Violence Aganist Women
Recent papers in Violence Aganist Women
Miben volt igaza és mit rontott el Geréb Ágnes? Pályakép, stratégiák és elméleti keret a magyarországi szabadszülés-mozgalom történetében. A vezér elbukott, a háborút megnyerték: az otthonszülés mára legális, de csak kevesen férnek... more
L’article est une restitution problématisée d’un terrain de recherche mené en Italie dans un centre anti-violence accueillant des femmes victimes de violences conjugales. L’étude s’inscrit dans une approche sémio-pragmatique, enrichie par... more
The current view that behaviour which is manifest in non-human primates forms a baseline for human behaviours is examined with special reference to the development of gender determination. A review of 21 non-human primate societies... more
A collective evaluation by leading Mexican intellectuals of the state of Mexico's social movements, society and politics on the eve of the 2006 presidential elections. Intro by Jan Rus and Miguel Tinker Salas; essays by Alejandro Álvarez... more
This article will evaluate whether, and to what extent, preventive measures in the fight against money laundering may limit fundamental freedoms and human rights within the European Union (“EU”). It will analyze two judgments rendered... more
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
The aim of this study is to present a psychometrically sound instrument to assess intimate partner violence offenders' responsibility attributions: the Intimate Partner Violence Responsibility Attribution Scale. The scale was... more
This book examines the prevailing legal discourse surrounding domestic violence law in India. It investigates the myths, patriarchal stereotypes, and misconceptions that undermine the process of justice and dilute legal provisions to the... more
Crimes in the name of 'honour' are on a rise in our country. Both rural as well as urban areas are gripped with instances of horrific crimes where young citizens of our country are being killed for exercising their democratic right of... more
Öz: Bu çalışma kadına yönelik şiddet eylemlerinin kültürel ve tarihsel arka planını temele alan uygulamalı bir çözümlemeden meydana gelmektedir. Şiddet, ataerkil iktidar ilişkilerinin inşa ettiği bir eylem olarak dikkate alınmaktadır.... more
Violence is a confounding concept. It frequently defies explanation and lacks an agreed upon definition. Yet geographers are well positioned to bring greater conceptual clarity to violence by thinking through its intersections with space.... more
The spirit of entrepreneurship has been instrumental in achieving economic and social inclusion by redesigning social structure. It is for this reason that efforts are being made to keep this spirit of enterprise alive by creating... more
Kadına yönelik şiddet tüm toplumlarda yaygın bir sosyal sorun olarak varlığını devam ettirmektedir. Aile içinde yaşanan şiddet olaylarında ise genellikle mağdur kadına yönelik müdahaleler uygulanmakta, şiddeti ortaya çıkaran aile yapısı... more
Existiam em Coimbra durante o período aqui em apreço dois recolhimentos de mulheres: o Recolhimento do Paço do Conde e o Recolhimento da Misericórdia . Os recolhimentos foram um dos mecanismos de controlo dos destinos mulheris utilizados... more
Kadına yönelik aile içi şiddet ulusal ve uluslararası alan yazında çok boyutlu olarak incelenmekte olan bir travmatik (örseleyici) bir yaşantı ve bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Bu alanda çalışmakta olan birçok meslek grubunun arasında... more
During the onslaught of the Islamic caliphate on Kobanî, Syria, media outlets across the globe broadcast pictures of brave and often unveiled Kurdish women fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a quintessentially male... more
In this paper I examine the presence of rape myths and gender stereotypes, and the norms of sexuality they reflect and reinforce, in Croatian rape laws, as exemplified by the recent practice of the Zagreb County Court. I begin with a... more
This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee. This study has three main objectives: 1) providing an overview of the... more
The term ‘phronetic social science’ was coined in Making Social Science Matter (Flyvbjerg 2001). However, as pointed out in that volume and by Schram (2006), phronetic social science existed well before this particular articulation of the... more
प्रस्तुत शोध पत्र का उद्देश्य महिलाओं की सामाजिक-आर्थिक स्थिति के आधार पर महिलाओं के प्रति हिंसा एवं संवैधानिक अधिकारो का अध्ययन करना है। शोधकार्य वर्णनात्मक (सर्वेक्षण) शोध प्रविधि पर आधारित है। जनसंख्या के लिए श्रीनगर, पौड़ी गढ़वाल के... more
دمج قضايا أمن المرأة في إصلاح قطاع الشرطة في اليمن. بعض المقترحات إصلاح هيكل
There is ferment in the social sciences. After years of sustained effort to build a science of society modelled on the natural sciences, that project, long treated with suspicion by some, is now openly being rethought. A critical... more
A pesar de los logros que se han tenido para alcanzar la igualdad de género, todavía hay una larga batalla por ganar, sobre todo en el ámbito empresarial. En este sector las des- igualdades entre mujeres y hombres siguen presentes, desde... more
Starting from an episode of gender violence suffered by the community of Franciscan tertiaries of Santa Maria de la Cruz de Cubas and caused by its prelates, we analyze here the denounce discourse formulated by these women in the... more
The essays in this book examine how norms of gender, culture and educational practice contribute to school violence. Taking a sociocultural approach to understanding violence, chapters explore how language, image, text and everyday... more
With a point of departure in the concept "uncomfortable knowledge," this article presents a case study of how the American Planning Association (APA) deals with such knowledge. APA was found to actively suppress publicity of malpractice... more
One of my own personal favorites, this essay takes as its point of departure one of the earliest extant records of the French medieval stage which has nonetheless been effaced from most histories: the gang-rape of a woman in 1395 on the... more
This article analyzes correlates of victim-blaming attitudes regarding partner violence against women (PVAW) among the Spanish general population (N = 1,006). Results showed that victim-blaming attitudes were more common among respondents... more
Η οπτική του φύλου στον ενεργειακό τομέα είναι ένα παραγνωρισμένο θέμα στις Ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, αλλά αρκετά οικείο και τεκμηριωμένο ερευνητικά στις χώρες του τρίτου κόσμου. Το παρόν άρθρο συνδέει το σύγχρονο ενεργειακό τοπίο με τις... more
La integridad electoral se refiere a las elecciones basadas en los principios de sufragio universal e igualdad política. Sin embargo, las democracias más jóvenes y las más antiguas del mundo no adhieren a estos principios y presentan... more
This article offers a feminist critique of risk theorizing for criminology. Current theoretical discussions of ‘risk society’ and governmentality are critically appraised with reference to gender, raising questions about the nature of... more
later Problems and ProsPects of countries of former Yugoslavia 20 years later: Problems and prospects of countries of former Yugoslavia Copyright © -Center for the Study of Post-Yugoslav Societies, Faculty of Arts, 1 st edition This... more
The aim of this study is to present a psychometrically sound instrument to assess intimate partner violence offenders' responsibility attributions: the Intimate Partner Violence Responsibility Attribution Scale. The scale was... more
Η οπτική του φύλου στον ενεργειακό τομέα είναι ένα παραγνωρισμένο θέμα στις Ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, αλλά αρκετά οικείο και τεκμηριωμένο ερευνητικά στις χώρες του τρίτου κόσμου. Το παρόν άρθρο συνδέει το σύγχρονο ενεργειακό τοπίο με τις... more