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By examining the trans-disciplinary neologisms called "terminological junctions" in writings of Arakawa and Gins, one may find adequate conditions for making visible, and perhaps resolving a central paradox in the thinking of Gilles... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMusicPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
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      Visual metaphorEmotions
To have an open mind is more important than learning; and we can have an open mind, not by cramming it full of information, but by being aware of our own thoughts and feelings, by carefully observing ourselves and the influences about us,... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyCommunicationIntercultural Communication
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      AdvertisingVisual metaphorPictorial Metaphor
Background: Patient Information materials are used by healthcare providers and professionals to inform people about their conditions and help the patients make decisions.
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      Health PromotionGraphic DesignVisual metaphor
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      AdvertisingContextVisual metaphorMetaphors
Lakoff and Johnson’s dictum that “metaphor is primarily a matter of thought and action and only derivatively a matter of language” (1980: 153) has given rise to numerous studies investigating how metaphors’ verbal manifestations relate to... more
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      Visual StudiesMetaphorVisual metaphorPictorial Metaphor
This edited volume examines how metaphors and related phenomena (metonymies, symbols, cultural models, stereotypes) lead to the discursive construal of a common element that brings the nation together. The central idea is that metaphor... more
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      Cultural StudiesInternational RelationsLanguages and LinguisticsPolitical Science
What is the relation between the three following elements: words, pictures, and conceptual representations? And how do these three elements work, in defining and explaining metaphors? These are the questions that we tackle in our... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorVisual metaphorLinguistic MetaphorPicture Perception
En este trabajo se estudia la adaptación de la literatura al cómic a partir del caso concreto de El puente del troll, un relato de Neil Gaiman que Colleen Doran ha ilustrado más de veinte años después de la publicación del primero. En... more
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      MetaphorVisual metaphorAffect/EmotionAdaptation (Literature)
This qualitative study looks at what constitutes learning from international graduate students' point of view. The qualitative study used focus group and personal interviews to get a comparative look at the meaning of learning from the... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationIntercultural CommunicationInternational Studies
The essay presents the mechanism of what would be called “the Pygmalion effect of art” (the ontological-transfigurative effect of the creator on the created—a term also used in psychology) through Ernst Gombrich’s theory of metaphor.... more
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      AestheticsMetaphorVisual metaphorVisual Arts
Today it is generally accepted that metaphor is not simply a figure of speech or a feature of language, but a fundamental mode of cognition. It is vital to our thinking and crucial for our understanding of abstract concepts. This... more
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      Visual metaphorMultimodal metaphorEmbodied Cognition and Cinema
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemiotics
Relying on earlier work on metaphor by Black, Lakoff and Johnson, Forceville and others, this investigation explores the practices of photographic sequencing used by American media photographer Richard Avedon, and interrogates the... more
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesPhotographyVisual Communication
Batı resim sanatının temel konularından biri olan peyzaj, Türk resim sanatının da ana dinamiklerinden birini oluşturmaktadır. Toplumsal ve dinsel nedenlerden dolayı insan bedenine mesafeli yaklaşan sanatçılar, duygularını ifade etme aracı... more
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      Contemporary ArtVisual metaphorLandscape (Art)Sanat
Ovo se poglavlje bavi metaforom, jednim od središnjih fenomena kognitivnolingvističkih istraživanja. Shvaćanje metafore u kognitivnoj lingvistici značajno je obilježilo pristup tom fenomenu i u drugim disciplinama, a ne samo lingvistici,... more
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      SemanticsConceptual MetaphorMetaphorCognitive Linguistics
Ova je knjiga uvodni pogled na paradigmu kognitivne lingvistike općenito s posebnim naglaskom na nekoliko tema obrađenih u deset poglavlja. Te teme smatramo temeljnima što zbog osobnog istraživačkog iskustva, a što na temelju strukture... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsConceptual MetaphorCroatianConceptual Metaphor Theory
[Article's introduction] Born a decade prior to the Islamic Revolution, Marjane Satrapi grew up in the midst of turmoil. Her critically acclaimed graphic memoir Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, which spans the years immediately... more
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      World LiteraturesCensorshipComics StudiesVisual Rhetoric
This essay was written for the catalogue of the Textures of Memory' exhibition, which I co-curated with Pamela Johnson. It explores the poetics of cloth, and in particular the fold, drawing on ideas from Gilles Deleuze and Felix... more
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      PhilosophyTextilesContemporary ArtBodies and Culture
This paper proposes to define metaphor as a visual-material structure, the sphere of which is ontological rather than cognitive or conceptual. It argues that the essence of metaphor, as either an aesthetic or a communicative unit or both,... more
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      OntologyAestheticsConceptual MetaphorMetaphor
Metaphors play an important role in cognitive process, as they help us to understand the world better, allowing us to shift from the abstract to the concrete. Language in general and metaphors in particular illustrate what is in our... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorMetaphorVisual metaphorColours
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      Visual SemioticsConceptual MetaphorTheory of Metaphor and RhetoricsConceptual Metaphor Theory
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      Visual StudiesEmbodied Mind and CognitionConceptual MetaphorMetaphor
Metaphor is generally defined as describing a concept or an issue through another matter that is more familiar and known. The basis of metaphor is describing a fact or an object by linking to concepts of different domains of meaning, in... more
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      Graphic DesignPoster DesignMetaphorVisual metaphor
This chapter discusses and reflects on the contributions in the “metaphor analysis in multimodal discourse” part of the current book, and sketches developments and challenges in CMMT (Conceptual Metaphor & Metonymy Theory). Specifically,... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryVisual metaphorImage SchemasMultimodal metaphor
THOUGHT or Imaginary EXPERIMENTS and METAPHORS‭ (‬volume‭ ‬3‭) I intended to deal with the different sections or chapters in one volume,‭ ‬but as certain sections or chapters are very long,‭ ‬like chapter‭ ‬1,‭ ‬THEORIZING AND... more
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      PhilosophyConceptual MetaphorTheory of Metaphor and RhetoricsConceptual Metaphor Theory
PhD thesis about the changes in the conception and the representation of the relationship between body and mind during the 17th century scientific revolution.
