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It's a Breakup, Not a Breakdown Workbook
It's a Breakup, Not a Breakdown Workbook
It's a Breakup, Not a Breakdown Workbook
Ebook328 pages4 hours

It's a Breakup, Not a Breakdown Workbook

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About this ebook

Day 1: Throw a pity party for one.
Day 10: Get Even.
Day 21: Throw a Movin' On Party.

Everybody may play the fool sometime, but no one wants to do it for long. With "The Relationship Journalist" Lisa Steadman as their guide, you can boot Mr. Wrong from your heart and mind in less time than it takes to write a eulogy. Complete with worksheets designed to speed the recovery process, this interactive, edgy workbook takes you from "I'll never be the same" to "What was his name?" in less time than it takes to sell his stuff on Craigslist.
Release dateSep 15, 2010
It's a Breakup, Not a Breakdown Workbook

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    Book preview

    It's a Breakup, Not a Breakdown Workbook - Lisa Steadman

    This book belongs to:


    it’s a

    BREAKUP not a



    *A 21-Day Action Plan*

    to Plot Your Revenge, Spoil Yourself,

    and Find Out How Good Your Life Is Without Him

    lisa steadman, author of It’s a Breakup, Not a Breakdown


    avon, massachusetts

    Copyright © 2009 by Lisa Steadman

    All rights reserved.

    This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any

    form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are

    made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.

    Published by Polka Dot Press, an imprint of

    Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

    57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322. U.S.A.

    The Polka Dot Press® name and logo design are

    registered trademarks of F+W Media, Inc.

    ISBN 10: 1-59869-917-2

    ISBN 13: 978-1-59869-917-3

    eISBN: 978-1-44051-997-0

    Printed in the United States of America.

    J I H G F E D C B A

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    is available from the publisher.

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

    —From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the

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    This book is available at quantity discounts for bulk purchases.

    For information, please call 1-800-289-0963.

    To the breakup survivors & thrivers of the world,

    Whether you know it or not, your brilliant and beautiful future still exists. Together, we WILL rediscover it.

    I wish you much happiness & healing!


    Writing my first book was a dream coming true. Being offered the opportunity to write a second book has been just as dreamy. And I couldn’t have done it without so many incredible and amazing people. Special thanks to everyone at Adams for their hard work and dedication, especially my awesome editors Jennifer Kushnier (I miss you!!!) and Paula Munier, publicist extraordinaire Beth Gissinger and her team, the ever-patient Chris Duffy, designer Colleen Cunningham for my beautiful first book, and everyone behind the scenes who makes this process magical for me. Major kudos to my agent Sharlene Martin. Thanks for being on my team and never settling for less than the best. It’s a pleasure working with you! Massive thanks to the incredible members of Ladies Who Launch, who have shown that together, we can do anything! To all of my dear friends who have loved, supported, and cheered me through both tears and triumphs over the years. I love you all. I’m especially grateful to my biggest cheerleaders, Lani Voivod, Gretchen de Castel-lane, Scott Connell, Chris Varaste, Mattie Stevens, Melanie Hanson, and my newest sole sistahs Cindy and Karalee.

    Of course, the loudest and proudest cheering section would be my family. Mom, Dad, Sissy, thank you so much for all you do to love, celebrate, and share in my Woo-hoo! journey. I love you and I’m so happy that you’re my family.

    Speaking of family, none of this would have been as easy or fun without the newest member of my family, my husband, Luis. You are my greatest gift, my best friend, my rock, plus you rock my world. I love you! Here’s to our ongoing adventure together. . . .

    To my other new family members, Rosa, Rosie, Jose. I look forward to a lifetime of happy memories.

    And to my other new family members. Paul and Robin, words cannot express my thanks, love, and joy for the most unforgettable day of my life.

    Judy, your kindness and generosity greatly contributed to my most magical day. Thank you all for everything you did and continue to do to celebrate Luis and me.

    While writing books has afforded me many unforgettable career opportunities, it has also taken me on a spiritual journey of sorts. Along the way I have had the pleasure of working with many amazing teachers, healers, and guides. With love and gratitude, I acknowledge and thank Barbara De Angelis, Ti Caine, and Dharshan for your incredible love, energy, and gifts.

    For anyone who has ever shared their breakup story with me, and for all the clients I continue to work with. I wish you much happiness and healing!

    And finally, to all the Mr. Exes I’ve loved and lost. Thank you for the amazing memories, the life lessons, and for those of you who’ve contacted me since the first book came out, thank you for the closure. And don’t worry. I don’t name names in this book either.



