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Blueprints To Union: Blueprints To Union Series, #1
Blueprints To Union: Blueprints To Union Series, #1
Blueprints To Union: Blueprints To Union Series, #1
Ebook233 pages5 hours

Blueprints To Union: Blueprints To Union Series, #1

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Following in the Christian Mystical and Contemplative traditions of the teachings of the Desert Fathers, the Philokalia, and the Eastern Orthodox focus on Union, Theosism and Deification, Brother Dominick takes the reader through a set of five correspondences that lay out the way and methodology for the Union with God experience to manifest itself within and without.

After over a decade of mystical transformations from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, inner illumination by the blinding uncreated light, and various expeditions through the Dark Night of the Soul, Brother Dominick would eventually receive a set of Blueprints from a South African Christian Mystic Hermit which would help his odyssey into the manifestation of the Union with God experience. The Blueprints to Union eventually became a consolidation of the teachings of the Hermit and were in common with those of St, Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, Meister Eckhart, The Cloud of Unknowing, and various Mystics of Christian antiquity, all of whom had traversed the inner quest to finally sink into the Omnipresent Ocean of God.

You are invited to partake in this Inner Journey, which is the birthright of the Soul.

Release dateJun 28, 2016
Blueprints To Union: Blueprints To Union Series, #1

Brother Dominick

Following in the Christian Mystical and Contemplative traditions of the teachings of the Desert Fathers, the Philokalia, and the Eastern Orthodox focus on Union, Theosism and Deification, Brother Dominick takes the reader through a set of five correspondences that lay out the way and methodology for the Union with God experience to manifest itself within and without. After over a decade of mystical transformations from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, inner illumination by the blinding uncreated light, and various expeditions through the Dark Night of the Soul, Brother Dominick would eventually receive a set of Blueprints from a South African Christian Mystic Hermit which would help his odyssey into the manifestation of the Union with God experience. The Blueprints to Union eventually became a consolidation of the teachings of the Hermit and were in common with those of St, Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, Meister Eckhart, The Cloud of Unknowing, and various Mystics of Christian antiquity, all of whom had traversed the inner quest to finally sink into the Omnipresent Ocean of God. You are invited to partake in this Inner Journey, which is the birthright of the Soul.

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    Book preview

    Blueprints To Union - Brother Dominick


    As is true on the road to Union, where everything starts to be seen as happening on its own with no ‘You’ in it anywhere, this book took shape, formed, and came to life all in its own. It was in the unfoldment of selflessly sharing the process with others, that the same Union would be made revealed in them as it was in me, and as that mysterious evolution continued, it gave birth to this book, and a manifestation of something out of what once was, nothing. I’d like to thank Michael, Adam, Hayley, Emma, and Chris for giving me permission to share correspondences initially deemed private. By making them public and sharing the process with the world, we trust in Union that countless others will benefit from these beautiful life changing exchanges that lead to Union/Theosis/Deification.


    The following exchanges are a set of correspondences that took place with five different individuals over a course of 5 years that lead to each of them being able to experience Union with God(Theosis/Deification), to various degrees. An additional Q & A section will help to explain and shed light on some of the subtle intricacies and hang ups that can happen as a person is working out their way into the manifestation of the Union experience.

    The purpose of these exchanges is for the reader is to understand them intellectually, to intuit what is being said, to feel it, to play with it like a child, and most importantly to start to apply these same teachings to your own experience so that over time, the Union experience will manifest in your own reality as well.

    It is highly suggested to read and re-read these exchanges at different times in your life, as intellect, understanding, love, intuition, and your entire being can grow over time and reach new levels of higher understanding at later life periods to allow for a deepening of the wisdom and faculties that come with Union. Many times, people who I have shared these exchanges with really couldn’t grasp them until some later time when it all fully sinks in, while still, others get it right away. It truly is all grace, blessings, and just allowing this whole process to take place, deeply sink in, and for Union to start to manifest of its own accord when the proper ‘getting out of the way for it to happen,’ is in place.


