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The Human Origins
The Human Origins
The Human Origins
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The Human Origins

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There is more to the human origins, development, intelligence, and civilization, than the epic debate Creationism versus Evolution, simply because there is more to the human condition than what authorities and ideologies want you to believe. Therefore, when you study the human origins, you have to search beyond the moment when the first humans had detached from the firmament or previous species, since there are other significant events in humanity’s lifespan and achievement defining its specific timeline. While you have to study everything, otherwise you risk understanding these significant events only from simplistic empirical or ideological perspectives, ending up learning what you already know, while following the crowd throughout unending debates. Since you want the accurate truth, because you already know all theories, beliefs, speculations, and debates regarding the human origins.
And this is why, when you study the human origins, you expect to understand everything about the origins of life, the nature and origins of this world, the nature of the human higher self and intelligence, the origins and debut of the human consciousness and human intelligent reasoning, along with all details related to the Creator of this entire world, of Life, and of humanity. Additionally, it is relevant to know how all these affect you personally, and how they affect your family, your genetic line, and your nation, how your family and genetic line originate, where and how it happened, under what circumstances, and with what status and privileges for you, for your family, for your nation, and for the humankind. And this is exactly what we cover throughout this book, in all details and from all perspectives.
This book studies the human origins, along with the origins of life, human intelligence, human species, human development, human society, human current civilization along with various past civilizations of Earth, integrating humans, their origins, and their original and current conditions in an elaborate comprehensive model.

Release dateSep 18, 2016
The Human Origins

Valentin Matcas

Valentin Leonard Matcas, M.Ed., is a Researcher, an Author, a Physicist, a Mathematician, and an Educator, currently studying, researching, and writing fiction and nonfiction. A graduate of universities from the United States and Canada, Valentin Leonard Matcas taught Physics, Mathematics, and English in Europe and in North America, while doing research in Physics and Mathematics.   Valentin Leonard Matcas created the following analytical models in Psychology, Biology, Physics, and Sociology: cognitive and social model for the human needs, models of modes of life, cognitive model for the human intelligence, model for this Reality, for other realities, and for the One, model for life in all forms and from all realities, study of the Human Civilization, study of the human status and rights, depiction of the hierarchy of intelligences, model for the human health and lifestyle, models for the human behavior, development, and developmental patterns, model for the human condition, models for the conscious, subconscious, highconscious, and classconscious intelligences, true model for the Human Society, model and depiction of the Human Conspiracy, models for the Higher Laws and for the Natural Laws of the Universe, study and depiction of human abilities, model of the Field and of our environment, model for Existence, study and depiction of timelines and lifelines of causality, and a lot more. All these form a comprehensive, greater model for you, for this world, and for your place and meaning in this world. As an enthusiast of Science Fiction, Valentin Leonard Matcas writes about terrestrial and alien civilizations, about life in the Universe and about the way it develops across galaxies. Valentin Leonard Matcas wrote ‘The Culling,’ ‘The Storyteller,’ and ‘Starship Colonial.’  When he is not writing, Valentin Leonard Matcas enjoys studying, hiking, swimming, kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, riding his bikes, listening to good books and podcasts, listening to good classical music, playing good strategy video games, and so on. Follow his research and discover all his books!

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    Book preview

    The Human Origins - Valentin Matcas


    Book 5 of the Human Series

    Witness the birth of life, of humanity, and of the entire world

    Eighth Edition

    Valentin Matcas, M.Ed.

    Published by Valentin Matcas at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2016 - 2024 Valentin Matcas

    ISBN: 9781370947133

    All rights reserved

    Cover: Valentin Matcas

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    I dedicate this book to everyone eager to learn and develop continuously throughout life.


