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How to be a Happy Non-Smoker
How to be a Happy Non-Smoker
How to be a Happy Non-Smoker
Ebook409 pages2 hours

How to be a Happy Non-Smoker

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Let this inspiring book enable you to stop smoking - easily, immediately and painlessly.

Allen Carr is without doubt one of the most potent weapons in the world's fight against nicotine addiction. Having sold over 16 million books and establishing a chain of clinics spanning the globe, Allen Carr's Easyway is the most successful stop smoking method of all time.

Smaller, more concise than the original but lacking none of its punch, How to be a Happy Non-Smoker aims to reach an ever-wider audience with Allen Carr's message - that all your ideas and beliefs about smoking are based on misinformation and illusions, and that once you see through them you will be free forever.

Praise for Allen Carr's Easyway:

"Allen Carr explodes the myth that giving up smoking is difficult"
The Times

"A different approach. A stunning success"
The Sun

"The Allen Carr method is totally unique."
GQ Magazine

"His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking."
Richard Branson

"I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped."
Sir Anthony Hopkins

Release dateOct 7, 2005
How to be a Happy Non-Smoker

Allen Carr

Allen Carr (1934-2006) was a chain-smoker for over 30 years. In 1983, after countless failed attempts to quit, he went from 100 cigarettes a day to zero without suffering withdrawal pangs, without using willpower and without gaining weight. He realised that he had discovered what the world had been waiting for - the Easy Way to Stop Smoking - and embarked on a mission to help cure the world's smokers. Easyway has grown to become a global phenomenon with seminar centres in 150+ cities in more than 50 countries around the world. Allen Carr's Easyway books, online video programmes, and live group seminars have helped an estimated 50 million smokers worldwide. A vast majority of those happy non-smokers became aware of the method as a result of personal recommendation from their friends, family, and colleagues. Allen Carr is now recognised as the world's leading expert on helping smokers to quit and has sold over 16 million books on the topic. His Easyway method has been successfully applied to a host of issues including weight control, alcohol and other addictions and fears. In 2006, Allen was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away that November handing responsibility for Easyway over to his closest and most trusted colleagues.

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Reviews for How to be a Happy Non-Smoker

Rating: 3.7142857142857144 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Well I did stop smoking after I read this book and i didn't even "cheat" once, but that only lasted about 4 months. It was my fault though. I'll give the book some credit though, I didn't think a book was able to make me stop smoking.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Worked for me!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Didn't completely finish (came very close) BUT what I did read help in my quest to stop smoking. I am currently a non smoker and even though it has only been a month and a half, believe I will be for life. I'll keep this e-book handy and perhaps re-read and finish it if I feel the itch.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    La Méthode Allen Carr s´est un peu "oups il n y a pas de méthode, pour arreter de fumer, il suffit d´arreter de fumer", ce qui est l´évidence meme. C est surtout un bouquin de développement personnel, tendance gourou anti-cigarette. J adore et j essaie!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is incredibly simple and very repetitive. But after a pack a day for 15 years and a ton of failed attempts, I haven't smoked again since I finished the book (9 months as of the date of this review). Either this book will make everything click for you or you'll think it's silly. Either way, you've got nothing to lose.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It really works. GREAT book, if you are a dirty filthy smoker.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It doesn't help everybody, but it really helped me. I've been off the smokes for two and a half years now, and I'm never going back....

Book preview

How to be a Happy Non-Smoker - Allen Carr


Most smokers are convinced that it is difficult to stop smoking. The problem, we’re told, is the enormous amount of willpower it takes to resist the craving to light up.

Wouldn’t it be marvellous then not to have this battle of wills, and to be able to stop easily? The good news is that there is an easy way, a way by which any smoker can quit immediately and permanently, without using willpower, suffering withdrawal symptoms, needing substitutes or even putting on weight. I know you might find this difficult to accept, but it’s true. I’ve been proving it for over twenty years, not only with my books, but also at my worldwide network of clinics.

Not surprisingly, I call my method Easyway. My name is Allen Carr, and I am regarded as the world’s leading expert on helping smokers quit. I can help you, by showing you that our ideas and beliefs about smoking are based on mis-information and illusions, and that once you see through them you will be free forever.

My text can be used in whatever way you choose. Some readers will like the calendar structure, whereas others might want to read the text in just a few sittings. The decision when to stop is yours alone and entirely personal. Don’t think you have to wait until 31 December if you want to stop earlier. You decide when you want to smoke that final cigarette.

This book will provide you with an inspiring companion and enable you to do it – easily, painlessly, and permanently. I am so confident of your success that, if you fail to stop smoking with this book, you can recover its cost, in the form of a discount, if you attend one of my clinics, listed at the end. So let me be your guide to stopping smoking enjoyably, and becoming what every smoker wants to be – a happy non-smoker.