    Along with these exchanges, it is highly recommended that the reader visit the YouTube channel here:

    And start to apply the following meditations:

    30-60 Minutes daily, along with applying any time there is free time, driving, work breaks, etc:

    First 15-20 minutes upon waking up in the morning:

    Last 15-20 minutes just prior to falling asleep:

    Any questions (Q & A session/ Exchange) can be sent to Brother Dominick at: [email protected]

    This book is intended for those in whom the longing for Union with God is born, a longing in the heart that can only be quenched by Union itself and only the inner calling for Union is what can be met with the answer of Union itself.

    Different individuals are in different places in their walk with God. From beginners who are just starting out, to intermediates who are still working through various stages of awakening, purifications, calling on Christ, Scripture study, and finally to those who have reached the maturity to go beyond words, beyond concepts, in whom that inner Union calling has been born like a newborn child, in the heart . It is for the latter group of people that these instructions are intended and it is only to those for whom this will be clear as the sky.

    The instructions themselves are self filtering, since for the beginner, they will be completely above their head. And for the intermediate, they will be in too much doubt and ego based ignorance to give up either the old ego, or too wrapped up in the replaced religious based ego, in order to proceed. I know this because it happened to me, as a beginner none of this would have made any sense, and as an intermediate there was too much of a comfort zone in the known religiosity with which I propped myself up. But after receiving the mystical graces of divine mercy and being slain by the Spirit, the inner path would be made known, and a Hermit would teach me the rest for Union to manifest, which is now being made known to you as the Blueprints to Union. It was only in maturity of Spirit and the birth of the heart’s inner longing for Union, that the Blueprints could be understood and Union made manifest.

    The following teachings that are revealed in this manual are introduced to the reader through the context of exchanges with others. It is therefore up to the reader, to extract what is being conveyed in the following text, and to apply said teachings to one’s own apparent self in a manner the consists of specific contemplation, meditations, and cultivation.

    Union with God is already everywhere, within everything, and the access to this reality is already there, within you, a Spiritual organ waiting to be awakened so it can see its inherent Union. It merely needs to be tapped into and accessed in a certain way, a specific way of seeing through the unreality of the ego and allowing for there to be a genuine and utter surrender and unknowing of all things. It is this embarking along a journey where you give up yourself, in exchange for Union with God.

    This process is something that first and foremost has to be understood before it can be cultivated. That understanding comes from the direct application to one’s self from the exchanges, following the meditations, through direct experience of one’s reality, and through the undoing of all the identities that the ego/body believes itself to be.

    A certain sense of entering into a Minimalistic period also helps, as it tends to unclutter the identity driven actions that are taken throughout the day, actions which help to avoid facing and figuring out the truth of the illusion of the ego. Since this is a process of seeing, undoing, and unraveling for Union to be revealed, then one’s outer reality should also reflect what’s going on within. It’s the ultimate fasting, but it’s fasting from thought, from all identifications, from the body, and anything that is considered to be ‘you.’

    This requires a certain daily to weekly self inventory check. Beside the basic necessities of your current life of sleep, work, cooking/eating, cleaning, bathing, and so on, we also fill our lives with time wasters which keeps us locked in the Egoic mode of status quo life. Internet, social media, texting, TV/Movies, videogames, books, seeking more knowledge and information, and other time wasters should be minimized and replaced with meditation, walks, contemplation, watching the ego, and applying all the teachings presented here forth. Once a certain intermediary experience and understanding of these teachings is in place, then those initial time wasters can be transformed into No Self Atmosphere cultivation practices which enhance and help Union to manifest eventually.




    As with most people, Michael came across my YouTube videos and contacted me through e-mail. He had gone through and graduated Seminary schooling in the southern part of the United States and had a Doctorate in Theology. It was initially an intuitive pull for him that if he was to fill himself up with scripture, opinions, theories, and the written word, that it would bring him closer to God. But upon graduating, he realized that though his head filled with so much knowledge, his heart still longed for direct experience, to truly know God. He had achieved many breakthroughs and eventually realized through direct experience the point of these teachings.