    1 The Quest For Your Origins

    2 The Human Existence in its Comprehensive Nature

    3 The Human Intelligence and its Origins

    4 Scientific Speculations in Intelligent Disguise

    5 Origins of the Human Civilization

    6 Bloodlines and Timelines, Origins and Development

    7 For Those Who Remember

    About the Author

    1 The Quest For Your Origins

    There is more to the human origins, development, intelligence, and civilization, than the epic debate Creationism versus Evolution, simply because there is more to the human condition than what authorities and ideologies want you to believe. Therefore, when you study the human origins, you have to search beyond the moment when the first humans had detached from the firmament or previous species, since there are other significant events in humanity’s lifespan and achievement defining its specific timeline. While you have to study everything, otherwise you risk understanding these significant events only from simplistic empirical or ideological perspectives, ending up learning what you already know, while following the crowd throughout unending debates. Since you want the accurate truth, because you already know all theories, beliefs, speculations, and debates regarding the human origins.

    And this is why, when you study the human origins, you expect to understand everything about the origins of life, the nature and origins of this world, the nature of the human higher self and intelligence, the origins and debut of the human consciousness and human intelligent reasoning, along with all details related to the Creator of this entire world, of Life, and of humanity. Additionally, it is relevant to know how all these affect you personally, and how they affect your family, your genetic line, and your nation, how your family and genetic line originate, where and how it happened, under what circumstances, and with what status and privileges for you, for your family, for your nation, and for the humankind. And this is exactly what we cover throughout this book, in all details and from all perspectives.

    This book studies the human origins, along with the origins of life, human intelligence, human species, human development, human society, human current civilization along with various past civilizations of Earth, integrating humans, their origins, and their original and current conditions in an elaborate comprehensive model.

    As stated, what we seek throughout this entire research of the human origins and development is the actual answer to when humans and life originated on Earth or elsewhere, how it happened, where, for what purpose, who are the extraordinary actors involved, with what consequences, and how everything developed to become what we are today. We want to know everything, and more importantly, we want to know it in an accurate manner. While this is not only a simple desire to know everything in the world, or maybe it is, but as we will see throughout the book, we have to know everything about the human origins in accurate details, because all these relate to humanity, manifesting today in each living being, while influencing continuously their life, achievements, and development.

    How can you ever know the truth? How can you ever find out? The most common way is to study the beliefs of your own ideology, either religious, scientific, spiritual, national, political, or social, in order to find the truth, which may be either ideological, believed, or consensual. All ideologies consist of beliefs, simply because all ideological knowledge is based on very specific sets of beliefs. And since all beliefs are not consistent from one ideology to another, we want an accurate answer. Beliefs can be true sometimes, yet how can you tell from the start which specific belief from which specific ideology is true, when they convince everybody to believe in them even unconditionally, and to join them right away? However, if beliefs, ideologies, theories, and speculations are always sufficient to you, then yes, you already know everything in the world, through your own ideologies.

    Another way to study the human origins is through all scientific information provided by science, and this is the easiest way. Yet you already know all science from school and from TV, which means that again, you already know everything in the world, and therefore you do not have to search anymore. This must be the actual knowledge about the human origins, with everything relating to evolution and survival of the fittest, everything is about species forming species in time, which form other species, which form human beings, and this is who you now are.

    But is this actually the truth? Yes, certainly, since everything changes and develops throughout time, throughout Life, and throughout the world, and therefore it is possible for entire species to form other species, forming ultimately the human beings, which are, as already known, the most evolved and the most wonderful and extraordinary living beings in the universe.

    Yet as you already notice, this is correct only through the word ‘possible,’ used in the paragraph above, which makes the above statement not entirely accurate but only possible, and therefore not exactly correct. As we still seek the accurate truth. While even science uses words as ‘possible,’ ‘probable,’ and ‘theory,’ and these never define accurate truth, even though science always uses them to make you believe that they define the accurate truth. While we seek accuracy throughout this research, not possibility, neither assumption, not speculation, nor theory, otherwise we could have embraced any ideology with ease, and we had all their answers and privileges already provided.

    I had to use the word ‘possible’ in the above statement because even though many things change in time, this does not mean that humans have to evolve. It is true that human beings develop in time, as you do throughout life, physically and cognitively, yet just because human beings develop, this does not mean that entire species develop or evolve into other species just as well. In other words, humans may develop or evolve, while the entire human species may develop or evolve just as well, on its own.