1 January

New Year’s Day! The day every smoker resolves to stop smoking. Don’t! For reasons I will explain later, it just happens to be the very worst day in the year, and your chances of success are less than one in a hundred unless careful preparation has been made. Instead let this be the first day of an exciting adventure: the day you start preparing yourself to quit easily, immediately and permanently. But please do not attempt to stop or even try to cut down until I advise you to do so.

2 January

Imagine waking up one morning and thinking: ‘I know it’s very difficult but I’m going to try to climb Mount Everest today.’ The biggest fool on earth wouldn’t believe they could succeed without months of careful preparation. Any smoker can find it easy, even enjoyable, to quit immediately and permanently. But without careful preparation it’ll be like climbing Mount Everest.

3 January

You could spend a lifetime trying to break into a safe. But if you know the correct combination, opening the safe is easy. The nicotine trap is the most subtle, ingenious confidence trick that Mother Nature and mankind have contrived to lay. This little book contains the key – the correct combination to the safe – that will allow you to escape from the trap. All you have to do is to follow a few simple instructions.

4 January

Most smokers start their attempt at quitting feeling like a lamb being led to slaughter. Your first instruction is to cast away all feelings of doom and gloom. Stopping smoking is probably the best decision you’ll ever make. You have so much to gain. The very worst thing that can happen is that you’ll fail, in which case you will have lost nothing. So see the situation in its true light and enjoy the process of your escape from the nicotine trap. The beautiful truth is: I have nothing but good news for you.

5 January

Are you still apprehensive about quitting? Don’t worry, this is quite normal. All smokers have a permanent tug-of-war going on inside their brains. On the bad side – fear: it’s ruining my health and wealth. By this token every smoker wishes they’d never started. On the good side, smoking is a pleasure, a friend, a crutch. When these ideas are fixed on, every smoker wants to continue to smoke.

6 January

In reality, the good side is also about fear: will I be able to enjoy social occasions or be able to concentrate or cope with stress without a cigarette? If you’ve previously tried to quit using willpower, you will know what a miserable experience it can be. I know it’s difficult to imagine life without cigarettes, but I promise you that, with my method, soon the only mystery left will be why you ever felt the need to light a cigarette, and you’ll look at other smokers with pity rather than envy. So keep cheerful. You are about to achieve something marvellous.

7 January

Even if you have only half a brain you will already have realized that smoking is a filthy, disgusting and nowadays decidedly anti-social pastime that isn’t good either for your health or your finances. If you are expecting me to give graphic details about the damage smoking does to your body, or to lecture you on your stupidity in continuing to smoke, you will be disappointed.

8 January

I know that the so-called experts and our families continually remind us of these things. I’m also aware that these are probably the main reasons that you wish to stop. But it never seems to occur to these ‘experts’, or ourselves for that matter, that we don’t smoke for the reasons we shouldn’t. If you want to quit, the real problem is to remove the reasons that make you want or need a cigarette.

9 January

Perhaps you think you know those reasons: that smoking relaxes you and relieves nerves and stress, aids concentration and relieves boredom. Or perhaps you like the taste and smell of cigarettes. Or perhaps you’ve sunk to the stage that I once did. I couldn’t think of a single advantage of smoking, and believed I smoked either because I had an addictive personality, or because it was a habit I couldn’t break.

10 January

Now I have some exceedingly good news for you. In reality, you get no pleasure or crutch from smoking, and neither does any other smoker. What’s more, smoking actually impedes relaxation and concentration, and increases boredom, stress and nervousness.

11 January

‘It’s something to do with my hands,’ people say. Like a nervous twitch? Some people drum their fingers or tap the table-top when nervous, agitated, anxious, stressed or bored. A smoker apparently needs to handle a cigarette. But it doesn’t stop at just holding it, playing with it and then putting it back in the packet. If it did, by now you would still be on your second cigarette.

12 January

You would not have lit that cigarette if it were really true that you wanted something to keep your hands occupied. Similarly, you would never have felt uptight or agitated if your true need was simply to touch a cigarette. You could just as easily – and less expensively – handle a stick or a pencil instead.

13 January

‘It’s something to put in my mouth.’ Like a comforter or a dummy? Something that makes you feel secure, like sucking your thumb as a child? No one puts an unlit cigarette in their mouth just to soothe their nerves, to help them relax or enjoy an occasion. Instinctively we know there are better ways of coping. We have the ability to cope with most of life’s problems, but we may have forgotten how to do so. Don’t worry, the knowledge will come back.

14 January

Your second instruction is to open your mind. Have you ever met a narrow-minded person, whose mind is as impenetrable as a giant clam? Of course you have. With the exception of you and me, the entire human race is made up of such people! However, I’ll guarantee that you’ve never met a single

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