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      Visual SemioticsConceptual MetaphorMyths and Symbols as carriers of unconscious contentBody Image
"The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another" (Lakoff and Johnson 1980: 5). Lakoff and Johnson's description is an attractive one, since it suggests that what people do with metaphor is... more
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      Visual StudiesVisual CommunicationMetaphorVisual metaphor
This commentary appraises the approach and methodology used in a visual interpretation of Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra in the form of graphic narrative art. While not alone in the field of graphic novel adaptations, this research... more
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      SemioticsComics StudiesComic Book StudiesVisual Semiotics
Over the past decades, metaphor has come to be seen as a trope that governs thought, not just language. A consequence of accepting this view is that its mani-festations should be examined in semiotic modes other than language alone.... more
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      Visual metaphorMultimodalityPictorial MetaphorMultimodal metaphor
Austerity is a by-product of the ongoing financial crisis. As Kitson et al (2001) explain, what was a “NICE” (‘non-inflationary consistent expansion’) economy has turned “VILE” (‘volatile inflation, little expansion’), and the economic... more
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      English for Specific PurposesConceptual Metaphor TheoryCorpus LinguisticsMetaphor
(Meta-Philosophy) Theorizing about Philosophy (CMT, CB and CM) as an exercise inXPhi The processes of theorizing are explored, Weick's Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Conceptual Blending Theory and Conceptual Metaphor tool are described.... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyMetaphysicsOntology
This is a more elaboret and developped version of the first paper published in Polish : M.T. Olszewski, Uwagi na temat mosaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr), Menander XLII, 9-10, 1987, pp. 421-438 (translated to English : The... more
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      ReligionClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyMusic
It is often claimed that a picture tells us more than a thousand words, but studying pictorial metaphors reveals how much background knowledge is needed to make sense of, and evaluate, visuals. Commercial print advertising and billboards... more
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      Visual metaphorPictorial MetaphorPictorial and Multimodal MetaphorMetaphor and Culture
Political cartoons make meaning by drawing on scenarios that must be immediately recognizable by their intended audience. Crucial meaning-making mechanisms in these scenarios are verbo-visual ensembles of metaphors and metonymies. In this... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntertextualityModern Chinese HistoryVisual metaphor
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      Conceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphorCognitive Linguistics
This article examines environmental public service announcements, or eco-PSAs, as increasingly crucial yet under-investigated tools for environmental communication in mainland China. Following an overview of existing gaps in the... more
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      Environmental CommunicationIntertextualityVisual metaphorChinese Public Service Advertising
The present chapter describes VisMet Baby, the pilot phase of an envisioned larger project, aimed at creating the first online corpus of visual metaphors, to be used by scholars and students as well as by artists and researchers in... more
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      Visual SociologyVisual StudiesVisual SemioticsConceptual Metaphor
Hanna Ammar-Éros et jeux d'enfants dans la céramique attique des v e et iv e siècles av. J.-C.
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      Ancient NovelHistory Of EmotionsMetaphorPlutarch
Книжка на численних прикладах із візуальних мистецтв досліджує візуальні й мультимодальні метафори з перспективи інтеракційної теорії метафори та теорії концептуальної метафори. Крім аналізу принципів побудови візуальних і мультимодальних... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryVisual metaphorMultimodal metaphorвізуальна метафора
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      Cultural StudiesHealth CommunicationComics StudiesGraphic Design
Our minds are capable of perceiving similarities not only within the same but also across different sensory areas and different cognitive domains. Iconicity is representation based on similarity, and cross-modal iconicity, which is an... more
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      SemioticsIntermedialityConceptual MetaphorCommunication Theory
In "The Architectural Metaphor in Western Medieval Artistic Culture: From the Cornerstone to The Mystic Ark," I identify and analyze the source texts for the use of architectural metaphor in medieval culture, and trace their use up... more
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      Art HistoryArcitecture as the Making of MetaphorsMetaphorRomanesque Art
This article explores the mental operations people undertake when they encounter a visual metaphor. First, an integrated theoretical model of visual metaphor processing is proposed. The model is then empirically evaluated: in a think... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive PsychologyPragmaticsVisual Semiotics
Abstract: Le village de Shahba, devenu la colonie romaine de Philippopolis, est situé à quatre-vingt dix kilomètres au sud de Damas et à vingt kilomètres au nord de Suweida’ en Syrie du Sud. Sa notoriété et son développement sont dus à... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionMythology And FolkloreArchaeology
The circle and the sphere, in philosophical speculations, exist as symbols of perfection, as metaphors of divinity, as models of eternity as well as approximations of essential properties of cognitive acts. Their geometry is also an... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy Of MathematicsVisual metaphorVisual Thinking