    But if species evolve into other species, how exactly do they morph from one species to another, matching the environment perfectly? Is it because only the survivors morph in this specific manner, in order to be able to survive, while the rest just die away because they are already dead, as science states for centuries? But isn’t this only the trivial answer, acting now as an accurate, comprehensive scientific truth depicting humanity altogether? What exactly is scientific about it, when it is only based on a trivial statement, that the surviving species are still around, shaping the living world through their characteristics, with the other species dead now, including all the missing links, so now there is no way to prove this speculation wrong? Because for our model of the human origins, this answer is not enough to take us anywhere, being too trivial, and therefore worthless. It cannot even get our model of the human origins started, so what can we do? Should we choose ideologies instead, as all ideologies recommend us to do? But the current science itself is an ideology, since it is based on all scientific beliefs forming the current scientific consensus, making it a genuine ideology similar to the other ideologies of the world counting in tens of thousands.

    Can an entire species of living beings actually develop? Yes. But do species generate other species? The answer is still yes, but only implicitly or indirectly, as we will see in the next example. We will also make a visual observation next, generating an empiric conclusion. It is certainly not enough as an accurate answer, however, this has to suffice, to get our model started. Hopefully. Because what we want is an entire, comprehensive analytical, conceptual model of the human origins, based on accurate facts, and studied from all perspectives. Let us see.

    Again, do species evolve, morph, and transcend from one another? And if the answer is yes, then where is the missing link? And how exactly can we ever accept any answer here, if we cannot be there to witness it for ourselves?

    We may take examples of any species now, while we may even follow them throughout time and throughout the world in our model of research, but since we cannot be there to witness the accurate truth firsthand, it is very important to be careful not to arrive to erroneous conclusions.

    For example, flies are insects, while worms are worms. Which are still insects. But can worms ever form flies? Is there a missing link between worms and flies? Yes, certainly, and this is the case just because files are born as worms, to begin with, as you can witness it yourself, firsthand. And if we are capable to witness it firsthand, it means that it is accurately true. And if it is accurately true, it is pertinent enough to get our model of research started, which is very good.

    But can we also state here that the entire fly species has evolved from the entire worm species? This might be the case, if the worm species itself is actually older than the fly species. And here we must be careful, in order not to answer a question with the true answer of a different question, since this is very common throughout ideologies, including scientific ideologies. Because we may simply state here that since all flies in the world are born as worms, which we may witness ourselves and therefore it is accurately true, it means that the entire fly species has evolved in time from the worm species, and it must be true. Which is not true, since we have just answered a question with the correct answer of another question.

    But if we push it, and we call it a theory, as in The Theory of the Evolution of the Fly Species from the Worm Species, it means that we can never be wrong, since all theories are only assumptions or speculations. And these do not even have to be accurately correct, since they are only theories or speculations, as these may or may not be true by definition. We are always right, and therefore now we have the answer to everything: newer, successful species always evolve from older ones. But are we accurately correct? No, since as you notice, we still answer a very important question with the accurate answer of another question. While we still persist, as always, to find the accurate truth about the human origins. While the current science always does so, and more importantly, it always labels its statements as theories. Which are only speculations and assumptions, never accurate.

    All theories are only assumptions and speculations, but not accurate facts. Which means that we can make any theory, assumption, and speculation here, even that flies evolve from worms, as science already does, since the Theory of Evolution is only a theory, assumption, or speculation itself as it states in the title, but it may or may not be the accurately true. Since this is why we seek to avoid all theories, assumptions, and speculations, in order to be able to find the accurate truth.

    It is the same with frogs, since they are born as fishes. And this is your missing link, since these particular frog fishes even grow legs, as you can even witness them growing. Which is an accurate empiric fact, since you may observe it yourself, firsthand. Flies and the great majority of insects start their individual life as worms. Frogs start their individual life as fishes, and at a closer study, this is the case with all living beings, they start their very early life as other species. Which is very important to consider. But more importantly, they start life as their own previous species, morphing throughout them, individually, in a matter of days, weeks, or months, to become what we have today. Because forms of life are not divided into species, but they are divided directly into individual living beings, and this is what science ignores. Or this is what science hides.