    Before You Get Started

    DAY 1

    Throw a Pity Party for One

    worksheet: write your ex a letter

    worksheet: go to the dark place

    worksheet: : find the light

    DAY 2

    Live in Denial for a Day

    worksheet: reflect on your day in denial

    worksheet: why it’s good he’s gone

    DAY 3

    Delete Your Ex from Your Online (and Offline) Life

    worksheet: make an ex-orcism list

    worksheet: make a frenemies list

    DAY 4

    Widow for a Day

    worksheet: create a breakup death certificate

    worksheet: write a relationship eulogy

    worksheet: draft a last will and testament

    DAY 5

    Get Mad

    worksheet: engage your rage

    worksheet: make a list of reasons your ex sucks

    worksheet: make your if only i’d list

    DAY 6

    Get Bitter, Then Get Better

    worksheet: embrace your bitterness

    worksheet: identify your tolerations

    worksheet: continue asking questions

    DAY 7

    Get Even

    worksheet: plan your ex’s demise

    worksheet: spill your ex’s secrets

    worksheet: write your own happy ending

    DAY 8

    Announce Your Breakup

    worksheet: announce your breakup

    worksheet: create your online gift registry

    worksheet: dish all the dirty details

    DAY 9

    Disappear for a Day

    worksheet: revisit old/create

    new goals and hobbies

    worksheet: make your fabulous factor list

    DAY 10

    Reclaim Your Space

    worksheet: reclaim your most sacred space

    worksheet: reclaim the rest of your space

    worksheet: visualize new experiences

    DAY 11

    The Halfway Hump Slump

    worksheet: what’s holding you back?

    DAY 12

    Dump Your Slump

    worksheet: accountability contract

    worksheet: play the blame game

    worksheet: let go of the past

    DAY 13

    Take a Flying Leap

    worksheet: write yourself a fan letter

    worksheet: add to your fabulous factor list

    worksheet: nurture yourself

    DAY 14

    Plan a Girl Getaway

    worksheet: let the girl getaway begin!

    worksheet: plan future girl getaways

    DAY 15

    Get a Post-Breakup Makeover

    worksheet: go glam

    DAY 16

    Reinvent Yourself

    worksheet: let go of your old self

    worksheet: embody your most authentic self

    worksheet: become that gutsy girl

    DAY 17

    Shake Up Your Routine

    worksheet: take a speaking risk

    worksheet: do something nice for others

    worksheet: try something new

    DAY 18

    Start a Healthy New Habit

    worksheet: start a healthy new habit

    worksheet: replace your fave places

    DAY 19

    Enroll in Single U

    worksheet: put yourself in target-rich environments

    worksheet: create your online dating profile

    worksheet: identify and reframe your bad love habits

    DAY 20

    An Ex Marks the Plot

    worksheet: ex-cavate the relationship

    worksheet: identify lessons learned

    DAY 21

    Celebrate Your Success

    worksheet: plan your movin’ on party

    worksheet: write your future self a letter

    worksheet: create an accountability contract

    4 Recovery Challenge Calendar

    What Now?


    If you’ve picked up this book, you’re probably going through a breakup. Congratulations! Whether you know it now or not, it’s a good thing. In fact, it’s an amazing, empowering, life-altering thing. I’ll tell you why in a minute. But, first things first, let me ask you a question—and since it’s just between you and me, be completely honest in your answer, okay?

    Are you still in contact with your ex?

    Are you calling, e-mailing, texting, or in any other way trying to stay connected to him?

    Worse, are you still sleeping with your ex?

    Or, are you a total rock star and completely avoiding him? If so, congrats! You’re well on your way to healing and moving on.

    But back to those of you who are still in contact with your ex. You rock too. You just don’t know it yet. I’d like to help you get there. In the meantime, I’ve got another question for you. . . .

    How is staying connected to your ex working out?

    Chances are, not very well. At least, not for you. The truth is, after a breakup the single, most important factor in healing and moving on is to create distance from your ex. If at all possible, you need to cut off all communication. However, if you have kids, work together, or have other financial or business reasons to stay connected, it’s essential to create new boundaries.

    Not ready to let go just yet?

    Trust me on this one. I know what I’m talking about. See, after my Big Breakup, I tried to stay connected. We worked together, which meant we still had to see each other every day following the breakup. Truthfully, we committed some cardinal breakup sins that you, too, may be committing. We tried to nurture each other through the breakup. We even fell in and out of each other’s beds off and on for an entire year following the breakup. And then one day, I found a picture of someone new. While I had been busy holding on to Mr. Ex for dear life, he had been getting busy with someone else. Ouch!

    As I said, when it comes to breakups, I know what I’m talking about.

    And it’s not just personal experience. On my website I hear from thousands of men and women who all say the same thing—breaking up is hard to do, especially when you hold on to your ex. After my first book, It’s a Breakup, Not a Breakdown, came out in 2007, I heard from thousands more who all agreed that creating distance from their ex was difficult but essential to their recovery.

