Welfare States
Recent papers in Welfare States
"In the last quarter of the 20th century, many firms significantly expanded their operations across national borders. It has been argued that, as a result, they have become disembedded from the national economic fields in which they... more
This paper decomposes global inequality in redistribution, using data from the World Development Indicators data set of the World Bank. It finds that per capita income has a modest, yet persistent effect on redistribution. More... more
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has supported this project as part of its programme of research and innovative development projects, which it hopes will be of value to policy makers, practitioners and service users. The facts presented and... more
The recent stress on the productive potential of social policy provides a new economic rationale for social policy provision. However, it is a mistaken perception that the majority of social policies need to be radically adjusted to... more
Following more than a decade of intense debate, the long-term care system in England may be on the verge of major change. We argue that the current system can be characterized as a residual system where care is free only to those who... more
The majority of the Member States of the European Union have undertaken remarkably comprehensive welfare and labor market reforms in the years since the 1990s. Many of these reforms, however, have not followed the conventional... more
Désormais célèbre depuis le mouvement Occupy Wall Street, le 1 % le plus riche a connu deux évolutions différentes alors que la concentration des revenus en leur faveur a été peu importante dans les pays européens et au Japon, le 1 % des... more
Special Issue, The Origins of the Welfare State: Global and Comparative Approaches Co-edited by Agnoletto, S. and Palmieri, C.... more
European welfare states are cutting back their responsibilities for long-term care, emphasising ‘self-reliance’ and replacing care as an entitlement of citizenship with targeted services. But we do not know how former long-term care... more
The European Union coordinates and encourages Member State actions to combat poverty, and to reform their social protection systems on the basis of policy exchanges and mutual learning ('best practices'). Some EU countries are more... more
Nowadays, participation in adult education is considered as in individual responsibility. However, participation is the result of a complex bounded agency between individuals, educational institutions and regulating governments . This... more
Some materials presented in this thesis have been published or been accepted for publication as journal articles. In addition, some materials have been presented as conference papers. Abstracts for each of these articles are attached in... more
In this paper we aim to study and compare the countries of the former EU-15 in terms of the difference in labour market conditions between mothers and non-mothers and we look at how public policies can be designed in order to minimise the... more
The purpose of this paper is to reexamine from a multidimensional perspective the possible existence of a single path that could have conditioned the degree of welfare state development (WSD) in Latin America. Economic/industrial... more
Social trust is shaped by many society-level as well as individual-level factors. One of the determinants highly debated in literature is the welfare state which reflects the level of state intervention in organizing individuals' welfare.... more
Investigating the sensitivity of projections of future long-term care expenditure in Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom to changes in assumptions about demography, dependency, informal care, formal care and unit costs.
A growing body of empirical studies have reported that social inequalities in health are as large (or even larger) in the Nordic welfare states than in many less egalitarian societies. This is highly surprising since the welfare state is... more
Cet article analyse l'influence de l'Europe sur le devenir des systèmes nationaux de protection sociale. Il est possible de distinguer trois phases distinctes qui ont marqué les interactions entre construction européenne et... more
Garland, C. (2014) ‘As Barriers Fall, Contingency Becomes Possibility: Protest Resisting and Escaping Containment and Categorization’, Part II Identity, Embodiment and Categorisation in Eds. Lamond, I. and Spracklen, K. 'Protests as... more
This paper reports findings from a European Commission funded study of future long-term care expenditure in Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, and presents projections of future long-term care expenditure in the four countries... more
Despite prominent and compelling theoretical arguments linking manufacturing imports from the global South to rising income inequality in the global North, the literature has produced decidedly mixed support for such arguments. We explain... more
Cet article analyse l'influence de l'Europe sur le devenir des systèmes nationaux de protection sociale. Il est possible de distinguer trois phases distinctes qui ont marqué les interactions entre construction européenne et... more
I construct a model of public policy development, and use the model to explain why the United States has a comparatively small public sector, but instead a large "private welfare state"with employment-based bene…ts. The key actors are... more
Work-family policy strategies reflect gendered assumptions about the roles of men and women within families and therefore may lead to significantly different outcomes, particularly for families headed by single mothers. The authors argue... more
This article analyzes the incidence of social spending and taxation by income quintile for seven Latin American countries, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Absolute levels of social spending in Latin America are fairly flat... more
Britain and Germany have been experiencing significant changes in the nature of work and welfare since the 1990s. Although important differences have remained, there have been compelling indications of a dual transformation of welfare... more
Following more than a decade of intense debate, the long-term care system in England may be on the verge of major change. We argue that the current system can be characterized as a residual system where care is free only to those who... more
Jóléti államok: "elkötelezettek polgáraik anyagi és szellemi »jól-léte« (jó egészségi állapota, korszerő mőveltsége és a modern gazdaságban való foglalkoztathatósága, munkára való alkalmassága, továbbá megfelelı lakhatása és táplálkozása)... more
In this paper, we investigate cross-country differences in wage mobility in Europe using the European Community Household Panel. The paper is particularly focused on examining the impact of economic conditions, welfare state regimes and... more
Despite there being common socio-demographic pressures across advanced industrialized countries, the public elder care programmes therein tend to vary. While the current literature on social care devotes itself to describing the care... more
ANCIEN Assessing Needs of Care in European Nations European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes THE ENGLISH LONG-TERM CARE SYSTEM ADELINA COMAS-HERRERA, LINDA PICKARD, RAPHAEL WITTENBERG, JULIETTE MALLEY AND DEREK KING,... more
Following more than a decade of intense debate, the long-term care system in England may be on the verge of major change. We argue that the current system can be characterized as a residual system where care is free only to those who... more
This article analyses narrative stories used by the Chinese government to connect the problem of population ageing to welfare reform. The findings derived from semi-structural interviews and key policy documents suggest the unfolding of... more
Following more than a decade of intense debate, the long-term care system in England may be on the verge of major change. We argue that the current system can be characterized as a residual system where care is free only to those who... more
This chapter examines the relationship between welfare states and migration from a critical political economy perspective, arguing that welfare states serve as repertoire of policy logics which are employed strategically in initial... more
Responsible social policy in EU is developing and taking its place among other important commitments for member states. Paper analysis classic welfare state models stated for old EU member states and tries to identify Lithuania among... more
This paper uses data from 20 OECD countries to investigate the impact of welfare state institutions (especially employment protection, wage bargaining and work incentives) on the functioning of the labour market both theoretically and... more
In this paper we aim to study and compare the countries of the former EU-15 in terms of the difference in labour market conditions between mothers and non-mothers and we look at how public policies can be designed in order to minimise the... more