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Reviews the historical origins and principal elements of Karl Rahner's critique of Thomas Aquinas and Bernard Lonergan. Argues that Rahner's critique fails to come to terms with the basic problematic of Trinitarian theology, and... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyAquinasTrinity
Vorbemerkung enn einem Text attestiert wird, er sei immer noch aktuell, so ist dies eher als Kompliment gemeint: Er war seiner Zeit voraus und enthält viele noch unausgeschöpfte Gedanken. Wer heute den 1972 von Karl Rahner... more
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      Catholic ReformKarl RahnerSecularizationEcclesiology
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      Karl RahnerSecond Vatican CouncilVatican IIK. Rahner
The work is based mainly on Dermot Lane's book Stepping Stones to Other Religions: A Christian Theology of Inter-religious Dialogue (2011) in which he summarizes Rahner's thoughts and reflections on other religions and in relation to... more
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      Karl RahnerInterreligious DialogueFundamental theologytheology of Karl Rahner
Il presente elaborato si divide in due parti. Nella prima parte ho presentato una sintesi del terzo capitolo «Schema sistematico d’una teologia trinitaria» nel quale K. Rahner dopo aver «ascoltato» quanto sulla Trinità hanno detto la... more
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    • theology of Karl Rahner
This academic paper is prepared as part of Letture and it is an attempt to read and study the said work of Karl Rahner. The book The Church and the Sacraments is written in simple language through which complicated concepts are... more
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      Karl RahnerBook Reviewstheology of Karl RahnerBook summary
This paper details how St. Thomas Aquinas' Trinitarian theology provides a hinge for the first book of the Summa Theologica, and how the treatise "On the One God" is deliberately structured to parallel "On the Blessed Trinity", that is to... more
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      ChristianityMedieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryChristian Education
Wenn in dieser Ausgabe von "Theologisches" zu Karl Rahner auch seine Stellung zur Evolutionstheorie untersucht werden soll, mag dies nur den zu überraschen, der nicht um den extremen Einfluß dieser zunächst naturwissenschaftlich... more
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      Catholic StudiesCatholic TheologyKarl RahnerDogmatic theology
Karl Rahner, SJ (1904–1984) was one of the most influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century. Theologians often encounter him first through his trinitarian “rule,” which states that the “economic” Trinity is the “immanent”... more
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      Systematic TheologyKarl RahnerReformed theologyTrinitarian Theology
A la hora de pensar la teología del último siglo, los aportes teológicos del teólogo alemán Karl Rahner son ineludibles a la hora de estudiar y hacer la teología. En particular su contribución en el tratado de trinidad, que ha sido... more
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      theology of Karl RahnerTeologia Trinitaria
Entbindung des ‚mimetischen' Moments der Erzählung: Erfahrung, Ausdruck und sprachliche Gestaltung -exoterischer Charakter der Erzählung und esoterische Interpretationen -biblische Erzählung beerbt die Darstellungsform des Mythos und... more
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      Systematic TheologyÉmmanuel LévinasNegative TheologyFundamental theology
What is a transcendental experience? Deliberations regarding Karl Rahner and Béla Weissmahr. In dieser Arbeit wird die Weise der Beziehung zwischen der Fähigkeit des Menschen zur Erkenntnis alles Möglichen und dessen erst ermöglichendem... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyPhilosophical TheologyKarl Rahner
Rahner's Rule states that 'The "economic" Trinity is the "immanent" Trinity and the "immanent" Trinity is the "economic" Trinity.' 1 How are we to understand this odd tautology, and what led Rahner to coin it in the first place? Phan... more
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      Systematic TheologyKarl RahnerTrinitarian Theologytheology of Karl Rahner
This first section on the convergency of God and mankind examines the possible connection from God to mankind and mankind to God beyond ‘theocentrism’ and ‘anthropocentrism’ in the dialogics of the theological turning point of the... more
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    • theology of Karl Rahner
This paper analyzes Karl Rahner’s and Pierre Benoit’s theologies of divine authorship and the inspiration of Scripture in light of Vatican II’s Dei Verbum. Rahner presents somewhat different theories in his early and late periods. Yet... more