    Is this actually the missing link, the frog itself, when it was little? No, just because all individual organisms develop in this specific manner throughout life, from one species to another. This cannot be the case directly with entire species, but only implicitly or indirectly, through their individual living beings composing them. And if this is the case, it means that the existential arrow of life points within, to the individual living beings themselves, but not to the entire species and further on to the entire kingdom and form of life, while it is significant to consider.

    There are many missing links in each living being, encountered mostly throughout gestation. Because new species cannot give birth to new individuals, but only new individual living beings can form new species. Therefore, species do not evolve, but individual living beings develop directly, throughout life, and more importantly, throughout their own, individual life. And as we will see shortly, not exactly individual living beings evolve during their own life, but their own intelligences do, they develop throughout gestation, and then later on in life. While species develop and evolve implicitly or indirectly, through the development of the multitude of individual living beings comprising them. This is a highly important empiric observation while science ignores it, and as already stated, our observation is meaningful enough to get our model started.

    Note how science states the contrary, that species evolve from one another, and this is why the individuals composing these species are different from one species to another. While as stated, it is the other way around, individual living beings develop throughout life from one species to another, determining in this manner the specific species that they form to look exactly as they are. It is a difference in statements and concepts, as we already notice. And while science still lacks its missing link, our model of the human origins already has its accurate empiric observation to prove that all organisms develop individually throughout life, throughout gestation and after, from one living stage or living species to another, as these remain part of more comprehensive forms of life.

    This observation helps us throughout our research of the human origins. As stated, the existential arrow points toward individuals and not toward the species that they form, and this is an important detail for our model of the human origins, implying that the essence of life is within living beings, and not outside, or not only outside. Which means that the individual living beings give life and meaning to their entire species, or to the entire organism, or to the entire form of life.

    Do humans come from apes? Are apes actually the human origins, since this is what science states? Since flies come from worms, and since frogs come from fish, it might seem proper to state that humans come from apes. But again, it is false to claim so, just because you end up answering a question through the accurate answers of two related questions. And therefore, the answer that you obtain in this manner may relate to the two previous statements, but not necessarily to your own question, which now becomes an assumption, with its assigned answer to be only a speculation, and therefore not necessarily an accurate fact. Because this is not reasoning, not analytical reasoning, and not even algorithmic reasoning, as inductive reasoning, since it has an erroneous, inconsistent structure. Because humans are not born as apes, in order for humans to be apes for the first few years of life, the way flies are born as worms and frogs are born as fishes.

    Yet there is more to consider here, since humans tend to resemble little monkeys during the last stages of gestation, they even have a tail, and if you are ever able to prove that that is a monkey, then your answer comes out positive. Whatever that is in the last stages of the human gestation, a monkey, a cat, or a reptile, it proves that it is not the human species as a whole evolving, but each individual living human being develops in this specific manner, in the womb, yet nevertheless, as a distinct living being. Happening to all living beings, including humans.

    While as you may notice firsthand during the entire human gestation, humans start as a single cellular living being, going through a multitude of sequential species, becoming an intelligent human being when it is born, at the end of gestation. Which means that all humans, as an organic form of life, have their origins in a cell. Humans do not have their origins in apes, but in a very specific cell. The human cell.

    But then, when you study closely all organic life, in all its species, you notice how all species of all organic life originate in very specific cells, the same cells, for all species of the organic life, for the entire organic life. Always sharing the same origin. And this is the case because the organic form of life has at its base the cellular form of life. Which has at its base the molecular form of life.

    Therefore, to be very specific now, humans do not come from apes, cats, and horses, but all individual living human beings develop throughout the entire organic life of Earth during gestation, being part of Life, part of Earth, and part of the organic form of life in this manner, entirely. And they do so as individual living human beings, which is extraordinary for Life. Because as you study Life herself along with all living human beings closely, you find all living human beings with you included sharing the same origin with Life herself. Which is extraordinary.

