Best Self Magazine

True Love Means Loving Yourself

Loving Yourself, by Karamjeet Kaur, photo by Richard Mallett
Photograph by Richard Mallett

Truly loving yourself paves the path for happiness, inner peace and authentic relationships

My first book Truly Love Me is about finding true love — love of myself. Getting my book published by Hay House was the start of my life as an international author, speaker and coach. It was the start of a dream come true!

But 13 years ago, I wanted to end my life.

During one of my many suicide attempts, I called upon the Universe to either take me back (as I didn’t have the guts to take my life), or and . I was dazed, but also so much at peace. I felt like I was surrounded by a blanket of love. After that very calm moment, my life changed as I began my walk of understanding to True Love.

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