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      Karl RahnerThomas AquinasRevelationTheological exegesis
Carlos Schickendantz CENTRO TEOLÓGICO MANUEL LARRAÍN «Entiendes de exégesis menos de lo deseable». Son palabras que Rahner se aplica también a sí mismo y expresan su modestia, o más exactamente, la relativización de sí mismo de la que... more
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      Karl RahnerRahner and his spiritual writingsK. Rahnertheology of Karl Rahner
Todo encuentro con el hombre concreto Jesús en su seguimiento siempre singular, que no es imitación, sino siempre llamada individual desde su vida concreta, en la participación del misterio de la vida de Jesús desde su nacimiento hasta su... more
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      Karl RahnerAlbertus MagnusTeologíaCristology
Esta pequeña investigación procura, relacionando la perspectiva genética y sistemática, poner de relieve el valor de la teología de la gracia en la obra de Karl Rahner y destacar su significado para elaborar un mensaje de lo cristiano... more
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      Karl RahnerDoctrines of GraceRahner and his spiritual writingsNature and Grace
Después de haber recibido tantas laudationes, me siento un poco nervioso ahora que yo mismo debo tomar la palabra. Pero lo intentaré. En el programa de esta jornada el tema que voy a desarrollar fue titulado "Experiencias de un teólogo... more
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      Karl RahnerRahner and his spiritual writingsK. Rahnertheology of Karl Rahner
A portrait of theologian Karl Rahner.
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      TheologyHistorical TheologySystematic TheologyKarl Rahner
El teólogo jesuita Karl Rahner, después del Concilio Vaticano II, se convirtió en el paladín de la nouvelle théologie y en el princeps novorum theologorum, mediante la proclama del célebre giro antropológico trascendental. Para poder... more
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      MetaphysicsHegelMartin HeideggerKarl Rahner
Preface "Origen died about 254, but his spirit lived on in theological discussion. . . Origen had been deeply opposed to Monarchianism, either in its 'modalist' form that Father, Son, and Spirit are mere names which do not correspond to... more
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      Karl RahnerBooks ReviewsRahner and his spiritual writingsJohn Philoponus
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      Canon LawKarl RahnerEschatologyHerméneutique
In light of Martin Heidegger’s contextualized influence upon them, John Macquarrie, Rudolf Bultmann, Paul Tillich, and Karl Rahner engage in theologies that, in their respective tasks and scopes, venture into existential theology,... more
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      Martin HeideggerKarl RahnerPaul TillichHeidegger
Karl Rahner ha sido seguramente el pensador que más ha influido en la teología católica postconciliar. Su abundante producción ha sido estudiada y comentada ampliamente por la teología contemporánea. Sin embargo, pocas veces se ha llevado... more
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      Karl RahnerThomas AquinasThomismtheology of Karl Rahner
En 2012 se cumplen 50 años del inicio del Concilio Vaticano II, inaugurado por el Papa Juan XXIII el 11 de octubre de 1962. Es un dato reconocido el importante papel que desarrollaron muchos teólogos a lo largo de los diversos debates... more
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      Karl RahnerSecond Vatican CouncilRahner and his spiritual writingsVaticano II
Tratándose de una interpretación teológica fundamental del concilio Vaticano II, consideramos oportuno hacer algunas observaciones introductorias al tratamiento del tema. Hablamos de interpretación fundamental, y con esto, entendemos una... more
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      Karl RahnerSecond Vatican Councilpost-Vatican II Catholic ChurchVatican II
RESUMEN: La consideración de la influencia que la espiritualidad y la teología de San Ignacio de Loyola tuvo sobre el quehacer te-ológico de Karl Rahner es una relación que los conocedores del teólogo jesuita alemán han visualizado en... more
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      Karl RahnerSpiritual TheologyCristologyCristologia
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      Analytic PhilosophyVisual StudiesPerceptionPhilosophy Of Religion
Karl Rahner es uno de los teólogos más importantes del siglo pasado. De hecho, su trabajo acerca de la antropología trascendental ha permitido revisar los lugares comunes de la teología, con el fin de darles nuevos significados.... more
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      Karl RahnerTeologíaCristologyCristología
Draft of "lectio coram", part of final exam of licentiate degree in theology.
