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: Jati Husada Mulya is one organization craftsmen traditional herb, located in Watu, Argomulyo, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta. There are product such as  liquid herl and herb instant. The sales system still  traditional, circulated in the... more
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    • sistem Informasi penjualan online
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      MarketingMarketing ResearchMarketing ManagementMarketing Strategies
web, proposal, metodologi penelitian, teknokrat lampung
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      Web DevelopmentSemantic WebProposalMetodologi Penelitian
Along with the rapid development of the times and the more modern encourage a wide range of changes to the system , either directly or indirectly. Such as trading systems , production systems , presentation of information , how to trade... more
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      Sistem Informasisistem Informasi penjualan onlineSistem informasi penjualan
Abstract : Jati Husada Mulya is one organization craftsmen traditional herb, located in Watu, Argomulyo, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta. There are product such as liquid herl and herb instant. The sales system still traditional, circulated... more
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    • sistem Informasi penjualan online
E-Commerce provides the ability to buy and sell goods or information via the internet. Seeing from the success of companies that have first utilized E-Commerce as a media marketing and sales, it can be used as a reference to increase... more
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      E-Commercesistem Informasi penjualan online
Commerce menyediakan kemampuan untuk membeli dan menjual barang ataupun informasi melalui internet. Melihat dari keberhasilan perusahaan yang telah terlebih dahulu memanfaatkan E-Commerce sebagai media pemasaran dan penjualan, maka dapat... more
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      sistem Informasi penjualan onlineE Commerce