Showing posts with label Erik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Erik. Show all posts

Auto Show - Photos of the Week with Linky

We took the boys to the 4th Annual Steel Pony and Car Show this weekend - it was so much fun to see them checking out the cars, motorcycles and emergency vehicles!


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Sundays in Toronto: Centre Island Time!

Photos of the Week: Having Fun at Childrens Museum of the Lowcountry in #Charleston

Photo of the Week: Erik.. the fire-fighting dino-spiderman!

 He did this all by himself...

Photos of the Week: Where's the Fire?

One of the James Island, SC Fire Stations is right across from a favorite park and they welcome kids to visit them all the time... my boys love a chance to interact and especially to 'drive'

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Photos of the Week: The Easter Bunny Came to Our House w/LINKY

We were lucky that the rain stopped long enough for the Easter Bunny to drop by with some fun and yummy treats:

The big hit was that E. Bunny knew how much my boys wanted new Lego - so they got Lego to play with and Liam got a new buddy - an Emmet Alarm Clock that has spent more time being carried around then actually being used as a clock...

Erik on the other hand took longer to warm to the actual Lego, but spent most of the first few hours playing with the container that the new blocks came in!

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Photos of the Week: I scream... you scream

Hanging out with Spiderman 2 and chocolate ice cream at Baskin Robbins!

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Six x Six Word Saturday - Date Knight

Had a Date with my Boys:

Chick-Fil-A was decorated royally for us!

Gold Plates for our yummy meals:
Crowns and Swords for our Knights:

And a sundae bar for dessert:

= a great night sleep for one knight

**While I am a Chick-Fil-A- Mom, we participated in this local event at our own expense and had a blast!

Photos of the Week: Erik and His Bots Can Roll to the Rescue

Erik is so proud that he now has all of his RESCUE BOTS - and we're pretty proud that he's about 80% potty trained... 

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Photos of the Week: Family Togetherness

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Photos of the Week: At the Pier

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Photos of the Week: Discovery Place Charlotte

The kids had a blast!  It was colorful and creative in each area!  They spent the longest in the kids zone though!  Please link up your photo posts here:

Photos of the Week: Budding Artist

Painting at the Children's Museum of the Lowcountry.
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Photos of the Week: Dancing with Dolphins at the Doctor

Someone was totally psyched about waiting to see Dr. Caristi at Coastal Pediatrics last week... he rocked out inspired by the dolphins on the mural in the treatment room!