    With Michael, I was still early in constructing a set of Blueprints that carried a variety of keys to help unlock Union. As I was still primarily focused on Seeing the Illusion of the Ego and Surrender from the center of Seeing/Awareness, it was still enough to produce the first glimpse into Union. Eventually I would go into additional key points and set up the Atmosphere of No Self Meditations along with the Am/Pm Meditations, but with Michael, it was simple and direct, and it worked!

    Michael: Brother, your videos really struck a chord with me and I wanted to know if you can help me with Union. I have a Doctorate in Theology and initially joined because I always thought learning the Bible will lead me to God, and here I am years later knowing all these things, but lacking the direct experiences you speak of. I can feel you speak a genuine heartfelt truth and I would like to find out what you know. Can you work with me?

    Dom: Greetings Brother, sure I can work with you and thank you for responding. I typically answer e-mails once a week or so for the purpose of you being able to really marinate with the teachings so that they fully sink in. We can Skype every so often and I do retreats once or twice a year as well, so there’s always that.

    As for your background, I think you heard in some of my videos my experiences with the leaders of churches, theologians, and various leaders of different denominations after having my initial Holy Spirit indwelling experiences in that, none of them really knew of the experiential ego death and ensuing stages/experiences that happen after that. I say this because of your background as a theologian, you can have your mind too filled with concepts and ideas of God, and yet don’t or won’t ever have the Union experience at all, and that’s what I’m here for, a sort of midwife or finger pointer for your own access to Union. I must say, you have to let go of all this accumulated knowledge because Union is simple, it’s about seeing through illusions and projections, especially the ones you have about yourself, then it becomes easy to surrender and for Grace to open access to Union. Luke 17:21 Christ says, …..behold, the kingdom of heaven is within you. So you just have to look the right way for this to be revealed.

    Michael: Okay, I think I understand. You’re saying too much knowledge can be a stumbling block to experiencing God and I have to let go of all of this so I can look within, is this right? I don’t really know where to look though, isn’t God somewhere far away up there in the heavens and because we are sinners, we need to go through the whole liturgical process of redemption?

    Dom: God is Omnipresent and everywhere all at once by his very nature if you even want to say he in the first place, because God transcends genders, labels, concepts.

    Let me ask you something because there is a lesson here. If I told you that you can witness one of the most beautiful sunsets in your life that is specifically unique to the shores of Portugal in late August. The sun just seems so big during this time as the westerly winds brush across your face gently enough to cool you down after the adventures of the day. So after you have heard this minor description of a sunset if Portugal, have you imagined it?

    Michael: Yes, I can imagine what it is like and have even added additional details like the beach, color of the sand, other tourists and so on.

    Dom: Okay great! So you have constructed in your mind an imagined daydream of what it’s like, and yet what you have constructed in your mind, is it the same as actually standing there on that beach in person and experiencing it directly?

    Michael: No of course not. In my mind it’s an unreal daydream, but the beach is actual.

    Dom: Okay good, so you’re telling me that if I gave you the choice and said, Michael, would you rather have a round trip ticket to experience the sunset in Portugal, or experience it only in your own mind, which would you chose?

    Michael: Of course I would want the actual ticket to experience the actual beach directly for myself.

    Dom: Okay, perfect so you’re with me up to this point. How about, would you rather have an actual million dollars of cash in a duffle bag given to you to do with whatever you please, or would you rather just have an imagined million dollars in your own mind to do with whatever you please? Also, please tell me why your choice is as it is.

    Michael: I would pick the actual million dollars because it’s real, whereas what is imagined is not real and therefore not usable in real life.

    Dom: Okay, perfect. So do you understand thoroughly this point that what you have created in your mind isn’t real?

    Michael: Well, yes I understand, but thoughts I think are still real are they not? Aren’t they representations like the language of the mind’s eye or some sort of immaterial substance?