    Do people come from monkeys? No, but humans and all living beings have a common origin with Life herself, as they form and maintain Life herself. This is our answer so far of the human origins, while as you notice, it is not a theory, assumption, or speculation, but an accurate fact, an accurate knowledge.

    Yet there is more to consider here, since humans and all living beings are not only their physical bodies, but they are their cognitive system just as well, along with much more. You are always mind, body, and soul, as one. Therefore, you must study the human origins and the human development from all perspectives: empirical, cognitive, objective, spiritual, biological, historical, developmental, and social. Which means that you have to undergo a comprehensive study of the human origins, and while doing so, everything must remain consistent, otherwise this entire mental model of the human origins fails. While as you notice, we are already further in our research and mental model of the human origins than what the current science and most of the ideologies of Earth have to offer.

    And this happens with all living beings, not only with humans. Study the fetus inside the chicken egg, to see it resembling to flying reptiles toward the end of the chicken gestation. And that prehistoric animal is alive, right there, inside the chicken egg, being the case for all the chickens in the world, for the entire chickenkind.

    Which could mean that long, long ago, chickens looked in that specific manner. And now, the existential arrow points toward the individual chicken, and not toward the entire chicken species, since it is actually the living being developing in this manner, and not exactly the distinct living species of organic life. The chicken species does not evolve from reptiles, but the individual living chicken lives life as a reptile very shortly during gestation, probably signifying that all chickens used to be reptiles some time long ago, after they were other species, as frogs and fishes. Yet there is more to study here, and we will see it throughout the book.

    It seems that organic life cannot even develop from one species to another, just because species cannot give birth directly to their individuals composing them. But all individuals composing species have to develop themselves during gestation, and they do so only throughout the entire succession of species that they have ever been.

    This means that organic life itself is not formed of individual living beings that are part of all species found in the organic life, but all living beings of organic life are relatively similar, while they have to follow the same pathway as all their ancestors did, developing now only in one lifetime, from the original organic life and long before it, to become in a matter of weeks or months during gestation to be what their previous generation had been, and then to take it from there and continue developing as the actual living beings of their current generation, in any manner it is more suitable for the specific environment where they find themselves and for the specific meaning that they are bound to fulfill.

    While now we observe distinct cognitive development and physical development taking place the entire time. Since as stated, living beings are bodies and intelligence as one. Which means that you cannot study the entire development of the physical body throughout gestation, throughout life, throughout the ages of Earth, and throughout organic life, if you do not consider the origins and development of all intelligences forming the physical bodies, simultaneously. Just because all living beings are bodies and intelligences as one. With some being significantly more than this, humans included.

    And since all living beings develop in this specific manner, having only one cell as origin, this means that the existential arrow points not only toward and within each individual living being, but it points to these cells composing them directly. More precisely, the existential arrow points inside each individual living being composing species, and not outside, toward the entire species, toward the entire ecosystem, toward the entire reality. Therefore, whatever it is at the origin of everything, is still found within each individual, and not outside. Or at least not only outside, if this is the case, and it is meaningful to consider it.

    This is yet another detail helping our model along the way. This existential detail is highly relevant to show its presence here, since it makes its presence throughout all models of this book series. The truth and the essence of everything is within, not only in the outside. It is an inner, living, cognitive nature found alongside the objective, physical nature. The meaning of life is cognitive in nature, and physical, existential. However, since the cognitive is found within or at the base of the physical, the meaning or essence of Life is within.

    Notice how there are already a multitude of ideological beliefs stating the same, while other ideological beliefs state the contrary along with everything else, so how could we know from the beginning which one is true? And this is why, in order to study the human origins, we do not have to study only some extraordinary event from the past when humanity first walked the Earth, because this origin stays within all human beings even today. Even you have this reminiscence of the actual human origin within you, and this origin coincides not only with the origin of the humankind, but it coincides with the origin of organic life, along with the origin of the human mind and human intelligences, along with the origin of the human development and the human existence, along with the origin of the human civilization which is similar for all previous civilizations of Earth, and along with much more, since you have it within, right now, the origin of Life herself.