    Recovery’s a funny word, isn’t it? However, if you have recently gone through a breakup, that’s exactly where you are right now—in recovery. The good news is that like the millions of breakup survivors who’ve come before you, you will get through this. You will not only survive the pain and anguish, but will eventually thrive. You may even say Thank God! I know I did.

    Believe it or not, breaking up kind of rocks. Not at first. Especially not when you’ve just been dumped out of the blue, are still in the pin-pricking voodoo doll stage, and/or when you’re curled up in the fetal position wearing your ex’s old T-shirt and bawling your eyes out. That part’s not so fun. But after that: When you start noticing that your heart hurts a little less. When a beautiful day is not just a vicious reminder that the world doesn’t care about your breakup. When, eventually, you summon the strength to pull yourself out of your slump and awaken to your most authentic self. That’s when your breakup starts rocking. It’s also when amazing new opportunities start coming your way. You discover your own resilience. And, as time goes on, you fall in love with life again. Possibly, you fall in love again, too.

    Isn’t that fantastic?

    In the throes of a bad breakup, I know it’s all too easy to forget that your future can still be fabulous. I’m here to tell you that your chances of happily ever after didn’t leave with your ex. There is so much more joy, happiness, and love waiting to come into your life. But first, you’ve got to get through your recovery. And that’s where this book comes in.

    According to conventional wisdom, it takes twenty-one days to form a new habit. That’s just three weeks out of your entire life. If you start reading this book today, and commit to reading one chapter a day for the next twenty-one days (don’t worry—they’re short chapters!), think of where you can be three weeks from now.

    Are you up to the challenge?

    If not, what are you waiting for? A second chance with your ex, more proof that he’s not right for you, or some other form of false hope that the breakup didn’t just change everything, including your future plans? Whether you know it or not, you still have a bright and beautiful future ahead of you. In order to get there, you’ve got to let go of your ex. I want to help you do that.

    Please let me help.

    It is my absolute pleasure to introduce you to this interactive twenty-one-day recovery program. In just three weeks, you can kick-start the healing process and ease into Movin’ On mode. You’ll learn how to mourn the loss of your relationship without losing yourself, how to cut your ex out of your life for good, and how to move on with style, sass, and class! Not only that—I’ve got daily tips and worksheets that’ll make the healing process even easier, including nightly activities that’ll keep you from dialing your ex’s digits in a moment of panic.

    Now, that doesn’t mean your breakup recovery will be easy. In fact, some of it may be downright gut wrenching. But there will also be times when you’ll feel inspired, when you’ll experience a sense of empowerment, and you may even have a little fun along the way. In just three short weeks, you’re going to make amazing progress. That’s not to say you’ll be completely over your ex in twenty-one days. But if you do the work, put in the time, and give it your very best effort, you’ll be well on your way to your fab future.

    Let me ask you again. Are you up for the challenge? I hope so!

    This is my wish for you. Over the next twenty-one days, I wish you courage, commitment, and self-care. By being courageous, you’ll resist the temptation to reach out to your ex, which is only detrimental to your recovery. By being committed, you will make remarkable progress regardless of any setbacks you incur on any given day. And, by being kind and nurturing to yourself, you’ll emerge a stronger, more confident individual at the end of this journey. In just twenty-one days, you’ll be that much closer to getting over your ex and moving on with your beautiful, amazing, wonderful life.

    Remember, you’re not embarking on this adventure alone. This is a journey we’ll be taking together. A journey I have already been on, have helped so many others through, and am now honored to guide you through. If you let me, I’ll take you to a better place in your life. A place where one day in the not-too-distant future, you’ll be able to look back at your breakup and say, once again, Thank God!

    Ready to get started? (I hope the answer is yes!)

    Before You Get Started . . .

    Before embarking on your twenty-one-day recovery program, you’ll want to have the following survival supplies on hand:

    1. A calendar to chart your daily progress (there is also a recovery challenge calendar on page 198)

    2. Gold star stickers (like the ones you got in grade school)

    3. A red Sharpie marker

    4. A journal to record your progress and/or to do the daily worksheets

    PLUS . . .

    Sign Up for Cyber-Support

    Want to rock your recovery? For additional support during the next twenty-one days, visit There, you can get free breakup survival tips, tools, and strategies e-mailed to you every day for the next twenty-one days. Go ahead and do that now. Then keep reading.



    DAY 1

    throw a

    pity party for ONE

    Today, I feel . . .




    Congratulations for being brave and bold and putting your recovery needs first. And welcome to the first day of the rest of your amazing life! I know it may not seem like it right now, but there’s a whole world waiting for you now that you’re 170+ pounds lighter without your ex. A world that celebrates you and the amazing individual you’re becoming, thanks to the breakup. Don’t worry—you don’t have to make the world a better place today. You don’t even have

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