Walker Percy
Recent papers in Walker Percy
In this course we will examine a variety of literature-poetry, short stories, and novelswritten by Southern authors and set in the American South. We will place particular focus on the post-World War II literature of the Southern Gothic.... more
Words Underway offers the first full account of the important contributions the Continental tradition has made to the philosophy of language. The book examines the vital work of a range of thinkers, including Heidegger, Gadamer, Blanchot,... more
My contribution to Catholic World Report's annual feature with scholars and writers giving the best books they read during the year--whether the books were published in that year or not. Included in my copy of my selection here is the... more
A discussion of Walker Percy's existentialist account of the self, in the service of thinking through the failure of the university's rhetoric of health and self-care in the face of a student suicide epidemic.
The American philosophical novelist and essayist Walker Percy, best known for his literary novels of the South, was an earnest semiotician who promoted the triadic theory in language. Percy's theory describes human language as a "... more
An annotated bibliography of twenty-five works of literary criticism related to Walker Percy's debut novel, The Moviegoer.
In the early part of the 20th century German Catholic theologian and cultural critic, Romano Guardini, published The End of Modernity, outlining the conceptual shift of self-identity and cosmology from Antiquity to Modernity.... more
The article provides a summary of the doctoral thesis in English literature, entitled « Representations of the Grail Quest in Medieval and Modern Literature », was directed by Dr Raluca L. Radulescu and Prof Tony Brown. The thesis was... more
The Christian conversion of Binx Bolling in Walker Percy's novel, "The Moviegoer," has elicited criticism from a number of literary scholars, like Quinlan," who claims that this development reduces the novel to mere "Catholic... more
Original em inglês. [Tradução para o português de João Máttar -Centro de Estudos do Pragmatismo -PUC/SP, [email protected] ] Resumo Charles Sanders Peirce dedicou muito de seus esforços como estudioso preparando livros-textos, artigos,... more
This paper was presented to the "05-10 WALKER PERCY AND SOCIAL NETWORKS: HUMANS AS SYMBOL-MONGERERS " session at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) on 11/5/2021.
Familiarity, so the saying goes, breeds contempt. But, why should familiarity breed such a negative thing as contempt, or other negative orientations? There is something paradoxical about this little folk saying. For, if one is genuinely... more
Walker Percy contrasts being marooned on an island and using a "pocketknife … to explore [a] dogfish" as being in some ways preferable to having all the dissecting instruments of a "zoological laboratory." This paper will use Percy's... more
Ancient prophets or poets considered to be wise beyond ordinary human capacity like Teiresias and Homer are depicted as blind to emphasize their ability to see things beyond what is available to ordinary human senses. Their outward... more
A review of I Alone Have Escaped to Tell You and Some Catholic Writers by Ralph McInerny, in Gilbert 11:4 (January-February 2008): 40-41.
This article is an exercise in what Deleuze terms "nomad thought." It proceeds on the assumption that media ecology McLuhan style is a nomadic mode of exploration. The textual strategy is acoustic resonance rather than visual connection.... more
------> Now available as open-source e-book at https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/uscpress_pub/7/ <------ _Unvarnishing Reality_ draws original insight to the literature, politics, history, and culture of the cold war by closely examining... more
Catholic World Report, December 15, 2019. My contribution to the annual book round-up done at Catholic World Report for 2019. The CWR lists do not have to be new books, but simply the best ones contributors have read in the year. Thus my... more
Literature of the U.S. South. Our focus in the American Literature seminar this year will be on the long, grand, and problematic tradition of U.S. Southern literature, especially fiction in both comic and tragic modes as it developed... more
David Craig and Kathleen Hart are two contemporary poets who embody the revival of Walker Percy's injunction to "love in the ruins."
Preface to Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 22:4 (Fall 2019): 5-19. In this essay I discuss the peculiar appeal of the great 20th-century Catholic novelist Walker Percy, whose works attempted to convey the true depth of... more
A lecture in which i reflect on what our tech distractions say about our souls.
Addressing the overarching tensions surrounding how to judge its protagonist, I explore in this essay how Percy's Lancelot helps the theological reader to identify the ways that Lancelot Lamar serves as a type for the modern person whose... more
Brian A. Smith submits that Walker Percy “placed great emphasis on the dangers of functional or utilitarian definitions of law” that deny personhood, or the quality of being human. This essay examines Smith’s study of Percy in light of... more
Paper Presented at APSA Annual Meeting 2019 Eric Voegelin Society Panel: "Literature, Persons, and Modern Politics" ABSTRACT: Political philosopher Eric Voegelin and novelist Walker Percy both make their readers aware of a certain tension... more
Psychiatrists, like the antidepressants they prescribe, aims to enhance a patient's internal psychic well-being. Yet what ails many may not be an internal state like depression or anxiety, but alienation. And the experts of the self to... more
Resumo Charles Sanders Peirce dedicou muito de seus esforços como estudioso preparando livros-textos, artigos, lições, aulas, palestras e esquemas que iriam promover um fértil arcabouço para a investigação genuína em uma comunidade... more
Though Walker Percy is best known as a novelist, he was first and foremost a philosopher. This collection offers a sustained examination of key aspects to his more technical philosophy (primarily semiotics and the philosophy of language)... more