Masak lemak 按字面翻译是用椰浆烹制的咖喱菜,据说起源于马来西亚的森美兰州,是米南加保族的特色菜。 这道菜可以用各种食材烹制,如鸡肉 、鱼肉牛肉或各式海鲜。
其底料基本一样,用生鲜姜黄、朝天椒 以及其他香草和香料制作而成。
这道菜也会被称为 masak lemak cili api (padi),cili api指的是在这道菜中使用的朝天椒,表示这道菜的主旋律为辣和椰香味。
这款咖喱菜在马来西亚很受欢迎,通常搭配参巴酱、米饭和蔬菜沙拉 (ulam)一起吃。
Masak lemak is a type of curry dish in vibrant yellow color, tasting spicy and creamy at the same time. It is said to have originated from the state of Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia, and is a specialty of the Minangkabau people.
This curry is made with fresh turmeric, bird's eye chili, and other herbs and spices, it can be prepared with a variety of ingredients such as chicken, fish, beef or various types of seafood and vegetables.
This dish is also known as masak lemak cili api (padi). The cili api/padi here refers to the chili peppers used in this dish, which is bird's eye chili, a type of chili pepper notable for its hot flavor. Which means that the main theme of this dish will be spicy aromatic.
This curry dish is very popular in Malaysia and is usually served with sambal, rice and fresh vegetables (ulam).
A friend of mine sent me a box of fern tips not long ago, I have been thinking of using it to make this masak lemak since, I finally have time to get to it today, it hit the spot right away!