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      TheologyKarl RahnerHans Urs von BalthasarTeologia
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      Philosophy Of ReligionSt. AugustineAdam and EveÉGlise Catholique
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      Karl RahnerKarl Rahner's notion of Anonymous Christianstheology of Karl Rahner
Karl Rahner (1904-1984) ha iniziato la sua produzione scientifica con opere di carattere propriamente filosofico, a cominciare da Spirito nel mondo (Geist in Welt), che costituisce un tentativo di interpretare la gnoseologia tommasiana... more
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      MetaphysicsHegelMartin HeideggerKarl Rahner
Starting from Ingmar Bergman's "The Seventh Seal" we cover the boundaries of the ontologies of God, Humanity and Death. In the end is Death really the great empty void or is it something more than this. Does the incarnation and... more
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      OntologyDeathMartin HeideggerHans Urs von Balthasar
This is the PDF-PowerPoint which I used for my exposition held on Saturday, 21st August 202 at the SOCIETAS ETHICA´S 57th ANNUAL CONFERENCE, 19-21 August 2021, Time of Crisis – Time of Hope ZEIT DER KRISE - ZEIT DER HOFFNUNG. The title of... more
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      LutherEschatology and ApocalypticismBenedict de SpinozaKarl Rahner
Karl Rahner SJ (1904-1984) regnes blandt de mest betydningsfulde og indflydelsesrige katolske teologer i den 20 årh. Hans teologiske tanker praegede en generation af katolske-og også protestantiske-teologer og fik indflydelse på... more
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      Karl RahnerTeologitheology of Karl RahnerDansk
1 "Pluralizacja, sekularyzacja, postsekularyzm", w: "Studia Sociologica" VI (2014) vol 1, 69-82. Pluralizacja, sekularyzacji, postsekularyzm Stanisław Obirek Uwagi wstępne Peter L. Berger, jeden z najważniejszych propagatorów teorii o... more
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      Jurgen HabermasPluralismSecularismTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
Tras los 45 años de la clausura del Concilio Vaticano II (1965-2010)ofrezco una serie de notas personales de los diversos libros que han ido configurando mi reciente descubrimiento y disfrute del acontecimiento por antonomasia de la... more
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      BibliographyKarl RahnerSecond Vatican CouncilBibliographic Research
A review of Ralph Martin's Will Many Be Saved? What Vatican II Actually Teaches and Its Implications for the New Evangelization. Catholic World Report, November 21, 2013.
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      ChristianityTheologyCatholic StudiesSystematic Theology
El presente estudio plantea que el arte puede ayudar en el proceso de salvación en su dimensión histórica. Para sostener este argumento, empieza definiendo el campo y la importancia de la estética teológica. Después, hace un análisis... more
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      Liberation TheologyKarl RahnerHans Urs von BalthasarEstética
A great amount of scholarly attention has been devoted to Karl Rahner’s early philosophical writings, but his theological work from the same time period remains only marginally known. While his dissertation in philosophy, Spirit in the... more
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      PatristicsChristian MysticismKarl Rahnertheology of Karl Rahner
The “ventures” that Macquarrie, Bultmann, Tillich, and Rahner take in existential theology follows Heideggerian pathmarks towards the primordiality of being on the way to unconcealment, or άληθεια. By way of each “venture,” each... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophical TheologyHermeneutics
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      Systematic TheologyKarl RahnerBiblical TheologyChristian Apologetics
Roman Catholic theologian Karl Rahner (1904-84) attempted to bridge the gap between the symbolic and existential poles in 20th-century Christian theology. This presentation begins with the following hypothesis: in Rahner’s judgment... more
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      Theological AnthropologyKarl RahnerSymbolism (Religion)theology of Karl Rahner