venous disease and capillaries;
-    gastro-intestinal diseases;
-    Gall and Liver Disorders;
-    Kidney and Urinary Disease;
-    calming the nervous system;
-    stop bleeding from various organs;
-    rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout;
-    lower blood sugar;
-    dermatologic disorders.

Release dateJun 22, 2018
Secrets of the Ancient Doctors

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    Book preview

    Secrets of the Ancient Doctors - Goce Nikolovski

    The history of herbal medicine

    HERBAL MEDICINE HAS its roots in every culture around the world, from the ancient Macedonians, to the Celts, the Romans to the Arabs, and the Chinese to the Indians.

    Western herbalism dates back to ancient Egypt, where records of garlic and juniper used for medicinal purposes were found from as early as 1700 B.C. By 100 B.C., the ancient Macedonians had developed a comprehensive philosophy of herbal medicine that related different herbs to different temperaments, seasons and elements such as earth, air, fire and water. The Romans took the ancient Macedonians theories of medicine and added to them, creating a wealth of medical practices, some of which are still used today.

    Eastern herbalism mainly comes from the traditions of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These two medicinal systems use herbs to bring the body back in balance so that it can heal itself. In TCM, this means restoring qi, or life energy, and balancing the yin forces with theyang forces. Both traditions incorporate knowledge of the elements, the seasons and parts of the body into their herbal treatments.

    Other traditions such as Native Americans from both North America and South America have used herbs in medicine. Many of these traditions incorporate ritual and magic into their practices with the use of a shaman, or medicine man.

    The principles of herbal medicine

    HERBALISM IS DESIGNED to use herbs to treat the underlying causes of disease in a client. Instead of looking at the signs and symptoms and then treating the disease, herbalists look at the whole picture, from lifestyle to physical stressor, in order to prescribe the right treatment.

    Once the cause of a condition is discovered, the herb is prescribed to restore the body's natural balance. Herbalism is understanding how different herbs work with the body to restore balance and health.

    Herbs are also used in many traditions as a preventative action to boost immune function and promote general wellbeing before any disease occurs.

    While many pharmaceutical companies use the active ingredients found in herbs in their products, herbalists believe in something called herbal synergy, which means that in order for the herb to be as safe and effective as possible, it is important to use the whole plant instead of extracting only the active ingredients. For instance, meadowsweet contains salicylic acid, which is the active ingredient in aspirin. While aspirin alone often causes issues in people who have sensitive stomachs, meadowsweet also contains tannin and mucilage, which work to protect the stomach from the salicylic acid.

    How are herbs prepared?

    DECOCTIONS ARE MADE by boiling barks, roots and berries to extract the active ingredients. The liquid is strained and can be taken either hot or cold.

    Tinctures are made by soaking herbs in water and alcohol to extract and preserve the active ingredients. The liquid is then stored in small bottles and taken with water.

    Infusions are made like teas. Boiling water is poured over the herb and is left to sit for about 10 minutes, creating a liquid to be taken as a hot drink or medicine.

    Infused Oils are made with chopped herbs and oil. The mixture is either placed in a bowl over boiling water, or left to infuse in the sunlight.

    Creams are made from herbs and either oil or fat. The mixture simmers for about three hours before it is strained and set in dark bottles.

    Ointments are also made from herbs combined with either oil or fat. The ointment is then heated quickly over boiling water before it is strained and set.

    The benefits of herbal medicine

    HERBAL MEDICINE CAN be very useful for treating many different illnesses from minor scrapes and burns to serious diseases. Herbal medicines are mostly used for persistent illnesses such as migraines, arthritis, depression and PMS.

    Herbal remedies are easy to take, and many herbs can be grown at home, so they are often more convenient for minor conditions. It is important to note that herbal remedies cannot replace conventional treatments in many cases, and that not all herbs are safe for human ingestion.

    Herbal Treatment and Biological Science

    (D. Pamukov)

    HERBAL TREATMENT, OR phytotherapy, has grown significantly in importance over the last 30 years. Phytotherapy is a complex biological science that has a place among other complex treatments of some diseases.

    During the last 20 to 30 years, phytotherapy has evolved on a medical and scientific basis and herbal research has increased. In the past, only wild herbs were used, but now, with herb cultivation, it is possible to create plants with a high content of the desired active ingredients. The chemical compound con­tent can be fixed in some bonds in a controlled environment, while it may vary greatly in the wild. By researching herbs' chemical composition, rare herbs can be replaced with more common ones with the same or a similar effect. For example, Radix Ipecacuanbae can be replaced with Radix et Flos Primulae, and Foloa et Fructus Sennae can be replaced with Cortex Frangtilae.

    About 15,000 biochemical reactions are known to take place in the human body, and about 5,000 of these are basic ones. When all these reac­tions occur correctly, the organism is healthy.

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