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The Gifted
The Gifted
The Gifted
Ebook248 pages3 hours

The Gifted

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About this ebook

10-Year-old Andy, along with a few others his age, have magical gifts no one can explain. But when someone bombs his school and kidnaps him, he soon learns that the reason for all of this is his unusual gift. There are other gifted kids that have appeared in recent days and now there is a heated war between two sides to see who will have control over The Gifted.

Now Andy, Han, Tracy, and Guido have been sent on a mission to a small island to investigate what has happened to the other kidnapped children. This leads them into a world of magic and machines, and finally to the secret mission of this island training facility. In the end, it's not what's on the island that is the most dangerous, but what's underneath it!

Release dateMar 25, 2014
The Gifted

Aaron K. Redshaw

Aaron K. Redshaw grew up in Scottsburg, Oregon but decided one day to take a hint from the geese. He now lives in Scotts Valley, California where he can work on his tan and admire other people's surfboards. He enjoys the company of his beautiful wife, his two gifted children, and one dusty beast of a car.Aaron's goal for writing is to create believable characters in fantasy or science fiction worlds that do not leave out the element of faith in a personal and loving God.He is an English teacher at a large public high school, the senior co-pastor of New Hope Church in Scotts Valley, CA (, and a father and husband in a wonderful family which he hopes to someday patent.

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    The Gifted - Aaron K. Redshaw

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