    And you can feel it just as well, since your origins stand at the base of all your needs, feelings, and meanings in life and in the world. You have Life in you, and you must always consider it, since it always defines your own meaning in life, just as it had defined the meaning in life for all species and intelligences that you had been before, counting in large numbers. With all their intelligences still alive today, in you, while forming you altogether.

    And this is why, now we have to know everything about the human origins, how everything took place, why fetuses resemble other species throughout gestation, how they come to be in this manner, how exactly are humans born, through what specific processes, how does organic life originate, what is organic life, what is life altogether, what are the origins of the human mind and of the human intelligence, how do these develop, and why. Even more, you do not want to consider only sets of separate, distinct answers generated by this research of the human origins, but you want all your answers to correlate, interconnect, and remain consistent, not only among themselves, but to remain consistent with all accurate facts in the world.

    To be more specific, you want an entire model of the human origins and development, and not exactly an enumeration of individual, modular information. Because only through consistent, interconnected accurate knowledge you are certain that everything is true, accurate, and therefore undebatable. And we have their major correlation right from the start, since everything originates in one point and one moment in time, for the same reason, matching in this manner all lines and lifelines of causality. And it takes place at the moment of conception in your own case, while it had also happened at exactly the same time and place and for the same reason for the entire humankind and human civilization but earlier in the past within this world, and then it happened elsewhere in the wider world. We will study realities and intelligences, along with the manner in which intelligences and living beings in general create realities and everything within, and for what purpose, relating everything to this world, to humanity, and to human beings. And since society and those controlling society alter all truth in every manner and for various agendas misleading and diverting everybody, we have to consider this detail throughout the research.

    And in order to achieve all these, we have to undergo a very specific, detailed, comprehensive research mental model. I refer to it as a mental model, since it is found in your own mind, right now, as you reason alongside this book. While this is the introductory stage of our mental model for the human origins. It is you making the mental model itself, in your mind, as you reason in parallel with this book, since this is the human cognition. Just make sure that your reasoning remains free of irrelevant beliefs and entire ideologies, in order to maintain it accurate. Or you may behave in any manner you desire.

    As stated at the beginning of this book, we are considering accurate information throughout the research, avoiding debates and beliefs. Accurate empirical knowledge may include accurate observations constituting our empirical perspective, or accurate objective knowledge as force equals mass times acceleration from classical physics, or two plus two equals four from mathematics, along with the entire classical physics and the entire mathematics, along with all accurate branches of physics, biology, anatomy, psychology, chemistry, geology, astrophysics, and science in general, everything that is reliable and therefore based on accurate facts, accurate reasoning, and accurate observations. And you may know when accurate facts are accurate, since they can anchor themselves directly on other accurate facts, together anchoring directly on the natural laws of the universe. While the natural laws of the universe are absolute for this world, defining by default and therefore with accuracy everything in the universe, everything from its spacetime continuum up, otherwise, nothing exists here in this world.

    And this is why classical physics and mathematics are genuinely accurate, because they are based directly on the behavior and interaction of all life, matter, field, and radiation in the universe, directly at the level of the spacetime continuum. While mathematics also remains accurate throughout other realities above and below our world. While higher laws of the wider world remain accurate throughout the entire Life and wider world including this specific world.

    Since mathematics and physics are part of science, along with the Theory of Evolution, this means that we already have our answer of the human origins: The Theory of Evolution. Is this correct, or this is an erroneous line of reasoning? Let us now bypass all unending debates taking place in the world, since these never give you an accurate answer but they only engage you in a consensual cognitive athletic competition leading nowhere.

    But is the Theory of Evolution accurate, or not? And can this mental model of the human origins help us decide and understand it with clarity?

    Let us give the answer right away,

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