    Dom: I really want to keep this simple so you get this point, so I want to stay on track with this because we can digress into branches of thought that is philosophical, neurological, theoretical, and so forth and literally discuss the topic of thought for hours or days on end as is done by academia. However, this is something else and I really want you to see this so I will ask again, is the thought of something the same as that actual something?

    Michael: Well, no it’s not.

    Dom: So you agree that the thought of a million dollars is just a daydream and is not the same as an actual million dollars? The thought of a Portuguese sunset is just an imagined daydream and is not the same as the direct experience of standing there physically and experiencing the sunset?

    Michael: Yes, I agree and I see your point. The differences between the two are clear.

    Dom: Okay, so let’s take this idea into your theological fields first. Do you have an imagined idea of what God himself is like, without any of the theological forms as Holy Spirit or Jesus, but the Godhead himself?

    Michael: I mean sure I have some thoughts and ideas of what God is like and whatnot, but various theological studies discuss God being unfathomable. Is this what you are getting at, something like trying to fathom the size of space itself?

    Dom: Yes, this applies to my former points. Do you see that whatever imagined ideas and constructs you have about God, are entirely imagined and limited? Do you see that they are just daydreams and illusions?

    Michael: Yes, I see this and get your point. So no matter what I think, it’s not the same as the actual thing. So God exists, but is nothing like what I think he is?

    Dom: Exactly, and you can take it another step beyond that and start looking at all the thought based illusions your mind creates, many of which have no weight in reality at all, like with the future. Notice how there is no future because there is only really this present moment right now, and the future is just the mind playing with possibilities of what will be, and most times what eventual Is, is never like what the mind imagined it to be.

    Michael: Okay yes, I see this and kind of feel now for the sake of discussion that maybe my schooling was for nothing, because I really went into thinking I would know God by learning so much Seminary knowledge and you are saying all of that is just daydreams?

    Dom: Not quite. Knowledge is good to a point because you need to know the rules of driving to successfully get from A to B safely and you’ve established in your intellect a rich inner library of ideas about God that can be useful for the future, however I will quote the theologian Thomas Aquinas who wrote massive volumes of materials and eventually received a direct experience, possibly of Union, who said this: The end of my labors has come. All that I have written appears to be as so much straw after the things that have been revealed to me. I can write no more. I have seen things that make my writings like straw.

    You see how the direct experiences of God are beyond words, thoughts, concepts, daydreams and imagined illusions?

    Michael: Yes, okay all of this logically makes sense, so how do I access this sort of experience?

    Dom: There are several ways but I will show you the simplest and the easiest because many of the others are incredibly difficult struggles that most people today cannot even do. But first I want to now point out what you just said. You’re asking how can you experience this for yourself yes?

    Michael: Yes

    Dom: So let’s apply all those points we just discussed directly to you. Who do you think you are? Do you think you are this ‘I’ and can show you me this ‘I’ and put it in my hand? Check for yourself if this ‘I’ is real.

    Michael: I think I’m a person, a male, a Christian and Theologian with various attributes both physical and psychological. As far as the ‘I’, it’s a word I guess I can say, like a universal self reference.

    Dom: Just like the unreal imagined Portuguese sunset, the unreal imagined million dollars, and the unreal imagined God, who you imagine yourself to be, is also unreal and imagined.

    Michael: Okay this is interesting and it’s rather philosophical but it seems like we are reaching again something unfathomable with all of this, are we not? It feels like we are treading into some sort of unknowingness, perhaps like the book, The Cloud of Unknowing.

    Dom: You’re jumping ahead Michael, just stay with me on this one because the secret to really unlock all of what I’m saying here in all of this is ‘Seeing.’ If you can clearly ‘See’ and do so regularly as a sort of meditation throughout the day, then you will be able to experience some of these things we have been talking about. You are now to cultivate, ‘Seeing’ the illusions and daydreams that the mind creates, and no longer identify with them, ‘Seeing’ that they aren’t even real.

    Again do you see when your mind references

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