Virtual Exhibitions
Recent papers in Virtual Exhibitions
This document describes the work currently in progress within the Virtual Museum Transnational Project (V-MUST.NET), within the Work Package 2 “house of Questions” dedicated to establish requirements and criteria analysis in the Virtual... more
A change in any medium brings about a change in our life. This change does not only affect the way we use the said medium but also affects the way we feel, understand, and perceive the world through that medium. As we are adopting and... more
This document describes the work currently in progress within the Virtual Museum Transnational Project (V-MUST.NET), and specifically within the Work Package 2, dedicated to the creation of a common language in the Virtual Museum domain.... more
IVED) AN INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL EXHIBITION DESIGN IVED 1 U n i v e r s i t y f o r t h e C r e a t i v e A r t s -F a r n h a m T u t o r : P e t e r W a t e r s / M a t t C r i p p s M A I n t e r i o r D e s i g n F P G T M 0 9 8 : R e f l... more Le LEM et l’Université Orientale de Naples organisent, à partir de fin septembre, une exposition virtuelle sur Robert d’Anjou et son époque. L’exposition virtuelle "Les savoirs à Naples à l’époque... more
Περίληψη Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται μία διδακτική προσέγγιση της διδασκαλίας της Ιστορίας της Τέχνης. Η ιδέα του σχεδιασμού και της υλοποίησης αυτής της εκπαιδευτικής άσκησης αξιοποιεί βασικές επιστημολογικές και παιδαγωγικές... more
The paper presents the rapid evolution of mobile devices and technologies in the last period, which facilitate the development of new kinds of mobile applications, such as mobile virtual exhibitions. New paradigms about mobile virtual... more
M A I n t e r i o r D e s i g n F P G T M 0 8 5 : F i n a l P r o j e c t 8 / 2 4 / 2 0 0 9 By: Nehal Almerbati 0806993
A new interactive virtual exhibition
Posted in News by AEJM / Ardjuna Candotti on October 23, 2015
Posted in News by AEJM / Ardjuna Candotti on October 23, 2015
Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu 1 od 2004. godine provodi programe digitalizacije građe iz bogatih fondova svojih zbirki. S vremenom se broj jedinica digitalizirane građe znatno povećao. Knjižnica se uključila i u rad... more
Virtual museum exhibitions, based on digital representations of cultural objects arranged in diverse descriptive, narrative or interpretive structures, are an emerging example of a new form of communication between cultural heritage... more
Ao longo de uma trajetória de quase duas décadas entre a prática como gestor, curador e pesquisador de arte digital e tecnológica, me deparo constantemente com as instabilidades do campo. Seja do ponto de vista tecnológico, das condições... more
Od kilkunastu lat popularność zyskują targi wirtualne. Wobec szybkiego rozwoju internetu pojawiły się opinie wskazujące na to, że takie rozwiązania mogą zastąpić spotkania wystawców i zwiedzających, do których dochodzi w halach... more
Deadline (revised) for full articles: 5 October, 2019 Article author guidelines: The aims of this Themed Issue of IJTC are to: 1. Define... more
This paper presents the development of an Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (AR) pillar, a novel approach for showing AR and VR content in a public setting. A pillar in a public exhibition venue was converted to a four-sided AR... more
U radu se razmatraju oblici posredovanja i kreativnog korištenja digitalnog kulturnog sadržaja u baštinskim ustanovama. Ukazuje se na trend predstavljanja digitalne građe u kontekstu koji je nužan za kvalitetnije približavanje baštine... more
Виртуальная выставка с видео-экскурсией. Кураторы - А. А. Богданов, М. А. Смирнова, подготовка цифровых копий - Д. П. Белозеров, Е. А. Ляховицкий. Virtual exhibition with a video tour. Curators - A. A. Bogdanov, M. A. Smirnova, preparing... more
A New Temporary Exhibition of the U. Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art in Jerusalem at the Knesset: From Italy to Jerusalem: An exhibition of Hanukkah Lamps from the U. Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art Curators: Andreina Contessa and... more
DigitalHeritageExpo is the largest exhibition on Digital Heritage ever organised. Spread over more than 700 sqm of space, the exhibition is divided into 6 unique categories: Immersive Environments, DigitalHeritage @ Work, Virtual Museums,... more
Exhibitions and exhibition reviews are known practices in several disciplines. Some of these disciplines have an artistic nature that allows critiques and face-to-face interaction to triangulate the exhibited work from practice,... more
This paper investigates the educational role of cultural products that encompass the new technologies and especially the World Wide Web. A case study of a virtual educational exhibition, which constitutes an ongoing project, is presented.... more
Das Ägyptische Museum der Universität Bonn zeigt erstmals eine virtuelle Sonderausstellung. Im Mittelpunkt der digitalen Schau "Vermenschlichte Zeichen als Schlächter: Singuläre Ikonographie als Spuren sozio-politischer Veränderungen im... more
Within hybrid exhibiting conditions, while the spectatorship experience is theatricalized, space becomes a potential place of action in which various moments of encounter occur. Besides, the exhibit, being by now increasingly assimilated... more In der Online-Ausstellung „Zeitreise“ präsentieren 14 Studierende aus dem Bachelor-Studiengang Geschichte und dem Master „Kultur der technisch-wissenschaftlichen Welt“ an der Technischen... more
The purpose of this article is to present the possibility of implementing a mobile application for virtual exhibitions. Nowadays, the history and art consumers have available web expositions, but compared to personal computers, the mobile... more
In the year 2013 the first virtual exhibition Pablo Picasso, 80th birthday celebration, Vallauris 1961 was introduced to Digital collection of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (DIZBI) to widen the public interest in archival material... more
This paper presents the development of an Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) pillar, a novel approach for showing AR and VR content in a public setting. A pillar in a public exhibition venue was converted to a four-sided AR... more
It is becoming popular to render art exhibitions in Virtual Reality (VR). Many of these are used to deliver at-home experiences on peoples' own mobile devices, however, control options on mobile VR systems are necessarily less flexible... more
Exhibitions/Screenings by Tom R. Chambers.
We discuss a system for the digital capture of museum artefacts which are accumulated into a multimedia repository comprising 3D models, images, video and sound clips as well as textual descriptions. A comprehensive set of metadata is... more
Ein Residency als ein zusätzliches Lehrformat besteht seit 2018 als Kooperationsvereinbarung zwischen der Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz und dem Atelierhaus Salzamt Linz, um über namhafte Museen des Landes... more
This paper presents the development of an Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (AR) pillar, a novel approach for showing AR and VR content in a public setting. A pillar in a public exhibition venue was converted to a four-sided AR... more
Our aim is to describe and define virtual experiments, as a mode of complementation for real experiments in science learning, as well as to explore its potential for complementing informal learning activities carried out by science... more
Puji syukur Penulis ucapkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, atas berkat rahmat dan hidayahnya sehingga proposal pameran virtual siswa ini dapat terselesaikan tepat waktu. Proposal ini disusun dalam rangka pelaksanaan kegiatan pameran karya... more
Link para acesso: English version: Participação no projeto desenvolvido no... more
Se presenta una revisión de las distintas metodologías aplicadas a lo largo del tiempo en el estudio de la encuadernación artística. Para ello, se recurre a la visión del arte ligatorio en tratados generales primero, y en manuales... more